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===Crossing - Muspar'i===
===Crossing - Muspar'i===
To travel from [[Crossing]] to [[Muspar'i]] go to the old Warrior Mage guild out the NE gate of Crossing; SE, E, E to wait for the airship.
To travel from [[Crossing]] to [[Muspar'i]] go to the old Warrior Mage guild out the NE gate of Crossing; SE, E, E to wait for the airship. This transport is free of charge.

{{RoomDescription|roomname=[Northeast Wilds, Grimsage Way
{{RoomDescription|roomname=[Northeast Wilds, Grimsage Way

Revision as of 20:35, 2 January 2020

Travelers wishing to make the voyage from Langenfirth to far away M'Riss would do well to make use of the balloon service offered by the Blipzerg Brothers Wildlife Tours.

There is also a similar dirigible air service offered from Shard to Aesry as well an airship service from Crossing to Muspar'i.


The cost for Langenfirth/ Mr'riss and Shard/Aesry and is currently 50 copper lirums per circle.[1]

The cost for Crossing/Muspar'i is monetarily free.

Dirigible flights leaving Aesry charge lirums, flights leaving Shard charge dokoras.

Travel Time

Langenfirth - M'riss balloon

Travel time is 15 minutes between Langenfirth to M'Riss, with approximately 2 minutes at each landing dock.

Shard - Aesry dirigible

Travel time is 5 minutes between Shard to Aesry, with approximately 2 minutes dock at each landing site.

Crossing - Muspar'i airship

Travel time is 7 minutes between Crossing and Muspar'i with approximately 2 minutes dock at each landing site.


Langenfirth - M'Riss

The Gnomish operator says, "I'm leaving shortly, returning to Langenfirth. If you would like to accompany me for a safe trip there, just join me." The Gnomish operator smiles.
[JOIN GNOMISH BALLOON before it leaves if you would like to go to Langenfirth.]


The Gnomish operator says, "Woah there, madam. I can only take a handful with me at a time. It's going to cost you if you want to come along. I'll accept 4200 copper Lirums."


The Gnomish operator says, "Alright. That'll be 4200 Lirums." You hand over your funds and step closer. You join the Gnomish operator. "Right this way, madam."

Shard - Aesry

To travel from Shard to Aesry go to the Southeast quadrant of Shard to the Houses Consulate building located across the bridge from the Tower of Greenwalls. Climb to the fourth floor and GO SKYLIGHT to wait for the dirigible:

[Houses Consulate, Fourth Floor Foyer]
Covering most of the northern wall, a massive scroll reaches skyward, its pale tan surface covered with countless names. High above, several mosaic stained glass skylights have been carefully disguised among the vivid paintings of the cathedral ceiling. From behind a simple pine desk, a frazzled clerk copies various records to a thick black book placed on the desk before her.
You also see a frosted glass door, some steps leading down and an open skylight.
Obvious exits: none.

The Elothean aeromancer says, "I'm leaving shortly, returning to Aesry Surlaenis'a. If you would like to accompany me for a safe trip there, just join me." The Elothean aeromancer smiles.
JOIN CHARCOAL DIRIGIBLE before it leaves if you would like to go to Aesry Surlaenis'a.

To travel from Aesry to Shard go to the landing field located in the Meadowlands housing neighborhood on the 3rd tier in the Southwest section of the city of Aesry near the Bard shop. From outside the Bard Shop, GO NW, CLIMB PATH, SE, GO FOOTPATH

[Aesry Surlaenis'a, Landing Field]
The grasses of this wide clearing have been pressed flat under the weight of reiterant traffic. Various stakes and anchors are installed near the center of the field, while little blue flags are set at even intervals around it to delineate its functional borders.

>JOIN CHARCOAL DIRIGIBLE before it leaves if you would like to go to Shard.

Crossing - Muspar'i

To travel from Crossing to Muspar'i go to the old Warrior Mage guild out the NE gate of Crossing; SE, E, E to wait for the airship. This transport is free of charge.

[[Northeast Wilds, Grimsage Way]
The once pristine tower of the Warrior Mages is now no more than a memorial. The stresses of the great fire have shattered the crystalline spire. The building stands broken and raw against the sky. One onyx door tilts wildly to the side, its hinges melted to slag, while the other has been reduced to rubble. You also see a teak airship suspended from a segmented balloon, a landing area cordoned off by Musparan silk stanchion ropes and a tall fir tree.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, west.

You will automatically disembark upon arrival.

>JOIN AIRSHIP before it leaves if you would like to go to the Great Gate of Muspar'i.

[Outside Muspar'i]
The dark, towering walls of Muspar'i look out over the desert sands beyond. As the harsh Velakan winds swoosh sand through the air, threatening to obliterate all in their path, the walls serve as a barrier protecting the merchant city. A bit to the south, along the walls, a ramp leads up to a metal platform, while a stone trail works its way through the sea of sand in a northeasterly direction. You also see a teak airship suspended from a segmented balloon, a sunbleached wooden siege tower, a rocky trail, the Great Gate of Muspar'i and a metal ramp.
Obvious paths: northeast, west.

You will automatically disembark upon arrival

To travel from Muspar'i to Crossing go to outside the Great Gate of Muspar'i and wait for the airship.

>JOIN AIRSHIP before it leaves if you would like to go to the tower built by Arhat outside of The Crossing.



[Aboard the Balloon, Gondola]
A veritable spiderweb of ropes secures this boat-like gondola to the gigantic balloon above. A massive cast-iron stove squats at one end of the craft, occasionally belching acrid green smoke. In addition to the shelter provided by the balloon itself, a sturdy oilcloth awning protects passengers from the worst of the elements, while several oaken benches provide seating.
You also see a rope ladder.
Obvious exits: none.


[Aboard the Dirigible, Gondola]
An intricate network of silken rope connects the dirigible's sleek copperwood gondola to the massive charcoal and silver striped balloon above. At the stern of the boat-like vessel, an odd contraption resembling a convoluted silver stove hums sonorously as various runes flicker across its polished surface. At the bow, a semi-enclosed cabin provides a row of silk-padded benches for comfort and protection from the elements during transit.
You also see a rope ladder.
Obvious exits: none.


[The Bardess' Fete, Deck]
Silken rigging suspends the sweeping teak sloop's deck from the semi-rigid envelope above. Shaded silk-cushioned benches along the bow's rail offer comfort and a spectacular view from the ship. A cylindrical copper device, about the size of a large bread oven, snakes a half dozen tubes upward into the bottom of the segmented balloon. Aft of the device, the quarterdeck rises to elevate the ship's wheel, while beyond, a cherrywood door marks the entrance to a small cabin. To the left of the door hangs a framed painting, and to the right is a small porthole. You also see a S'Kra Mur pilot and a ladder.
Obvious exits: none.

Original Post from GameMaster Melete



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