Item:Pair of carved ivory fangs

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pair of carved ivory fangs
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 1 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 43,750 Kronars35,000 Lirums <br />31,570 Dokoras <br />43.75 LTBpoints <br />43.75 Tickets <br />43.75 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is jewelry.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item is worn in a generic slot.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: This can be found from a Treasure Map or Glass Egg
Source is Fangs For the Memory (1)

Your eyes will change colors along with some of the following commands with other objects from the shop.

platinum and ruby ring: The world momentarily takes on a deep blood-hued tint.


  • WEAR: You place your carved ivory fangs in your mouth and adjust them until they are comfortable.
  • SNARL: You bare your carved ivory fangs and snarl menacingly.
<Person> bares <his/her> burnished steel fangs and snarls menacingly.
  • EAT: You gnaw lightly on your lower lip. The razor-sharp tip of one of your fangs breaks the skin and causes a tiny bead of blood to appear, which you casually catch with the tip of your tongue.
<Person> gnaws lightly on <his/her> lower lip, as if lost in thought. The razor-sharp tip of one of <his/her> fangs breaks the skin and causes a tiny bead of blood to appear. Almost absent-mindedly, <he/she> catches it with the tip of <his/her> tongue.
  • LICK: You run the tip of your tongue over the point of one of your fangs.
<Person> casually runs the tip of <his/her> tongue over the point of one of <his/her> carved ivory fangs, somehow managing to appear both threatening and seductive at the same time.
  • RUB: You reach up and polish the front of one of your carved ivory fangs with the tip of your index finger.
<Person> reaches up and polishes the front of one of <his/her> carved ivory fangs with the tip of <his/her> index finger.
  • FROWN: You frown balefully, making sure the tips of your fangs are visible.
<Person> frowns balefully. The tips of <her/his> carved ivory fangs are clearly visible protruding from beneath <her/his> upper lip.
  • LAUGH: You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter.
<Person> cackles evilly, <his/her> voice rising in chilling laughter. Two carved ivory fangs are clearly visible protruding from beneath <his/her> upper lip.
  • POINT: You pick at your carved ivory fangs with your pinky, trying to dislodge a bit of your last meal.
<Person picks at <her/his> carved ivory fangs with <her/his> pinky, trying to casually dislodge a bit of <her/his> last meal. Real classy.