Category talk:Titles

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To help convert to TitleReq's and move to correct namespace see: Titles/ToDo --Callek 06:12, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

Adding a new Title

Adding a new title is an easy process.

  • go to the Titles article for the category it is in, (such as Survival Titles 1 - note that this is different from the subcategory page eg. Category:Survival 1 Titles)
  • Edit the page
  • You should see, in the list, something like
  • Notice a pattern here? Good, add the following
  • Just like the pattern allready suggests. (being sure to replace the word "MyNewTitle" with the actual title you are creating.
  • Save the page.
  • Scan the page for the red-link to the new title page, and select it to edit it.
  • Use the template {{title}} to add in the new title page, (add any special notes below the template in a <noinclude /> section
  • See Template:Title for more information on how to enter the title itself.

Any questions, see Callek or Naeya.

Title chart bugginess

Whatever changes people are updating the title pages with are causing the charts to not work anymore(e.g. Astrology, criminal titles). I can't figure out exactly what is causing it though to fix it. --Choson 08:29, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

Its something to do with the Title: namespace. I can't figure out how to make it pull the Tile:blahblah field, with Title in front either. Hithrael 14:55, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
Help! This is still not fixed. I added all the title categories to the main page (many were missing, it's confusing to try and combine all the weapon titles, so let's seperate them the same way they're seperated in game. Unfortunately I can't get title charts to work on any of the new pages. (Forgot to sign at the time. Doing so now, a few days late.) --Zeltaen 22:15, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

It looks like the titles that have the namespace 'xxx' instead of 'title:xxx' work properly. If we create new pages for each title with the correct namespace I think that will fix the issue but then someone will have to delete all the duplicate title articles and I'm not sure how to do that. If anyone has any idea please let me know I'd really like to get the title pages fixed.--Cierst (talk) 17:41, 18 October 2009 (UTC)

Wonky Title Stuff

  • Paladin titles that use Soulstate go by SAF, which seems odd.
    • Other guilds may have referenced SAF -- they should all now say 'guild resource' now as a more player-friendly term. It's different for every guild, and has different ranges/meanings for each guild, and there's not an easy way to mass-define this clearly for TITLE FIND. For some guilds, a negative resource (behind the scenes) is good, for others positive is good. Soul State, Divine Outrage, Confidence, Elemental Charge, Shock, Devotion, and Ranger Bonus are some (but not all) guild resource examples. This may just have to be a nebulous thing players piece together with trial and error over time. Sorry! -- DR-ZADRAES (talk) 05:52, 16 June 2021 (CDT)
  • Barbarian Mage Bane title says they "Must not know Barbarian ability - (#9)."
    • Revised messaging on this one to show **Unknown** before the ability #. Mage Bane points to an old ability, currently. A list of titles with this sort of indication would be handy for Lyneya's review/tweaks. -- DR-ZADRAES (talk) 05:52, 16 June 2021 (CDT)
  • Titles that require a specific number of spells in the Air Manipulation book don't display correctly, output is 'Must have at least 1 spells in the Air Manipulati', example would be Elemental Soldier, Elemental Enforcer, etc.
  • There are two sets of requirements for 'Horse Whisperer' and one has 13 requirements where the other has 2.
  • Title 'Chikuraga Ikamaye' has the requirement 'self'?
  • Title 'Beast Tamer' requires skill in Unknown
  • Moon Mage titles 'Scion' and 'Shadebringer' are not attainable by a Heritage House member.
  • Moon Mage title 'Shadow Magician' requires an unknown spell (Shadow Web?)
  • More just language feedback, for Wild Archer "At least 350 ranks in Highest Distance Weapon" is such a weird way to say Ranged Weapon.

Representing total of combination of stats

Ranger Title Title:Trail_Runner has a combination of stats as a requirement, is there a way to denote that without using the other title req category? --CALLEK (talk) 10:51, 16 June 2021 (CDT)