Post:Partial Schedule for Alterers - 05/14/2012 - 18:48

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Partial Schedule for Alterers · on 05/14/2012 06:48 PM CDT 1349
Tuesday, May 15th @ 9pm EST

Esmaril - Works on musical instruments.

Thursday, May 17th @ 8pm EST
Sindah - Works on clothing and general items - Nothing magical.

Friday, May 18th @ 9pm EST
Rellecke - Works on WM Familiars.

Sunday, May 20th - Time TBA
Keishalae - Works on all sorts of stuff.

Monday, May 21st - 11pm EST
Pum - You'll have to find him and ask.

Thursday, May 24th @ 9pm EST
Esmaril - Works on musical instruments.

Friday, May 25th - Times vary
Lists will be set to Premium Only
Phior - Clothing and general items - Early afternoon.
Sindah - Clothing and general items - Mid-afternoon.
Kauko - Armor (prefers metal) and occasionally metal jewelry. - Late afternoon.
Snidley - All sorts of stuff - Early evening.
Keishalae - All sorts of stuff - Mid-evening.
Rellecke - WM Familiars - Late evening.

Monday, May 28th @ Midnight EST
Malva - Works on general items.

We also have an alterer that is willing to do a 2am or 3am PST session for you off-hours people, is there much interest in that? I don't want to schedule them and end up having no one to work with, so reply and let me know!

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Festivals / Merchants, by DR-LYNEYA on the forums.