Shift debacle

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The Shift Debacle that centered around Empathic Shifting and other forbidden powers.


During the Lyras War the empaths Asrea and Eksharo were involved in a powerful empathic ritual on Lyras that played an essential role in her downfall. As a consequence, Asrea was severely shocked and aged, and Eksharo even more so, possibly losing his empathy permanently.

Subsequent to this, Asrea began a campaign against the Empath Guild hierchy, demanding that they share with the guild populace whatever techniques were behind the strike. Receiving nothing but silence, she began speaking on the gweth openly about the shift ability, offering to perform it for others, despite it's status as a forbidden secret not spoken of by the guild. This resulted in her explusion from the Crossing guildhall (and possibly the guild itself?).

The Bomber

During this time frame an unknown assailant began to bomb the Crossing guild Empath Infirmary. Many adventurers were killed or injured in a series of strikes on several occasions. Aev Halfrida began to investigate the bombings.

Rule of Law

Due to Asrea's efforts, the guild was forced to admit shifting existed, and working with the provincial official had it declared an arrestable forbidden practice in every province but Ilithi.

The Bin Incident

Fall of Annael

On day 221 of the year 406, Annael was confronted by Eksharo in the Crossing Empath Guildhall. He demanded the names of the Empaths present during the Langenfirth bin incident, as Mirinn had refused to divulge them. When she refused to comply, Eksharo threatened to force her, and she resigned as Guildleader.

A reluctant Salvur was chosen to replace her.