Property:Ability effect is

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Description: A property used for the short effect of a spell.
Type: string

There are currently 602 items in this property, 116 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
+Forging skill, +Outfitting skill, +Engineering skill  +
+No buffs, -No debuffs, Balance damage  +
Shows duration remaining of abilities  +
+Primary Magic skill, Provides effective bonus to inner fire skill when calculating inner fire usage, 20% up to a maximum of 50 ranks.  +
When disabled (stun/immobilize/web/knockdown), you dive-roll out of the room.  +
Extends time before a corpse decays. Teaches Thanatology and First Aid.  +
minor illusions, mostly fluff?  +
Flat damage reduction and potency barrier against undead.  +
Ablative ward against vs. will contested abilities.  +
+Parry Ability skill  +
Reduces shape/summon/turn rt by 4 seconds. Allows density to be altered.  +
Creates construct.  +
+Melee accuracy, +Ranged accuracy, pulses to group.  +
create a raining cloud over player's head  +
+Mana level, Fatigue damage, self damage, life mana only  +
slicing/puncture barrier  +
Add prophetic insight, bypass astrological observation timers, and bypass telescope checks for selected random constellations.  +
Impact damage, Fire damage, multi-strike damage; knockdown  +
Additional attunement reserves  +
Ablative barrier against Fear attacks and attacks vs. Will. Pulses to group at the level of the Bard's current barrier.  +

Showing 1 related entity.