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Famous Last Words (4)

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Famous Last Words
Event Hollow Eve Festival 417
Owner Unknown
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Weapon shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Famous Last Words]
The walls and ceiling are of brushed metal oiled to a gleam, and the floor is covered in narrow maple planking. The center of the room is dominated by a circle of varnished oak easels with gear-shaped bronze fittings, suggesting an art gallery rather than a shop.
You also see a tome entitled "Your Message Here", a directory entitled "Say it with Arrows!", a compendium entitled "Say it with Bolts!", a book entitled "Say it with Sling Pellets!", a bronzed arch leading out to the corridor, a catalog entitled "Say it with Pie!", a bronze spittoon and a bronze urn.
Obvious exits: none.

In the tome entitled "Your Message Here"
Item Price Done
message pellet 36,080   !!
message dagger 90,200   
message bolt 135,300   !!
message arrow 135,300   !!
message dart 63,140   !!
In the directory entitled "Say it with Arrows!"
Item Price Done
"LAZY" arrow 36,080   !!
"NO YOU" arrow 36,080   !!
"TAG" arrow 36,080   !!
"GOOBER" arrow 36,080   !!
"PORRIDGE-BRAIN" arrow 36,080   !!
"LINE SKIPPER" arrow 36,080   !!
"ATTENTION STARVED" arrow 36,080   !!
"GOT ISSUES" arrow 36,080   !!
"CAPITULATE" arrow 36,080   !!
"I DARE YOU" arrow 36,080   !!
In the compendium entitled "Say it with Bolts!"
Item Price Done
"MUSH-HEAD" bolt 36,080   !!
"NO YOU" bolt 36,080   !!
"GOT ISSUES" bolt 36,080   !!
"NOT IT" bolt 36,080   !!
"LEECH BREATH" bolt 36,080   !!
"KISS OFF" bolt 36,080   !!
"OUT OF MY WAY!" bolt 36,080   !!
"GOBLIN-FACE" bolt 36,080   !!
"SUCK-UP" bolt 36,080   !!
"BOOT LICKER" bolt 36,080   !!
In the book entitled "Say it with Sling Pellets!"
Item Price Done
crying pellet 9,020   !!
laughing pellet 9,020   !!
"TRY THAT AGAIN" pellet 9,020   !!
"TEARS TO YOU!" pellet 9,020   !!
"SUCKER" pellet 9,020   !!
"WITH A SLING!" pellet 9,020   !!
"SERIOUSLY?" pellet 9,020   !!
"DOOFUS" pellet 9,020   !!
"SCAB-FOR-BRAINS" pellet 9,020   !!
"REFUSE-EATER" pellet 9,020   !!
In the pie catalog entitled "Say it with Pie!"
Item Price Done
apricot pie decorated with the words "WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?" 45   
rum-raisin pie decorated with the word "CHUCKLEHEAD!" 45   !!
banana cream pie decorated with the words "NO BACKSIES" 45   !!
chocolate pie decorated with the words "ATTACK PIE" 45   !!
vanilla cream pie decorated with the words "IN YOUR FACE!" 45   !!
burnt pie decorated with the word "OVERDONE!" 45   !!
strawberry pie decorated with the word "DIE!" 45   !!
pungent pie decorated with the words "POOR WINNER" 45   !!
rancid pie decorated with the words "YOU DONKEY!" 45   !!
bright green pie decorated with the word "SMILE!" 45   !!
In the bronze spittoon
Item Price Done
stick of black charcoal 22   !!
In the bronze urn
Item Price Done
"NOPE" spear 50000 tickets   !!
"DONE YET?" spear 500 tickets   !!
"NEVER AGAIN" spear 8000 tickets   !!
"SNOTTY IMP" spear 15000 tickets   !!
"HA-HA" spear 15000 tickets   !!
"SCRAM!" spear 50000 tickets   !!
"HANDS OFF" spear 50000 tickets   !!