Dantia/Storylines/Mana Surges & Wild Magic/Sorcery Messengers

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Breath of the Heralds Asildu, a Human Scholar

Full wiki entry here: Asildu

Summary of beliefs.

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Jul 28, 2024
Breath of the Heralds Asildu, a Human Scholar, made his debut at an Overhealers Anonymous meeting, presenting himself as knowledgeable about the Heralds while maintaining an air of mystery. His primary focus was warning against the use of sorcery, which he described as a dangerous "disease" requiring a cure. When questioned about the missing adventurers, Asildu deflected, suggesting that finding a cure for sorcery might lead to their discovery, while denying any Herald involvement in their disappearance. Log courtesy of Ayrell.

Messenger Miraena, Voice of the Heralds of Elanthia

Full wiki entry here: Miraena

Summary of beliefs.

Date Summary Link
Jun 15, 2024
Messenger Miraena, Voice of the Heralds of Elanthia, makes her first appearance just outside the West Gate of Crossing. A simple farmer and messenger from a distant village, she claims to have had a "vision" from the Heralds in which the ultimate disastrous effects of the use of sorcery were made clear to her. She pleads with the gathered adventurers to cease the use of sorcery for the greater good, including for the safety of her distant village. She appears naive about city life and somewhat fearful of adventurers, but is determined in her mission. She also gives blue irises to several people, telling them that she has grown them herself and that they will serve as a reminder for who she is trying to save. Log courtesy of Casari

Avatar of the Summoning Valenal, Elemental Conduit of Elanthia

Full wiki entry here: Valenal

Summary of beliefs.

Date Summary Link
Jun 15, 2024
Valenal was first spotted in the Crossing Empath Courtyard. He appears nervous and socially awkward, and struggles with social cues. He seems to be knowledgeable about complex magical and metaphysical concepts and believes that there is a dangerous energy imbalance in the Plane of Abiding. He claims that energy is being stolen from the plane in small, discrete amounts thanks to non-sorcerous magic. This outflow is causing magical oddities and worsening effects, and at this rate of drain there is a potential to "break everything." He warned those gathered to be wary of those who speak against sorcery, and urged them to stop whoever is behind the energy theft. Log courtesy of Allye

Log courtesy of Kethrai

Log courtesy of Ayrell

Name Template

Appearance: Wiki page

Summary of beliefs.

Date Summary Link
Jun 15, 2024
Summary N/A