Instinct skill
Scouting is a survival skill used to track creatures, players or to enter the Ranger Trail System. The scouting skill is available exclusively to Rangers.
Scouting is primarily trained via the SCOUT command.
SCOUT SYNTAX: ------------- scout area scout cover my tracks scout cover <player's> tracks scout cover my trail <direction> scout marker scout read learn scout read teach scout trailmarker scout awareness <player> -------------
The Scouting skill will determine the difficulty of trailmarker you are able to read. As skill progresses more difficult trails will become available, the roundtime for scouting a trailmarker will decrease as well as transit time inside the trail system. The amount of people you can lead down a trail will also increase with skill.
Scouting may also be trained via the TRACK command.
Scouting awareness works on players, creatures you hunt, and on NPC's.
Training Strategy
Scouting can be a difficult skill to train until you are able to scout trails. A popular method is to find an a trackable NPC, such as the halfling lad in arthe dale, and track repeatedly.
Once you have enough ranks to scout trailmarkers training becomes significantly easier. Simply find two linking trailmarkers and run between the two.
Training Scouting will teach a small amount of perception.
Scouting Milestones
Scout Awareness - 16 Scouting
Scout Area - 101 Scouting
Personal Trail Markers - 175 Scouting
Scout Cover my Trail - 200 Scouting
Sneak down trails - 225 Hiding + 225 Stalking
In previous years the Scouting skill was teachable to non-Rangers, but this is no longer the case.
Provides the only method for accessing the Ranger Caches.