Property:Messaging is

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Description: A property for messaging, such as verb syntax outputs or spell messaging.
Type: Text

There are currently 271 items in this property, 25 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
'''HICCUP'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiccup. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hiccups. <br/> '''HICCUP (hidden)'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiccup. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear someone hiccup. <br/>  +
For most races, hissing is a role-playing verb used to express anger or to mock someone. S'Kra Mur may also use the verb like the '''say''' command. The letter 's' in hissed words will be repeated, for example "pots" becomes "potsss". ==Prydaen== '''HISS'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hisses. <br/> '''HISS (hidden)'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear what sounds like a cat hissing nearby. <br/> '''HISS <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss angrily. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hisses angrily, her fur standing straight on end. <br/> ==S'Kra Mur== '''HISS'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hisses. <br/> '''HISS (hidden)'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss menacingly from the shadows. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear the spine-chilling hiss of a S'Kra Mur somewhere in the shadows. <br/> '''HISS <words>'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss, "<words>." <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hisses, "<words>." <br/> ==Other Races== '''HISS'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss in a poor imitation of a S'Kra Mur. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> makes a hissing noise that doesn't really sound much like a S'Kra Mur. <br/> '''HISS <person>'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss mockingly at <Person>. <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> hisses mockingly at you. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> hisses mockingly at <Person2>.<br/> '''HISS (hidden)'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiss in a poor imitation of a S'Kra Mur. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear someone making a hissing noise. <br/>  +
'''HOOT'''<br/> ''You see'': You attempt to hoot like an owl but sound more like someone with their foot on fire. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> makes a feeble attempt to imitate an owl. <br/> '''HOOT (hidden)'''<br/> ''You see'': You attempt to hoot like an owl but sound more like someone with their foot on fire. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear someone making a feeble attempt to hoot like an owl. <br/> '''HOOT (Ranger, female)'''<br/> ''You see'': You hoot, sounding remarkably like a real owl. <br/> ''Others see'': Female Ranger hoots, sounding remarkably like a real owl.<br/> '''HOOT (Ranger, female, hidden)'''<br/> ''You see'': You hoot, sounding remarkably like a real owl. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear the hooting of an owl from somewhere.<br/> '''HOOT (Ranger, male)'''<br/> ''You see'': You attempt to hoot but it comes out more like a grunt. <br/> ''Others see'': <br/> '''HOOT (Ranger, male, hidden)'''<br/> ''You see'': You attempt to hoot but it comes out more like a grunt. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear a strange grunting sound.<br/>  +
'''HORK'''<br/> ''You see'': You feel bile rising in your throat. The burning sensation tickles your esophagus and enters your mouth, causing you to almost expel the liquid. Reflexively (and disgustingly), you manage to deglutition it back. <br/> ''Others see'': <Player> makes a strangled gurgling sound, and you briefly notice (his/her) eyes bulge before <Player> swallows hard. '''HORK GAG'''<br/> ''You see'': Your stomach churns and you gag involuntarily. <br/> ''Others see'': <Player> grips (his/her) stomach and gags involuntarily. <br/> '''HORK MEAL''' <br/> ''You see'': You suddenly feel ill and barely choke back a vile expulsion of your last meal. <br/> ''Others see'': <Player> looks ill, as if (he/she) is about to lose (his/her) last meal.  +
'''HOWL'''<br/> ''You see'': You throw your head back and howl! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> throws <his/her> head back and howls! <br/> '''HOWL <hidden>'''<br/> ''You see'': From your hidden location you howl! <br/> ''Others see'': From somewhere close, you hear a howl! <br/>  +
'''HUM'''<br/> ''You see'': You hum to yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hums to herself. <br/> '''HUM HAPPY'''<br/> ''You see'': You hum happily to yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hums happily to herself. <br/> '''HUM SAD'''<br/> ''You see'': You hum sadly to yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hums sadly to herself. <br/> '''HUM CHEERFUL'''<br/> ''You see'': You hum cheerfully to yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hums cheerfully to herself. <br/> '''HUM MOURNFUL'''<br/> ''You see'': You hum mournfully to yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hums mournfully to herself. <br/> '''HUM <hidden>'''<br/> ''You see'': You hum to yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear someone humming from the shadows. <br/> '''HUM <hidden> <emote>'''<br/> ''You see'': You hum <emote> to yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear someone humming to <himself/herself>. <br/>  +
