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Endian Nation
First Age
The Endian Nation was formed by the Luethrans in the First Age. It spanned the Albarian continent, was ruled by Azhjam, and was seated at Albabriddlaen. These years were also a formative period for the Luethran justice system.
Second Age
During the Luethran Second Age, the Endian Nation turned outward, allying with the Elves, and later the Gnomes.
These close ties with their northen neighbors would lead to intermittent hostilities with the Adamantia, who blockaded the northern trade routes into Kermoria. With northern trade declining, the Luethrans turned their attentions south to the newly arrived gnomes, including a lasting treaty with the Cip'uja tribe.
It is during this time, the Luethrans also turned to the seas, settling Pi'Qanah, the Irasushen Islands, and M'Riss. These colonies enabled a restoration of trade with the Elves, unhindered by Dwarven influence.
Third Age
The Third Age marked the Golden Age of the Endian Nation and the Luethran peoples. Architecture, Arts, Engineering and Magic, flourished during this time. By now, the Endian Nation covered nearly the entirety of Albaria.
Two major new cities were founded during the early years of the Third Age: New Albabriddlaen, and Avaev the Waterfall City was founded near Shaerek lands.
Contact and later treaties were formed with the Nirejis, who dwelt in the far western Albarian forests. Signing the Nireji-Endian Treaty, the Luethrans withdrew from a portion of the western Albarian forests.
Avaev grows in significance during this period, serving as a crossroads for trade and commerce between the Gnomes in the south, the Nirejis in the west, the Shaerek in the north, and the Luethrans in the east. A school is founded in Avaev by Siyasartu Jelonci, increasing the city's stature as students flock to the city to learn from him.
Avaev and New Albabriddlaen are linked by a newly constructed aqueduct, supplying both with fresh water from the mountains.
The Celestial Temple is constructed and becomes a center of learning in the Endian Nation.
During this time, Luethran mages developed and refined teleportation techniques, while the gnome Giblor develops the telescope.
A sickness kills Azhjam Rasman, signaling the end of the Golden Age.