Unbend sigil

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The Unbend enchantment creates a sigil that when dropped will dispel certain moon magics such as moonbeams, clairvoyance, and refractive fields.




  1. STUDY Durgaulda with telescope
  2. DROP coins
  3. SCRIBE coin
  4. GET Sigil
  5. STUDY <constellation/moon/planet/sun>
  6. Scribe, activate, and bind the <constellation/moon/planet/sun>


In order to use an Unbend Sigil simply drop it in the area of the moon magic you wish to dispel.


  • The spells that will be dispelled on dropping the Unbend depend on what secondary Celestial Sigil you use to complete the enchantment. Each of the moons will dispel only spells associated with that moon <ie using a Katamba sigil will unbend any [Katamba]] moonbeams, etc>. Using the secondary sigil of Morleena will produce a Master sigil that will unbend all lunar magics.