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Revision as of 18:15, 18 December 2021 by ARMAGNA (talk | contribs)
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Status Active
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild Warrior Mage
Instance Prime
Relatives Lymira


You see Knight of Meraud Tirost Armagna, Telo'Getha of Zoluren, a Human Warrior Mage.
Tirost has an oval face, silver-flecked crystal blue eyes and a straight nose. His dark brown hair is short and wavy, and is worn loose. He has tanned skin and an athletic build.
He is a bit over average height for a Human.
He has a tattoo of a wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords on his chest.

Fall and Winter  

He is wearing a fur-trimmed black mantle fastened with a silversteel brooch, some nightmare black leathers, a black steel mourning band inlaid with ivory lilies, a dark leather sheath inlaid with silversteel and some black leather boots.

Spring and Summer  

He is wearing a light grey Elven wool cloak clasped with an animite wolf's head brooch, some nightmare black leathers, a black steel mourning band inlaid with ivory lilies, a dark leather sheath inlaid with silversteel and some black leather boots.

Tirost and his muse


His familiar, Pangovin, is a storm-grey cat with gold-flecked crystal blue eyes.

Cherished Possessions

Rough Sheet of Watercolor Paper  

The paper is painted with: A boldly inked outline lends structure and graceful form to the sweeping rush of vivid watercolor paint that spreads across the unfurled page. Depicted at the center of a dark tavern, an illuminated figure sits before an indistinct crowd. At his brow, a bright lick of fire burns untended as it hovers in the air. Awash in the warm hues of the floating wisp of flame, the radiant man's face and lively blue eyes are captured in a moment of animated recitation. A gleaming circular lyre rests upon his lap, attended by his lean, elegant fingers. A swooping letter "A" marks the bottom right corner of the piece. Lightly penned along the back of the page, delicate lines of script read: "Exalted poet, consummate co-host, gracious soul, and sharp as a tack. My dear friend, T.A."

In order to strengthen bonds of fellowship before the raid on the Basalt Isle, Tirost asked Allye to co-host a gathering at Starfall Hall in the Willow Walk of the Crossing. Since that time, Tirost and Allye have hosted several events, and the empath has gained the enduring friendship and respect of the warrior mage, and become a subject of his poetry. This painting was given to Tirost by Allye, and depicts him in the midst of a poetic performance.

Sheet of Flame-Hued Paper  

The paper is drawn with: Drawn in subtle hues of grey, a cat is shown sitting at the booted feet of a Human male. The cat's crystal blue eyes have detailed shading that manages to give it a mischievous appearance. Displaying similarly colored eyes in an oval face, the man is standing in a relaxed pose with a glass of ale held loosely in his fingers. His expression is pensive, his eyes narrowed slightly as if trying to see something in the distance. Short, dark brown hair falls in waves around his face complimenting the tanned skin. Clothed in black leathers that fit with perfect tailoring to this athletic form, the man wears almost no other adornment save for a black steel mourning band and a light grey cloak folded back over the breadth of his shoulders. In the bottom right corner is a simple but elegant letter "E" and the date: 440 years, 101 days.

This was drawn by Eruwyn at a Tavern Troupe event. It depicts some of the subtle similarities between Tirost and Pangovin, and the mourning band Tirost always wears.

Burnished Silversteel Tankard Crowned with Laurel Leaves  

A skillfully sculpted laurel branch encircles the lid of this glorious vessel, its nearly lifelike leaves framing the apex of a sturdy scroll handle. The handle itself, left free of ornamentation to provide a comfortable grip, runs from the top of the slightly tapered tankard to the decorative band of tracery surrounding the heavy base. A thick diamond-hide strap with a silversteel clasp loops through the handle for easy wear.

This tankard is a gift from Tirost's dear friend and duet partner Casimira. It has been crafted from silversteel and is adorned with the laurel crown, the symbol of poetic excellence.

Leather-Bound Black Book Inlaid with Gold Arcane Symbols  

Neatly inlaid into the black leather of the book's cover are arcane symbols representing different aspects of mana. Each symbol has been carefully crafted of polished gold and the pages are embellished with a subtle gold leafing on their edges.

This book was found in a cave near Arthe Dale that Tirost and Annais explored while searching for Vorclaf's crown. The book is heavy and nearly indestructible. Pangovin claims it is ancient and meant to be used as a weapon.

Haralun Bastard Sword  

You see the initials "S. L." impressed into the surface of the metal.

Shortly after Tirost joined the Tavern Troupe, this weapon was comissioned by Anjinson from the legendary weaponsmith Squanto Longstalk. Anjinson gave it to Tirost as a gift.

Dark Leather Sheath Inlaid with Silversteel  

The large sheath is gripped by the bright metal at the throat, tip, and also by way of matching silversteel buckles that secure the heavy leather straps and allow it to be attached to a belt. A raven's feather and a hawk's feather are tied with a leather cord to one of the straps, and are the only touch of ornamentation to the piece. Thick lotusweave lines the inside and cradles weapons placed within.

This sheath was given to Tirost as a gift from his sister for reaching the 50th circle of the Warrior Mage Guild.

Braided Copper Ring  

Engraved along the polished inner side of the band are the words, "Patience, Tenacity, and Endurance."

After separating from Annais and assisting Yvela and Jhien to distribute Osven's alchemical vials to adventurers who sought to prevent Maelshyve from manifesting, Elec proclaimed Tirost a sorcerer and in league with necromancers, and asked that Tirost be imprisoned and interrogated. Depressed and isolated, Tirost was given a copper ring by Oscearo that has become a symbol of friendship and perseverance.


See the poetry of Tirost.


Tirost was born in the lands around Laakmir in northwestern Therengia. His father, Daneolf, traveled throughout Kermoria trading, and sometimes returned with books, scrolls, codices of poetry and stories in Gamgweth and Common. Asara, Tirost's mother, loved literature and history, and taught Tirost and Lymira to read and write.

When still very young, Tirost met the Elothean Moon Mage Malzard. Perhaps sensing the boy's aptitude for elemental mana, Malzard told Tirost of the Legendary Warrior Mage Galain. He also spoke of the necromancer Lyras and the events that lead to her downfall. When Tirost was twelve years old, his village experienced a tragedy, and he, his mother and his sister traveled south, where they resettled in his mother's homeland of the Wolf Clan.

Though many in the Wolf Clan preferred oral traditions to the written word, Asara became a trusted lorekeeper and storyteller. She taught at the orphanage in the Middens, and Tirost often accompanied her and played with the other children. When he turned nineteen, Tirost was accepted by Gauthus into the Warrior Mage Guild.