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  • Grieve command

  • Grimace command

    You see: You grimace.
    Others see: A pained expression crosses <Person>'s face.

  • Grin command

    You see: You grin.
    Others see: <Person> grins.

  • Grind command

  • Groan command

    You see: You groan.
    Others see: <Person> groans.

    GROAN (while hidden)
    You see: You groan.
    Others see: You hear someone groaning.

  • Group command

  • Grovel command
    Can NOT perform in RT.

    You see: You begin to grovel desperately.
    Others see: <Person> begins to grovel with a desperate look on <his/her> face!

    GROVEL <self>
    You see: That wouldn't accomplish anything.
    Others see: N/A

    GROVEL <person>
    You see: You grovel and tug on <Person> as you beseech <him/her> to show mercy and kindness towards you!
    Target sees: <Person> bows to you and begins groveling! With a quivering voice, <Person> begs you to show mercy and kindness for <his/her> inexcusable actions!
    Others see: <Person1> bows to <Person2> and begins groveling! With a quivering voice, <Person1> begs <Person2> to show mercy and kindness for <his/her> inexcusable actions!

  • Growl command

    You see: You growl ferociously!
    Others see: <Person> growls ferociously!

    GROWL <self>
    You see: You growl low in the back of your throat.
    Others see: <Person> growls low in the back of <his/her> throat.

    GROWL <person>
    You see: You growl at <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> growls at you.
    Others see: <Person1> growls at <Person2>.

    GROWL (while hidden)
    You see: You growl ferociously!
    Others see: You hear the sound of someone growling ferociously!

    GROWL <person> (while hidden)
    You see: You growl at <Person>.

    You know, this isn't too terribly impressive when you can't be seen.
    Target sees: You hear the sound of someone growling.
    Others see: ?

  • Grumble command

    You see: You grumble.
    Others see: <Person> grumbles.

    GRUMBLE <self>
    You see: You grumble to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> grumbles to <himself/herself>.

    GRUMBLE <person>
    You see: You grumble at <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> grumbles at you.
    Others see: <Person1> grumbles at <Person2>.

    GRUMBLE (hidden)
    You see: You grumble.
    Others see: You hear someone grumble.

  • Grunt command

    You see: You make a grunting noise.
    Others see: <Player> makes a grunting noise.

    GRUNT (Barbarian)
    You see: You make a disgusting grunting noise.
    Others see: <Barbarian> makes a disgusting grunting noise.

    GRUNT (Halfling)
    You see: ?
    Others see: <Halfling> makes an odd noise like s/he just inhaled a tart.

    GRUNT <self>
    You see: You grunt to yourself.
    Others see: <Player> grunts to her/himself.

    GRUNT <player>
    You see: You grunt at <Player>
    Target sees: <Player> grunts at you
    Others see: <Player> grunts at <Player2>

    GRUNT <item>
    You see: You grunt at <item>.
    Others see: <Player> grunts at <item>.

  • Guard command

    GUARD (player/item/STOP)

    When used with a player target, allows you to protect the specified player, causing you to become the target for the next attack against them.
    GUARDing an item provides limited protection against that item being taken by another player but it does not prevent it from being taken.

    GUARD STOP causes you to stop guarding the player or item you were guarding, if any. This must be done before you can guard someone or something else.

  • Gulp command

    You see: You gulp.
    Others see: <Person> gulps.

    GULP (hidden)
    You see: You gulp.
    Others see: You hear someone gulp.

  • Guzzle command
    GUZZLE <person>

    You see: Say what?
    Target sees: <Person> glances at you with a thirsty look in <his/her> eye.
    Others see: <Person1> glances thirstily at <Person2>.

  • Hack command

  • Hail command
    HAIL (non-Gnome/non-Kaldar)

    You see: You go through the motions of the traditional Kaldaran greeting but it just doesn't seem quite right.
    Others see: <Person> attempts a Kaldaran greeting but it just looks like a limp salute.

  • Hangback command

  • Harness command

  • Healme command

  • Health command

  • Hello command

  • Help command

  • Hiccup command

    You see: You hiccup.
    Others see: <Person> hiccups.

    HICCUP (hidden)
    You see: You hiccup.
    Others see: You hear someone hiccup.

  • Hide command

  • Highfive command

  • Hire command

  • Hiss command
    For most races, hissing is a role-playing verb used to express anger or to mock someone. S'Kra Mur may also use the verb like the say command. The letter 's' in hissed words will be repeated, for example "pots" becomes "potsss".


    You see: You hiss.
    Others see: <Person> hisses.

    HISS (hidden)
    You see: You hiss.
    Others see: You hear what sounds like a cat hissing nearby.

