Discipline (stat)

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  • Helps resist fear effects
  • Improves the size of experience pools
  • Factos into various magical 'spell versus statistic' contests (particularly 'spell versus will' contests)
  • Increases time and effectiveness of Khri
  • Increases amount of concentration

Training Locations


a windowless mud hovel
(can use DIR discipline)

[A Mud Hovel]
The tiny windowless hovel feels cramped despite its minimal furnishings. A coarsely woven blanket is folded neatly in the corner. One lone shelf on the wall holds the occupant's only food supplies -- a sack of rice, a pitcher of water and a few wilted mustard stalks are arranged next to a single wooden bowl and spoon. A wizened old Dwarf sits cross-legged in the center of the room.


Temple, Shadowy Chamber
(can use DIR discipline)

[Temple, Shadowy Chamber]
A lone candle glows faintly atop a corroded slab of black stone, caked with a filthy mixture of dirt, old leaves, and wax. Its light is eerily muted, and fades into a wall of shadows which seem to press inwards with each tiny flicker of the flame. A thick moist stench assaults you, flowing in warm sickening waves from somewhere out in the blackness. Tangled roots hanging from the ceiling reach out and grab you as you make your way through the near-dark cavern, as if moved by some malicious will.


Kertigen's Temple , Meditation Chamber

s, go north entrance, s, s, go south entrance, d

[Kertigen's Temple, Meditation Chamber]
The pinpoint brilliance of a candle flame is the only light within the chamber. Rustling movements and whispered chants are the only sounds to fill the blackness. A flight of wooden steps leads to the main section of temple above.

Aesry Surlaenis'a

Aesry Surlaenis'a, Willow Park

Located on top tier at southern end of town
Note: This Discipline instructor is only present during daytime.

[Aesry Surlaenis'a, Willow Park]
The sound of crickets and frogs engaging in their nightly chorus echoes across the still waters of the pond. A narrow white gravel path is bathed by the moonlight, like a pearl necklace surrounding the velvety dark waters. The children who enliven the park by day have long since found their beds, leaving the night to young lovers who sit on wrought iron benches, exchanging kisses as they talk.


Paladins' Guild, Justiciar's Study

[Paladins' Guild, Justiciar's Study]
The office of the Justiciar is plain, balancing on the knife edge between spartan and severe. Nothing but a clean whitewash adorns the walls, except for the east one which has a single red dot painted on it, oddly enough. A simple desk of uncarved wood is pushed up against the back, the papers on its surface in neat, regimented order.


Justice Office, Chief Constable's Office

[Justice Office, Chief Constable's Office]
A large, blocky desk spans nearly the entire breadth of this room. Behind it sits a white-bearded Dwarf, peering over the top of a pair of square-rimmed spectacles. The walls are lined with several framed portraits of Dwarves in constable uniforms.