'''HUZZAH'''<br/> ''You see'': You let out a loud "Huzzah!" <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> lets out a loud "Huzzah!" <br/> '''HUZZAH <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You mutter a sour "Huzzah" to yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> mutters a sour "Huzzah" to herself. <br/> '''HUZZAH <person>'''<br/> ''You see'': You let out a loud "Huzzah!" for <Person>! <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for <Person2>! <br/>  +
'''IGNORE'''<br/> ''You see'': You ignore the world around you. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> appears to completely block out the world about <him/her>. <br/> '''IGNORE <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You must really hate yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> takes on a haughty countenance. <br/> '''IGNORE <person>'''<br/> ''You see'': You pointedly ignore <Person>. <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> pointedly ignores you. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> pointedly ignores <Person2>. <br/>  +
'''INHALE'''<br/> ''You see'': You take in a great breath of air. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> inhales a great swallow of air. <br/> '''INHALE <smoking item>'''<br/> ''You see'': <br/> ''Others see'': <br/> '''INHALE (hidden)'''<br/> ''You see'': You take in a great breath of air. <br/> ''Others see'': You hear some heavy breathing. <br/>  +
'''JUMP'''<br/> ''You see'': You bounce up and down like a little kid. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> begins bouncing up and down like a little kid! <br/> '''JUMP (while sitting)'''<br/> ''You see'': You bounce in your seat! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> bounces from where <he/she> is sitting! <br/> '''JUMP <person>'''<br/> ''You see'': You jump back from <Person>! <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> jumps back from you! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> jumps back from <Person2>! <br/> '''JUMP <self>''' - This varies and gives 5 second Roundtime<br/> '''JUMP (in water)'''<br/> ''You see'': You jump up in the air and land with a colossal *WHOOOOSH*, spraying water everywhere! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> jumps up in the air and lands with a colossal *WHOOOOSH*, spraying water all over you! <br/>  +
'''KICK <self> (while standing or lying down)'''<br/> ''You see'': Kicking yourself? can't be that bad, can it?<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> looks like <he/she> could kick <himself/herself>.<br/> '''KICK <person>'''<br/> ''You see'': You kick <Person>!<br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> walks over and kicks you in the shin!<br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> kicks <Person2>!<br/> '''KICK <person> (while lying down)'''<br/> ''You see'': You throw a glorious temper tantrum!<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> throws a bit of a temper tantrum!<br/> '''KICK (in water)'''<br/> ''You see'': You lean back and kick your feet, churning up water that sprays out in all directions. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> churns up water with her feet, spraying you thoroughly.<br/> '''KICK <person> (in water)'''<br/> ''You see'': You kick water at <Person>, spraying <him/her> thoroughly.<br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> kicks <his/her> feet, churning up water that sprays you thoroughly.<br/> '''KICK <item> (not worn or held)'''<br/> ''You see'': Now what did <item> ever do to you?<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> just tried to kick <item>.<br/> Additional custom usage available for many verby items.  +
'''KISS <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You lick the tip of your nose.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' licks the tip of ''<his/her>'' nose.<br/> '''KISS <Player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You kiss ''<Player>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' just kissed you.<br/> '''KISS <Player> HAND'''<br/> ''You see'': You take the hand of ''<Player>'' and kiss the back of it.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' takes your hand and gently kisses the back of it.<br/> '''KISS <Player> NECK'''<br/> ''You see'': You gently kiss ''<Player>'' on the neck.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' gently kisses you on the neck.<br/> '''KISS <Player> FOREHEAD'''<br/> ''You see'': You gently kiss ''<Player>'' on the forehead.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' gently kisses you on the forehead.<br/> '''KISS <Player> NOSE'''<br/> ''You see'': You kiss ''<Player>'' on the nose.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' Catrin kisses you on the nose.<br/> '''KISS <Player> CHEEK'''<br/> ''You see'': You gently kiss ''<Player>'' on the cheek.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' gently kisses you on the cheek.<br/> '''KISS <Player> SLOW (unmarried)'''<br/> ''You see'': ''<Player>'' seems a little reserved for that. / You kiss ''<Player>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' just kissed you.<br/> '''KISS <Player> LIGHT'''<br/> ''You see'': You give ''<Player>'' a light kiss.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' gives you a light kiss.<br/> '''KISS <Player> TENDER (unmarried)'''<br/> ''You see'': ''<Player>'' seems a little reserved for that. / You kiss ''<Player>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' just kissed you.<br/> '''KISS <Player> PLAYFUL'''<br/> ''You see'': You grin at ''<Player>'', blowing her a playful kiss.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' grins at you, blowing a playful kiss in your direction.<br/> '''KISS <Player> LOVING (unmarried)'''<br/> ''You see'': ''<Player>'' seems a little reserved for that. / You kiss ''<Player>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' just kissed you.<br/> '''KISS <Player> GENTLE'''<br/> ''You see'': You give ''<Player>'' a gentle kiss.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' gives you a gentle kiss.<br/> '''KISS <Player> AIR'''<br/> ''You see'': You lean forward, your lips not quite touching ''<Player>'''s as you make little kissy noises.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' leans forward, her lips not quite touching yours as she makes little kissy noises.<br/> '''KISS <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': You kiss ''<item>''!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Person>'' just kissed ''<item>''!<br/>  
