Property:Terrain is

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Description: Unknown
Type: string
Allows Value: any, badland, boreal forest, chaparral, coastal, deciduous forest, desert, freshwater wetland, highland mountain, ice cap, marine, photophobic, rainforest, rural cultivated, savannah, scrub and thorn, steppe, subterranean, urban cultivated

There are currently 27 items in this property, 0 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 10 pages using this property.
rural cultivated  +, steppe  +, urban cultivated  +
boreal forest  +, chaparral  +, coastal  +,
boreal forest  +, chaparral  +, coastal  +,
chaparral  +, coastal  +, scrub and thorn  +
boreal forest  +, freshwater wetland  +, rainforest  +,
desert  +, ice cap  +, steppe  +
boreal forest  +, deciduous forest  +, steppe  +
badland  +, deciduous forest  +, freshwater wetland  +,
chaparral  +, coastal  +, scrub and thorn  +
chaparral  +, scrub and thorn  +, steppe  +
The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing ...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "any", "badland", "boreal forest", "chaparral", "coastal", "deciduous forest", "desert", "freshwater wetland", "highland mountain", "ice cap", "marine", "photophobic", "rainforest", "rural cultivated", "savannah", "scrub and thorn", "steppe", "subterranean", "urban cultivated" ] } }