    HISS <self>
    You see: You hiss angrily.
    Others see: <Person> hisses angrily, her fur standing straight on end.

    S'Kra Mur

    You see: You hiss.
    Others see: <Person> hisses.

    HISS (hidden)
    You see: You hiss menacingly from the shadows.
    Others see: You hear the spine-chilling hiss of a S'Kra Mur somewhere in the shadows.

    HISS <words>
    You see: You hiss, "<words>."
    Others see: <Person> hisses, "<words>."

    Other Races

    You see: You hiss in a poor imitation of a S'Kra Mur.
    Others see: <Person> makes a hissing noise that doesn't really sound much like a S'Kra Mur.

    HISS <person>
    You see: You hiss mockingly at <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> hisses mockingly at you.
    Others see: <Person1> hisses mockingly at <Person2>.

    HISS (hidden)
    You see: You hiss in a poor imitation of a S'Kra Mur.
    Others see: You hear someone making a hissing noise.

  • Hold command

  • Home command

  • Hoot command

    You see: You attempt to hoot like an owl but sound more like someone with their foot on fire.
    Others see: <Person> makes a feeble attempt to imitate an owl.

    HOOT (hidden)
    You see: You attempt to hoot like an owl but sound more like someone with their foot on fire.
    Others see: You hear someone making a feeble attempt to hoot like an owl.

    HOOT (Ranger, female)
    You see: You hoot, sounding remarkably like a real owl.
    Others see: Female Ranger hoots, sounding remarkably like a real owl.

    HOOT (Ranger, female, hidden)
    You see: You hoot, sounding remarkably like a real owl.
    Others see: You hear the hooting of an owl from somewhere.

    HOOT (Ranger, male)
    You see: You attempt to hoot but it comes out more like a grunt.
    Others see:

    HOOT (Ranger, male, hidden)
    You see: You attempt to hoot but it comes out more like a grunt.
    Others see: You hear a strange grunting sound.

  • Hork command

    You see: You feel bile rising in your throat. The burning sensation tickles your esophagus and enters your mouth, causing you to almost expel the liquid. Reflexively (and disgustingly), you manage to deglutition it back.
    Others see: <Player> makes a strangled gurgling sound, and you briefly notice (his/her) eyes bulge before <Player> swallows hard.

    You see: Your stomach churns and you gag involuntarily.
    Others see: <Player> grips (his/her) stomach and gags involuntarily.

    You see: You suddenly feel ill and barely choke back a vile expulsion of your last meal.
    Others see: <Player> looks ill, as if (he/she) is about to lose (his/her) last meal.

  • Howl command

    You see: You throw your head back and howl!
    Others see: <Person> throws <his/her> head back and howls!

    HOWL <hidden>
    You see: From your hidden location you howl!
    Others see: From somewhere close, you hear a howl!

  • Hug command

  • Hum command

    You see: You hum to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums to herself.

    You see: You hum happily to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums happily to herself.

    You see: You hum sadly to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums sadly to herself.

    You see: You hum cheerfully to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums cheerfully to herself.

    You see: You hum mournfully to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums mournfully to herself.

    HUM <hidden>
    You see: You hum to yourself.
    Others see: You hear someone humming from the shadows.

    HUM <hidden> <emote>
    You see: You hum <emote> to yourself.
    Others see: You hear someone humming to <himself/herself>.

  • Hunt command

  • Hurl command

  • Huzzah command

    You see: You let out a loud "Huzzah!"
    Others see: <Person> lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

    HUZZAH <self>
    You see: You mutter a sour "Huzzah" to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> mutters a sour "Huzzah" to herself.

    HUZZAH <person>
    You see: You let out a loud "Huzzah!" for <Person>!
    Target sees: <Person> lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you!
    Others see: <Person1> lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for <Person2>!

  • Ignore command

    You see: You ignore the world around you.
    Others see: <Person> appears to completely block out the world about <him/her>.

    IGNORE <self>
    You see: You must really hate yourself.
    Others see: <Person> takes on a haughty countenance.

    IGNORE <person>
    You see: You pointedly ignore <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> pointedly ignores you.
    Others see: <Person1> pointedly ignores <Person2>.

  • Infamy command

  • Info command

  • Infuse command

  • Inhale command

    You see: You take in a great breath of air.
    Others see: <Person> inhales a great swallow of air.

    INHALE <smoking item>
    You see:
    Others see:

    INHALE (hidden)
    You see: You take in a great breath of air.
    Others see: You hear some heavy breathing.

  • Instruct command

  • Intelligence command

  • Intone command

  • Inventory command

  • Invfix command

  • Invoke command