'''KNEEL <standing>'''<br/> ''You see'': You kneel down upon the ground. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> kneels down. <br/> '''KNEEL <sitting>'''<br/> ''You see'': You kneel. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> kneels. <br/> '''KNEEL <prone>'''<br/> ''You see'': You rise to a kneeling position. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> rises to a kneeling position. <br/> '''KNEEL <person> <standing>'''<br/> ''You see'': You kneel down upon the ground before <Person>. <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> kneels down before you. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> kneels down before <Person2>. <br/> '''KNEEL <person> <sitting>'''<br/> ''You see'': You kneel before <Person>. <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> kneels before you. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> kneels before <Person2>. <br/> '''KNEEL <person> <prone>'''<br/> ''You see'': You rise to a kneeling position before <Person>. <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> rises to a kneeling position before you. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> rises to a kneeling position before <Person2>. <br/>  +
'''KNOCK <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': You knock upon <item>.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' knocks on <item>.<br/> <br/>  +
'''LANGUAGE HELP'''<br/> Displays the help menu.<br/> '''LANGUAGE'''<br/> Displays a list of languages that you know, and highlights the one you are currently speaking<br/> '''LANGUAGE {tongue}'''<br/> Switches to the chosen language<br/>  +
'''LAUGH'''<br/> ''You see'': You laugh! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> laughs! <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone laugh. <br/> '''LAUGH <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You laugh at yourself. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> laughs at <himself/herself>. <br/> '''LAUGH <person>'''<br/> ''You see'': You laugh at <Person>! <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> laughs at you! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> laughs at <Person2>. <br/> '''LAUGH <creature>'''<br/> ''You see'': ? <br/> ''Others see'': ? <br/> '''LAUGH HAPPY'''<br/> ''You see'': You laugh happily. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> laughs happily. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone laughing happily nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH MANIAC'''<br/> ''You see'': You laugh in maniacal glee! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> cackles like a lunatic! <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone cackling like a lunatic! </ br> '''LAUGH SOFT'''<br/> ''You see'': You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement. <br/> ''Others sees'': <Person> laughs softly, trying to hide <his/her> amusement. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone laughing softly nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH LOUD'''<br/> ''You see'': You burst out in loud, raucous laughter. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> bursts out in loud, raucous laughter. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear loud, raucous laughter nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH MERRY'''<br/> ''You see'': You raise your voice in merry laughter. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> raises <his/her> voice in merry laughter. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone laughing merrily. </ br> '''LAUGH PAIN'''<br/> ''You see'': You force yourself to laugh through your pain. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> laughs through her pain, grinning stoically. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone laughing nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH MOCKING'''<br/> ''You see'': You snort a derisive laugh, sneering in mockery.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> snorts a derisive laugh, sneering in mockery. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a snort of derisive laughter. </ br> '''LAUGH SAD'''<br/> ''You see'': You laugh, your eyes reflecting barely hidden sorrow. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> laughs, <his/her> eyes reflecting barely hidden sorrow. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone laugh nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH EVIL'''<br/> ''You see'': You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> cackles deep in <his/her> throat, <his/her> voice rising in chilling laughter. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a dark, chilling cackle of laughter nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH TRIUMPH'''<br/> ''You see'': You burst out in triumphant laughter! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> bursts out in triumphant laughter! <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a triumphant laugh nearby! </ br> '''LAUGH DRUNK'''<br/> ''You see'': You hiccup and giggle with drunken laughter. