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Status: Alive
Guild: Unknown
Race: Gor'Tog
Gender: Male
Location: Crossing Temple (Ranik Map 2)
Associates: Tallis

Prince Vorclaf and High Priestess Tallis have authorized Khurek to execute anyone whom he believes to be a Necromancer.

Introduction of Khurek

Tallis says, "Now, I should introduce Khurek here, the temple inquisitor I am appointing with the approval of Ulf'Hara."

Tallis says, "I do not wish to try and soften the graveness of this matter. He is officially tasked with actively hunting and executing Necromancers in our city, employing whatever means necessary."

Tallis says, "The proofs I have been presented with proofs of such corruption have been enough. They cannot be dealt with benignly any longer."

Tallis says, "Khurek, you have my blessing to travel to other provinces as needed, but you will seek the respective ruler's acknowledgement before attempting anything drastic."

Vorclaf says, "You've officially gotten mine. If you run into any... concerns..."
Vorclaf says to Khurek, "Deal with them."

Khurek says, "I will, Your Majesty, I will. Thank you."
Tallis says to Khurek, "I am providing you with a most valuable relic to aid your mission."

With a glance from Tallis, one of the waiting acolytes hurries forth to reverently hand Khurek a shard of cold metal wrapped in black gossamer layers. He quickly returns to his place, wiping his hand on his robe.

Tallis asks Khurek, "Do you know what this is?"

Khurek says, "Yes, I do, yes. Karszen's..."

Tallis gives a slight nod.

Tallis says to Khurek, "It is yours for the time being. However, it can never leave the temple grounds."

Khurek says, "But of course, Mother."

Tallis scrutinizes Khurek's olive-hued face for a few moments, then turns her back.