Category:Barbarian masteries

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Masteries are passive traits that Barbarians can unlock after spending a significant number of ability slots in a path.

Masteries are taught by the Pit Masters.


  • They are named after types of warriors.

Summary of Masteries

Ability Type Skill Difficulty Path Cost Prereqs Effect
Templar mastery Flame 1 0 Provides bonus to effective ranks (Augmentation, Warding, or Utility) when using forms, 20% to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Yogi mastery Flame 1 0 Reduces up-front inner fire cost of meditations (meditations have no pulsing cost).
Powermonger mastery Flame 1 0 +Primary Magic skill, Provides effective bonus to inner fire skill when calculating inner fire usage, 20% up to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Titan mastery Horde 1 0 Provides a reduction to the start-up cost and pulsing cost of berserks. Chance to reset War Stomp cooldown with a kill.
Strategos mastery Horde 1 0 Unlocks ROAR AREA and ROAR CREATURE
Juggernaut mastery Horde 1 0 Increases inner fire gain from all kills against critters, and from strikes in PvP (60 second timer).
War Stomp mastery None 0 100th circle +No buffs, -No debuffs, Impact damage, Fire damage
Duelist mastery Predator 1 0 Increases passive regen cap of inner fire pool by around 30%, providing more inner fire out of combat.
Tribalist mastery Predator 1 0 +Debilitation skill, Provides bonus to effective ranks when using Barbarian debilitation such as roars or Earthquake berserk, 20% to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Exemplar mastery Predator 1 0 Form inner fire cost reduction
Paragon mastery Predator 1 0 20% (capped at 50 ranks) bonus to effective skill when using a meditation

Pages in category "Barbarian masteries"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.