Beseech Elanthia to Petrify

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Ranger thumb.jpgRanger Guild
Beseech Elanthia to Petrify
Requirements: Unknown
Slot Cost: Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: beseech / Unknown
Use Cost: 30 alignment
Contest: Unknown vs. Unknown
Path: Unknown
Description: Unknown
Effect: , , , , Beseech Elanthia to Petrify allows the Ranger to temporarily imbue his leather armor with the characteristics of stone, enhancing its stats. The enhanced statistics come at the cost of greater hinderance.
Messaging: Unknown


Every 3 added align lengthens the beseech duration by 4 or 6 seconds, alternating, i.e. from 30-32 align, you will have something around 318 seconds of duration (for a ~40th circle ranger); for 33-35 align, 322 seconds; for 36-38 align, 328 seconds and so on.


Petrify Beseech increments the absorption bonus for every increase of 10 alignment over 30. That is to say that at 30-39 align, you'll get one bonus, 40-49 a larger bonus, etc. up to whatever the cap is. That's from never seeing the app on 3 sets of leathers, one pair of gloves, and one cowl only changing when going from 10*N+9 to 10*(N+1).


Visit Tomma and ASK her about this beseech. Then head to Arthe Dale and enter the house of the founder of the village. Check out the piece of wood on his mantle. ARRANGE it, then SKIN it. Try with a carving knife.