Item:Stubby wand stained with soot

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Revision as of 10:16, 18 November 2022 by TEVESHSZAT (talk | contribs)
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stubby <metal> wand stained with soot
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 3,750,000 Kronars3,000,000 Lirums <br />2,706,000 Dokoras <br />3,750 LTBpoints <br />3,750 Tickets <br />3,750 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an item.
  • This item is magical.
  • This item is related to a creation process that is not part of the updated crafting systems.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Hollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
This is a consolidated page that describes the mechanics of an item with many cosmetic variations, such as Hollow Eve gifts. Please document functionality, verbs, and other important information here instead of posting it on individual item pages. This ensures that all of the documentation is on one page instead of having it scattered across multiple pages; it also simplifies collaboration.

You may still create/edit individual item pages to add looks and other appraisal data, but please include a link to this page where players can read about how the item works.


You sense a whorl of elemental magic rippling through the wand. Waving the wand would conjure some exceptional quality crafting equipment that is a little effective at increasing crafting speed into being for an extremely long time. Tapping the wand should un-conjure the equipment and pulling the wand should lock the equipment to only allow you to put items on it. Focusing upon the mana powering the device you sense a cluster of unbroken lines that are capable of regenerating extremely slowly.
It becomes very clear that any unfinished crafting items left on the equipment will be destroyed when the magic ends! If you leave the area for too long the equipment may no longer recognize the wand's magic, and you will be unable to unsummon or lock it.
  • STUDY: You believe this wand can be activated by waving it, and de-activated by tapping it. It may be possible to lock the equipment for your own use by pulling the wand. Perhaps the magically inclined could focus upon it to learn even more.


An example is a stubby covellite wand stained with soot.

Bolded materials are rare and required for alterations.
