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Erixx Pain
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild Warrior Mage
Instance Prime
Relatives Toreakas, Aysta



You see Arcane Obliterator Erixx Pain, Chaosbringer of Elanthia, a Human Warrior Mage.

You have an angular face, deep-set stormy grey eyes and a crooked nose. Your deep blue-streaked blue-black hair is long and straight, and is worn teased. You have tanned skin.
You are slightly under average height for a Human.
You are an adult.
You are in good shape.

A twilight-blue helm with a darkened silver visor and somber black heron plumes, a pair of blood-red wood fangs, a black leather war belt riveted with blued-steel studs, a platinum and ruby ring, an expertly folded black silk tie with a gold ram's head clip, a black gem pouch, some faded pants, some winged ink-black boots, some enameled elbow spikes, a bloodstained leather armband embossed with a large black heron, an Elven silver amulet, some spiked knuckles, a twisted cambrinth armband, a battered nightsilk duffel bag with a crude silver "Idon Raider" clasp, a night black high-collared greatcloak, some pitted steel-toed footwraps, a golden finger claw, a gleaming red and gold feather, a silver jadeite gwethdesuan, a supple black leather backpack with a silver skull clasp, a black panther-shaped talisman pouch with cambrinth-tipped drawstrings,a gold-inlaid reinforced ironwood shield and a parry stick.



Born a unwanted child in a poverty stricken family, Erixx did his best to help his mother support their family. It wasn't till he witnessed his father murder his mother that he started his path down the dark ally. Found in under crossing curled up and covered in blood by a elder warrior mage he was brought to the guild where there he was raised under the hand of Gauthus. He acceled in magics and combat mastery but it was obvious to the other student and mentors that something was not right. All seemed well till the age of 18 when word got around Erixx's father was being released from jail. The day after Erixx was no where to be found and his father had vanished as well. Two days later his father was found in the sewers brutally murdered with his hand severed and no where to be found. Little is known about Erixx in the following years but he has been linked to a string of murders throughout elanthia where victims were murdered, looted, and missing body parts. It is said he keeps the parts in a jar as trophies. Others have said he resorts to cannibalism.

Most Recent

In recent years he has been spotted with a roaming band of thieves and criminals known as the Idon Raiders who ravage cities and unsuspecting citizens for their wealth and some times lives. In most recent times he has been banned from the Crossing empath guild where he murdered several members of the Ilithi inquisition in front of guild leader Annael Ebeshalek and several witnesses. He has attacked several members of the guild and has been spotted trying to set the infirmary a blaze.


Erixx is currently wanted in all provinces

  • Pilfering
  • Pickpocketing
  • Felony Stealing
  • Murder
  • Assault
  • Hooliganism
  • Endangering the Public
  • Crimes Against the State
  • Aiding and Abetting
  • Forbidden Practices


Name Erixx Pain
Race Human
Guild Warrior Mage
Circle 143
Spouse Abellia
Roleplay Stance Heavy
PvP Stance Open
Quote "Smite the sheppard and the sheep will be scattered"

Quick Reference

Birthplace Crossing
Height 5' 8" (average)
Alignment Evil
Affiliation Idon Raiders
Gods Idon