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ItemSource isRarity is
Battered modwir spearZombie kobold headhunter Skeletal kobold headhunter
Breaking and Entering/Rooms and Loot/Material options
Burnished wheel painted with colorful sea creaturesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Butcher's knife fit with a short hiltBreaking and Entering/Kitchen loot
Compact writing slate with a borderBreaking and Entering/Library lootcommon
Competition miniature flock of seagulls with beady yellow eyesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizesincidental
Cracked modwir spearZombie kobold headhunter Skeletal kobold headhunter
Dainty comb carved with blossomsBreaking and Entering/Bedroom loot
Dainty cowbell fit with a polished handleBreaking and Entering/Library loot
Deeply-pitted tomiek mallet with a coarse modwir handleSkyward Crafting (4)festival
Etched briquet marked with a simple blossomBreaking and Entering/Armory loot
Feathery seaweed fronds dappled with swirlsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes
Folding chair with a cushioned seatHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Fragile cubeBreaking and Entering/Bedroom loot
Fragile sea globe with a polished baseHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Gnarled modwir staff crested by a blue diamond discQuest for Kanton's Dagger
Haon arbalest with a series of small notches cut into the stockDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 435/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loot
Hollow Eve 399 gift
Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes/Material options
Item:Hollow Eve 399 gift
Item:Polished modwir sheath draped with crimson ties
Item:Teensy modwir stool
Jewelry pestMishli Hollow Eve Festival 447gift
Lacquered abacus strung with polished beadsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Lacquered band set with a tiny clownfishHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Lacquered modwir fishing pole painted with purple stripesHollow Eve Festival 436/Raffles
Large portrait framed in woodBreaking and Entering/Library loot
Latticed picnic basket tied with sea ottersHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizesincidental
Long mixing stick topped with a trio of bloomsBreaking and Entering/Kitchen lootcommon
Loose-fitting pajama top with polished buttonsBreaking and Entering/Bedroom loot
Mesh sieve with a polished handleBreaking and Entering/Kitchen lootcommon
Metal scissors with wood handlesBreaking and Entering/Work Room lootcommon
Miniature toy crossbow composed of woodBreaking and Entering/Armory loot
Miniature turtlesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Modwir arbalest with a series of small notches cut into the stockHollow Eve Festival 428/Raffles
Modwir flower basket displaying shimmering ribbonsTildi's Flowers (6) Tildi's Flowers (4)
Modwir serpent covered with cobalt-rubbed black leatherWhimsical Winds (3)
Modwir-hafted disk maceKilora's Weaponry
Narrow recipe box with hingesBreaking and Entering/Kitchen loot
Narrow steel-bladed kitchen knife with an engraved handleBreaking and Entering/Kitchen loot
Pair of dice with shell-shaped pipsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Petite lap harp inlaid with bloomsBreaking and Entering/Library lootcommon
Pilgrim's badge sculpted with the emblem of an ImmortalHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizesincidental
Polished cane entangled by a sprawling krakenHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Polished comb with blossoms in bas-reliefHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Polished modwir sheath draped with crimson tiesPeaceful Intentions (2), Peaceful Intentions (2)
Polished ring set with an oval cambrinth cabochonBreaking and Entering/Sanctum lootcommon