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 Messaging is
Accept commandACCEPT (used with GIVE)

You see: <Name> has accepted your offer and is now holding <item>.
Target sees: You accept <name>'s offer and are now holding <item>.
Others see: <Name> accepts <name>'s <item>.

ACCEPT TIP (used with TIP)
You see: <Name> accepts your tip and slips it away with a smile.
Target sees: You accept <name>'s tip and slip it away.
Others see: <Name> accepts <name>'s tip and slips it away.

You see: <Name> has accepted your offer and hands you <item> as you hand <him/her> <item/coins>.
Target sees: You accept <name>'s offer and hand <him/her> <item/coins> as you accept <item>.

Others see: <Name> accepts <name>'s <item> and hands <name> <item/coins>.
Accuse commandACCUSE


Acknowledge commandACKNOWLEDGE WARNING
Action commandACTION <act>

You see: (<Name> <act>)
Others see: (<Name> <act>)

ACTION , <act>
You see: (<Name>, <act>)
Others see: (<Name>, <act>)

ACTION 's <act>
You see: (<Name>'s <act>)

Others see: (<Name>'s <act>)
Adjust commandADJUST SHIELD

You see: You adjust the straps of your shield, lengthening them so that it can be worn across your shoulder.
Others see: <Name> adjusts the straps of <his/her> shield, lengthening them so that it can be worn across <his/her> shoulder.

You see: You adjust the straps of your shield, tightening them so that it will fit securely upon your left arm.
Others see: <Name> adjusts the straps of <his/her> shield, tightening them so that it will fit securely upon <his/her> left arm.

You see: You adjust your lumpy bundle to make it neat and compact, although too tight to quickly fit in additional skins.
Others see: <Name> adjusts part of <his/her> lumpy bundle.

You see: You adjust your lumpy bundle so that you can more easily and more quickly fit in additional skins.
Others see: <Name> adjusts part of <his/her> lumpy bundle.

ADJUST <object>
You see: You adjust your <object> into place.

Others see: <Name> adjusts <his/her> <object> into place.
Adopt Command
Advance commandADVANCE

You see: You begin to advance on <target>.
Target sees: <Name> begins to advance on you!
Others see: <Name> begins to advance on <target>.

ADVANCE <target>
You see: You begin to advance on <target>.
Target sees: <Name> begins to advance on you!

Others see: <Name> begins to advance on <target>.
Aft commandAFT
Agility commandAGILITY

You see:
Your base Agility is <number>(<#>).
It will cost you <#> TDPs to raise your Agility from <#> to <#+1>.
Agility helps you hit with weapons, improves manual tasks such as skinning or disarming. It contributes to defensive Reflex contests, among other things.

Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.
Agree commandAGREE WELCOME



... further results

There are currently 0 items in this category and it's subcategories, 0 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.

You see - You applaud.
Target sees - N/A
Others see - Character applauds.

You see - You step back and gaze at a ITEM admiringly.
Target sees - N/A
Others see - Character steps back and gazes at a wide brass choker suspending a trio of graduated ivory cameos admiringly.

You see - You applaud a wild boar, cheering it on!
Target sees - N/A
Others see - Character applauds a wild boar, cheering it on!

You see - You gaze into Character's eyes and applaud her heartily.
Target sees - Character looks at you and applauds!
Others see - Character looks at Character and applauds!

You see - You applaud enthusiastically and flip a silver Kronar in Character's direction. She snatches it nimbly from the air!
Target sees - Character applauds enthusiastically and flips a silver Kronar in your direction. You snatch it nimbly from the air!
Others see - Character applauds enthusiastically and flips a silver Kronar in Character's direction. She snatches it nimbly from the air!

You see - You applaud enthusiastically and flip a silver Kronar in Character's direction. She snatches it nimbly from the air!
Target sees - Character applauds enthusiastically and flips a silver Kronar in your direction. You snatch it nimbly from the air!
Others see - Character applauds enthusiastically and flips a silver Kronar in Character's direction. She snatches it nimbly from the air!

APPLAUD (PERSON)(FOOD ITEM) WARNING! Food item will destroyed
You see - Taking careful aim, you huck the lush cake in Character's direction. Oooo, near miss!
Target sees - Squinting at you, Character takes careful aim and throws a slice of lush cake at you. Duck!
Others see - Character squints at Character, then throws a slice of lush cake in her direction. Oooo, near miss!

You see - Raising your red wine to Character, you give her a toast. Cheers!
Target sees - Raising her red wine to you, Character gives you a toast. Cheers!
Others see - Raising her red wine to Character, Character gives her a toast.

You see - You throw your watermist rose with a deft flick of the wrist, sending it to land neatly at Character's feet.
Target sees - Character gently tosses her watermist rose with a deft flick of her wrist, sending it to land neatly at your feet. Bravo!
Others see - Character gently tosses her watermist rose with a deft flick of her wrist, sending it to land neatly at Character's feet.