A magically imbued type of footwear which comes in many variations. All the different types of footwear have the same basic verbs and allow you to flee an area on INVOKE.
FOCUS: The <footwear> are not entirely mundane, but it is unlike any sort of magic you are familiar with.
INVOKE: The wings of your <footwear> slowly spread.
The wings of your <footwear> flap gently.
The wings of your <footwear> beat powerfully.
You feel yourself lifted slightly, and suddenly you are in motion!
Everything blurs as your <footwear> speed you (random direction)...
(new room)
Roundtime: 6 sec.
The wings of your <footwear> relax and fold themselves at your ankles.
INVOKE (after use): The wings of your <footwear> flap listlessly, as if tired, and presently stop.
The shop which sold the footwear was found on the 2 Merelew Island purchased events. You would purchase a plainly wrapped box, and when opened you would receive a randomized item. The following table shows some of the possible options found from that merchant.
- black
- white
- grey
- dun
- cloud-grey
- ink-black
Wing Type
- winged
- raven-winged
- ibis-winged
- bat-winged
- eagle-winged
- boot
- shoe
- moccasin
- sandal
In addition to the Merelew shop, a number of winged footwear have been offered via raffles and as incidental rewards from quests and events.