Post:The question of Smozh - 4/11/2010 - 18:08:15

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Re: The question of Smozh · on 4/11/2010 6:08:15 PM 3954
The more notable reasons for naming someone Smozh would be things like kin-slaying, which was of course the first reason but it would certainly be possible for a reputable leader to choose his or her own reasons. If King Arhhdan wanted to disgrace someone for defiling his name, he could certainly do that. As could the leader of a Sraan, or even the leader of one of the [ S'Kra Mur ] Rathan Houses. The important factor however is that it would never be done lightly.

As for the charges of Necromancy specifically, it would fall on whosever authority that particular S'Kra Mur fell under. There is no "S'Kra Mur nation" to which all members of the race belong. If -- and mind you, this is an if; purely hypothetical -- if Kind Arhhdan came out and proclaimed that all S'Kra Mur Necromancers were seen as Smozh and should be made such on sight, hey that's great. But if you're anything other than a citizen of Muspar'i, his word shouldn't mean diddly squat to you.

~ GMBasilisc ~

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms (12) \ S'Kra Mur - S'Kra Mur Musings (16), by DR-BASILISC on the forums.