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Far from the simple facepaint of carnivals and elves, warpainting is the art of adding an screaming exclamation point to a Barbarian's visage.
Warpaint comes in several grades of paint sticks, ranging from basic warpaint (cylinder), up through Savage (cone), Berserker (cube), and Plunderer (brick). Basic warpaint is purely for show, Savage and Berserker have some but not all of the commands, and Plunderer has all of the commands.
War paint was available from Osgeth, however he has only been seen selling war paint once since GameMasters Iayn and Niamah left. Osgeth had briefly set up shop out Acenamacra before disappearing again.
Before he left, Iayn indicated that he intended to make at least some of the grades a permanent fixture in Vishlan's shop. It remains to be seen if the new Barbarian Guild Advocate, Aurdun, intends to do so as well.
- STUDY PAINTSTICK - This will display the options for paintsticks.
- APPLY PAINTSTICK - This will apply the war paint using the currently selected pattern and location.
- TURN PAINTSTICK - This will rotate through the various patterns that can be done.
- APPLY PAINTSTICK TO <person> - This will apply the war paint to another person, using the currently selected pattern and location.
- APPLY PAINTSTICK TO <helpless person> - This will add a mark of shame, in the form of a handprint, or if one is held in the left hand, a stamp image.
- PUSH PAINTSTICK1 WITH PAINTSTICK2 - This will combine the paintsticks.
The Mechanical Lore skill, as well as currently unstated stats, are involved in not only determining whether the painting is successful, but also the quality of the painting.
No more than two sticks of the same grade of war paint may be mixed with the other, however this will not increase its amount, and will produce a stick with the color of "<color 1> and <color 2>" rather than a true blending of color.
War paint may be applied to others, and may be more beneficial this way if an older Barbarian paints a younger one. However, war paint may also be applied to non-Barbarians, though in this case, it is simply for show, regardless of the grade of paint.
War paint can be applied to a helpless (unconcious) target as a mark of shame, normally resulting in handprint in the color used. However, if a forging stamp or war paint stamp is held in the other hand, the image will be that of the stamp.
War paint will eventually fade over time, though use will speed this up.
There are four verbs that directly interact with the worn warpaint, each of which will fade the war paint somewhat. Their availability is based on the grade of paint used.
- SCREAM WARPAINT - Boosts intimidation for next roar
- Your eyes flare and your face contorts to emphasize your warpaint.
- MEDITATE WARPAINT - Boosts Discipline
- You focus your mind on your warpaint, girding yourself with it like armor.
- CONCENTRATE WARPAINT - Boosts resistance to intimidation effects
- You concentrate on the patterns of your warpaint, steeling your mind and body against fear.
- STARE WARPAINT - Boosts charisma
- You envision your warpaint in your mind. Using that vision, you flex your muscles and adjust your posture to impressive effect.
There is a cooldown period between each use, and between the charisma boost and intimidation boost. You may receive the message "You can't find that sort of inspiration from your warpaint right now." if you have gained no effect, or if you are on the border and have reduced effect, "That did not feel as inspiring as you had hoped."
In addition, a Barbarian wearing war paint may evoke a fear reaction from people when they are LOOKed at.
Custom Warpaint
A few Barbarians have managed to acquire custom war paint kits since it has been released. These kits produce war paint that is equal to or better than the best store-bought paintsticks, with extreme resistance to fading through use or time passage. This is counterbalanced by several limitations, such as the inability to be applied to anyone else, through any means, and the 60 second RT application time. The kits originally came with 200 applications, though prior to his leaving, GameMaster Iayn indicated that from time to time refills would be made available from Osgeth at a very dear price.
War paint cannot be worn with a forehead gem or face paint.
Feature hiding items will hide war paint, and though it can still be used and will not reduce any bonuses, it will prevent the fear reaction when being looked at.
Upon being arrested, the guards will throw water on the character, removing the paint.