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Hibarnhvidar Stables

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Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
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Hibarnhvidar Stables
Province Forfedhdar
Justice Unknown
Town Hibarnhvidar
Map Ranik's Map 116
Owner Kwint
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Horse shops, Tack shops, Food shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Hibarnhvidar, Stable]
Solidly built of thick, expertly hewn and mortared rock, the stable provides snug housing and protection from the worst of the storms that sometimes sweep over the city. A thick layer of fresh hay blankets the stone-flagged floor, cushioning the horses' hooves as they pass in and out. In one corner is a large pen holding the horses and ponies currently offered for sale. You also see the stable door.

Animals for Sale
Item Price Done
[To look at an individual animal type ORDER to get a list of the beasts for sale and their corresponding numbers then type LOOK #.]
light chestnut horse 425000   No
red roan horse 425000   No
dun horse 425000   No
red roan pony 425000   No
light chestnut horse 425000   No
liver chestnut horse 425000   No
dark bay pony 425000   No
silver grey horse 425000   No
buckskin horse 425000   No

[Hibarnhvidar, Stable]
With a truly luxurious auburn beard, impressive even by Dwarven standards, Stableman Hvik presides over his small shop, offering all the supplies a horse owner requires to keep a steed in top condition. Occasionally muttering to himself in a basso profundo growl, Hvik busies himself day and night with keeping the items for sale in superb condition. You also see a large sign.

A large sign reads: "Ask me about TACK, FOOD, or GROOMING, and I'll show you the list of what you can ORDER from me today."

Item Price Done
bright scarlet caparison trimmed with heavy gold braid 1750   !!
intricately tooled leather saddle 20000   !!
thick scarlet wool saddle pad 1000   !!
polished black leather halter 1000   !!
polished black leather bridle 1500   !!
felted scarlet blanket 1500   !!
black leather lead rope 800   !!
Item Price Done
very large carrot 5   !!
cube of salt 10   
shiny red apple 10   DG
hay 45   
grain 2000   
Grooming Supplies
Item Price Done
carved steel curry comb 250   !!
large mane and tail brush 300   !!
two-sided soft brush 300   !!
onyx-handled hoof pick 1500   No