Paladin titles by rank

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WORK IN PROGRESS. (Please help!)

This page is a collaborate effort to determine all Paladin title requirements. It is organized by the highest skill required. Within each skill bracket, it is organized by skill (in ascending order). If two titles have the same highest skill requirement, they are sorted alphabetically.

For titles that list only circles, the highest skill is the primary armor requirement for that circle (for sorting purposes). For titles that list only spells or abilities, the highest skill is the primary armor requirement for the lowest circle at which the ability can be learned.

Even if you do not know the exact requirement, you can contribute. Look at your title list, then look at the noted skills. For example, the list may say "Armor #1: 500", but you may notice you have the title even though you only have 400 ranks in your primary armor. So you can change it to "Armor #1: 400." Or you may notice you have 500 ranks in your primary armor but still do not have the title, so you can place a note that there is an additional requirement.

If you aren't comfortable that you can edit the table without breaking something, post your contribution on the discussion page, and someone who is more wiki-savvy will add it.

You may also post your title list followed by skills, stats, and abilities that may be relevant on the discussion page. This allows other people to reverse engineer the requirements for unknown titles.


Title Requirement(s) Translation
Footboy Circle: 1
Footgirl Circle: 1
Initiate Paladin Circle: 1
Page Circle: 1-10
Equerry Circle: 5
Animal Lore: 5
Faithful soul state: pristine

Circle: 20
Favors: 5
Groom Circle: 5
Animal Lore: 5
Holy Questor eligible for Glyph quest
Apprentice Paladin Circle: 10
Guardsman Circle: 10
Armor #1: 40
Guardswoman Circle: 10
Armor #1: 40
Hostler Circle: 10
Animal Lore: 10
Squire Circle: 10
Stableboy Circle: 10
Animal Lore: 10
Stablegirl Circle: 10
Animal Lore: 10
Stableman Circle: 10
Animal Lore: 10
Stablewoman Circle: 10
Animal Lore: 10
Stonewall Circle: 10
Sentry Armor #1: 45
Circle: 10
Cadet Circle: 15
Legionnaire Circle: 15
Charisma: 15
Defender of the Faith Armor #1: 90
Ironguts Armor #1: 90
Brawling: 70
Journeyman Paladin Circle: 20
Journeywoman Paladin Circle: 20
Madame Armor #1: 90
My Lady
Ridder Armor #1: 90
Sir Armor #1: 90


Title Requirement(s) Translation
Cavalier Armor #1: 115
Animal Lore: 30
Hussar Armor #1: 115
Animal Lore: 30
Conservator Armor #1: 140
Guardian Armor #1: 140
Heretic Armor #1: 140
soul state
Holy Warrior Armor #1: 140
Weapon #1: 110
Parry: 90
Shield: 60
Multi Opponent: 60
Leader Armor #1: 140
Charisma: 20
Paladin Circle: 30
Sentinel Armor #1: 140
Warder Armor #1: 140
Dame Armor #1: 190
Charisma: 22
Expert Paladin Circle: 40
Interceptor protect cover
Knight Armor #1: 190
Charisma: 22
Lance Armor #1: 190
Animal Lore: 40
Officer Armor #1: 190
Charisma: 22
Protector of the Innocent protect cover
Rescuer Armor #1: 190
Templar Armor #1: 190
Charisma: 20
Tower Guard Circle: 40


Title Requirement(s) Translation
Advocate Armor #1: 240
Champion Armor #1: 240
Weapon #1: 190
Strength: 33
Charisma: 26
Hallowed Helm Circle: 50
Favors: 5
soul state
Jouster Armor #1: 240
Animal Lore: 50
Justice Seeker Armor #1: 240
Scholarship: 175
Teaching: 175
Charisma: 28
Knight Templar Armor #1: 240
Charisma: 32
Lord Knight Armor #1: 240
Charisma: 32
Guardian Lady Armor #1: 250
Guardian Lord Armor #1: 250
Master Paladin Circle: 60
Sacred Sword Armor #1: 290
Charisma: 30


Title Requirement(s) Translation
Fist of the Heavens Brawling: 320?
additional unknown requirements
Baronet Armor #1: 340
Justiciar Armor #1: 340
Weapon #1: 270
Holy Magic: 255
Divine Guidance
Holy Warrior (Spell)
Marshal Order
Malko a Karanoi Armor #1: 340
Knight of Faith
Namazata Checich Armor #1: 340
Weapon #1: 270
additional unknown requirements
Holy Hammer
Paragon Armor #1: 340
Peace Keeper Armor #1: 340
Scholarship: 275
Teaching: 250
Charisma: 35
Poho Ograth Brawling: ???
S'Kra Mur
Armor #1: 340
Weapon #1: 270
Lord/Lady of the Hammer
Shadow Bane Armor #1: 340Clarity
additional unknown requirements
Tactician Armor #1: 340
Charisma: 35
Champion of Arms Weapon #1: 370
additional unknown requirements
Grand Master Paladin Circle: 80


