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Khiol Norawts'Dziri
Race Rakash
Gender Male
Guild undisclosed
Instance Prime

You see Arcane Researcher Khiol Norawts'Dziri, a Rakash. He has an oval face, almond-shaped violet eyes and a classical nose. Your black hair is short and fine, and is worn loose. He has pale skin and a lean build. He is slightly under average height for a Rakash. He is a cub-herder. He has a thin sparse mustache on your upper lip and a long shaggy beard.

He is wearing a silver kyanite gwethdesuan, a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a cambrinth icosahedron, the pure white head and pelt of an enormous snowbeast, an onyx pin, a diamond pin, a dark fur-lined sack, a dusty oilcloth rucksack with leather straps, a warcat suede fighting shirt with dark leather ties, a wide cambrinth armband, a stark white and black feathered fetish wristlet, an etched gold eternity band, an albredine crystal ring, a lumpy bundle, a wicked silver belt knife, a blunt-beaked gryphon skull, a telescope tube of dark fur and polished bone endcaps, a sturdy steel herbal case, some leather pants trimmed with bone discs, a bone-beaded suede thigh sheath and some plain black leather boots.


  • His interests are the study of the history of magic, discovery of new magic, and preservation of old magic.
  • Has more than a passing interest in the empathic transferance link and its possibilities.
  • Prefers to operate outside of the cities, though social at times close proximity to the masses makes him nervous.
  • One of two surviving members of Dzirta del Ena Reness
  • Sister is the Rakash sorceress Azmina.
  • Has serious distaste for other Rakash, with a few exceptions.
  • Is married to the Moonprincess Arsenyka.

Notes on the Past

  • Vharskel(Father and Alpha of Dzirta del Ena Reness) walks the starry road after the raid that also removed Kalag the Black from thieves guildhall in the Crossings.
  • Both Khiol and Azmina taken in and raised by an old human who barely got by in a small shack in the Middens.
  • 392, Azmina runs off to Ilithi to persue a career in magical enchantment, leaving Khiol to fend for himself.
  • 393, the old man is killed by the Sewer Rat Gang in thier series of attacks on the Crossings. Once again Khiol is alone.
  • 400, Word of Azmina's expected demise while attempting some form of Teleological experiment. No body was recovered.