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> hiccups and giggles with drunken laughter. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone giggling drunkenly nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH SILLY'''<br/> ''You see'': You begin to giggle, then burst out in a silly laugh.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> begins to giggle, then bursts out in a silly laugh. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a silly giggle and a laugh nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH INSANE'''<br/> ''You see'': You burst into a fit of insane laughter! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> cackles insanely, wild-eyed and drooling. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a wild, cackling laugh nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH NERVOUS'''<br/> ''You see'': You force a grin and laugh nervously. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> forces a grin and laughs nervously. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear someone laughing nervously nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH BELLY'''<br/> ''You see'': You hold your sides and let out a rumbling belly laugh. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> holds <his/her> sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a rumbling belly laugh nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH ROAR'''<br/> ''You see'': You throw back your head and roar with laughter! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> throws back <his/her> head and roars with laughter! <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a roar of laughter. </ br> '''LAUGH DELIGHT'''<br/> ''You see'': You laugh with delight! <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> laughs with delight, <his/her> eyes full of merriment. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a laugh of delight nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH DONKEY'''<br/> ''You see'': You rear back your head and let out a guffaw that would inspire envy in a donkey. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> rears back <his/her> head and lets out a honking guffaw that would inspire envy in a donkey. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a loud, honking guffaw nearby. </ br> '''LAUGH SNORT'''<br/> ''You see'': You burst out in a sudden snort of laughter. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a sudden snort of laughter. </ br> '''LAUGH MUFFLED'''<br/> ''You see'': You give a muffled laugh. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> gives a muffled laugh. <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a muffled laugh. </ br> '''LAUGH NOT'''<br/> ''You see'': You hold your hand up before your lips, trying desperately not to laugh. Maybe your choking noises will be mistaken for a swallowed fishbone. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> holds her hand up before her mouth and begins to cough, <his/her> shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious! <br/> ''If hidden others see'': You hear a strangled, choking noise, but can't see who made it! </ br>  
'''LEAN'''<br/> ''You see'': You shift your weight. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> shifts <his/her> weight. <br/> '''LEAN <forward/back/left/right>'''<br/> ''You see'': You lean <back/forward/to your left/right>. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> leans <back/forward/to his/her left/right slightly>. <br/> '''LEAN <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You fold your arms across your chest. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> folds her arms across her chest. <br/> '''LEAN <person>'''<br/> ''You see'': You lean on <Person>. <br/> ''Target sees'': <Person> leans on you. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person1> leans on <Person2>. <br/> '''LEAN <object>''' (in this case, a tree)<br/> ''You see'': You lean against a towering linden tree. <br/> ''Others see'': <Person> leans against a towering linden tree. <br/>  +
'''LEAP (outdoors)'''<br/> ''You see'': You leap up into the air, your hand outstretched to the sun!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' leaps up into the air, <his/her> hand outstretched to the sun!<br/> '''LEAP (indoors)'''<br/> ''You see'': You leap up into the air, your hand outstretched to the ceiling!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' leaps up into the air, <his/her> hand outstretched to the ceiling!<br/> '''LEAP (while sitting)'''<br/> ''You see'': You try to leap up from your sitting position, but only manage to propel yourself on to your back!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' suddenly flings herself on to her back from a sitting position! How very strange.<br/> '''LEAP (while kneeling, non-Ranger)'''<br/> ''You see'': You leap from your knees to your feet, taking on a readied stance.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' leaps from her knees to her feet, taking on a readied stance.<br/> '''LEAP (while kneeling, Ranger)'''<br/> ''You see'': You rise to your feet fluidly, like a large graceful cat.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' rises to her feet fluidly, like a large graceful cat.<br/> '''LEAP (while lying down)'''<br/> ''You see'': You kick your legs wildly into the air, lashing out at the ceiling!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' kicks her legs wildly into the air, lashing out at the ceiling!<br/>  +
'''LECTURE <message>'''<br/> ''You see'': You lecture, "<message>"<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' lectures, "<message>"<br/> Example: LECTURE Both of you, knock that off!  +