Title Requirement(s) Translation
Chivalrous Shield Shield: 400
Stura Arumiz Armor #1: 400
Gnome or Kaldar
Sacred Shield
Divine Armor Armor #1: ???
Armor #2: 430
Shield: ???
Archon Armor #1: 440
Chief Marshal Armor #1: 440
Datuc a Ylosh Armor #1: 440
Peace Guard
Holy Vengeance Armor #1: 440
Strategist Armor #1: 440
Charisma: 32
Field Marshal Armor #1: 490
Charisma: 40
General Armor #1: 490
Charisma: 38
Holy Guardian Armor #1: 490
Parry: 370
Holy Magic: 300
Shield: 297
Multi Opponent: 230
Legendary Paladin Circle: 100
Master of Defense Armor #1: 490
Shield: 450
Armor #2: 375
Parry: 370
Mistress of Defense Armor #1: 490
Shield: 450
Armor #2: 375
Parry: 370


Title Requirement(s) Translation
Holy Soldier Armor #1: 500
Parry: 375
Holy Magic: 310
Shield: 300
Multi Opponent: 240
Vindicator Armor #1: 525
Divine Blade Edged Weapon: 545
Battle Lion Weapon #1: 575
additional unknown requirements
Battle Lioness Weapon #1: 575
additional unknown requirements
Divine Avenger Weapon #1: 575
additional unknown requirements
Valiant Weapon #1: 575


Title Requirement(s) Translation
Warrior Zealot Armor #1: 600
Castellan Armor #1: 640
Charisma: 40
Crusader Armor #1: 640
Parry: 495
Shield: 422
Holy Magic: 350
Multi Opponent: 330
Hegessger rae Fostra Armor #1: 640?
additional unknown requirements
Knight of Peace
Sanyu Blarstil Armor #1: 640 Divine Guard
Authoritarian Armor #1: 650
Weapon #1: 550
Armor #3: ???
Avatar of Defense Armor #1: 650
Shield: 500
Armor #2: 450
soul state
Chatelain Armor #1: 650
Charisma: 40
additional unknown requirements
Lord General Armor #1: 650
Charisma: 40
Lord Paragon Armor #1: 650
Weapon #1: 575
Shield: 500
Armor #2: 450
Weapon #2: 450
Lore #3: 350
Charisma: 40
High Marshal Armor #1: 670
Hierarch Armor #1: 790
Transcendent Paladin Circle: 150

Unknown Requirements

Title Requirement(s) Translation
Aegis of Justice unknown requirements
Alyda Darva Human
additional unknown requirements
Holy Hammer
Anefubi Vahabaha Prydaen Faith's Hammer
Avenger unknown requirements
Champion of Faith soul state: pristine
Favors: 3
additional unknown requirements
Chikuraga Ikamaye Prydaen
additional unknown requirements
Sacred Shield
Divine Cavalier unknown requirements
Divine Fury unknown requirements
Faithless soul state: black
additional unknown requirements
Fist of Light Brawling: ???
Grand Dame of Justice Female
additional unknown requirements
Haalik Showldh Dwarf
additional unknown requirements
Sacred Shield
Hamar ut Sverth Dwarf
additional unknown requirements
Hammer of Honor
Hammer of Heretics unknown requirements
Hammer of Justice unknown requirements
Harurs del Cawna Rakash
additional unknown requirements
Hammer of Honor
Hierarch of Justice unknown requirements
High Lord of Justice unknown requirements
Honorable Marshal soul state: pristine
additional unknown requirements
Illumined Warrior Divine Guidance
additional unknown requirements
Kulaka talna Ibin Gor'Tog
additional unknown requirements
Hammer of Heaven
Lady Cavalier Female
additional unknown requirements
Langen Waldwico Elf
additional unknown requirements
Knight of Peace
Latagi 'hhrs Em S'Kra Mur
additional unknown requirements
Peaceful Knight
Lataki talna Im Gor'Tog
additional unknown requirements
Knight of Peace
Lord Cavalier Male
additional unknown requirements
Protector of Faith unknown requirements
Reverant Shield Shield: ???
additional unknown requirements
Righteous soul state: pristine
additional unknown requirements
Sacred Fist Brawling: ???
Seneschal unknown requirements
Shield Maiden Shield: ???
additional unknown requirements
Smiter of Heretics unknown requirements
Standard Bearer unknown requirements
Steadfast unknown requirements
Sword of Faith Holy Weapon
additional unknown requirements
Tainted soul state: black
additional unknown requirements
Ucho Aha Gnome or Kaldar
additional unknown requirements
Knight of Peace
Warrior of Virtue unknown requirements
Zirdzin del Ticiva Rakash
additional unknown requirements
Knight of Faith