Hollow Eve Festival 447/Auction

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Auction of high end and rare items during the Hollow Eve Festival 447.

Preview List

Fight Good While Looking Good



Look Good While Fighting Good

Clothing and Jewelry



Prime Auction

Date: Saturday, November 25, 2023, at 9:00 pm ET

Item Buyer Platinum
giant Firulfian crystal fishbowl adorned with two umbrellas and red candy fish Golameth 90,000
capacious gloomwood telescope tube capped at either end with a malevolent onyx er'qutrite Miskton 175,000
seasilk saddlebag embroidered with a chariot drawn by sea-creatures Shaylynne 33,000
stormwood and asarenjan-scaled hobbyhorse of a ghostly bioluminescent sea dragon Tjir 93,654
nacre-bone capped bagpipes with dual shadowbark chanters Natarian 170,000
shadowleaf-bound book of master crafting instructions Kythryn 80,525
decrepit sunken leather haversack supported by a knotted rope strap Siendra 26,353
elaborate replica of Andreshlew island composed of bejeweled cambrinth Hardness 20,000
squat barkcloth tree stump covered in dried moss Khearkrash 200,000
majestic spring emerald icesilk gown blossoming with Nature's Canopy emeralds Allye 260,000
blackened heater shield bearing a widespread maroon yavasite inferno inlay Baelor 4,400
brinewood basket adorned with an Imperial topaz clasp Kaedan 104,500
dawnfire steel covered sketchbook with sungold-edged pages Lycette 18,700
iridescent white furniture voucher painted with a gargantuan oyster shell Sfolstikena 20,000

Prime Auction Stats

Stat Platinum
Total Spent
Minimum Price
Median Price
Mean Price
Maximum Price
Standard Deviation

Plat Auction

Date: Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 9:00 PM EST

Winning bids and descriptive statistics have been rounded to the nearest whole number in plats.

Item Buyer Platinum

Plat Auction Stats

Stat Platinum
Total Spent
Minimum Price
Median Price
Mean Price
Maximum Price
Standard Deviation