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The '''{{tt|prepare}} command''' is used to initiate casting a spell.
The '''{{tt|prepare}} command''' is used to initiate casting a [[spell]].


Revision as of 20:24, 23 January 2013

The PREPARE command is used to initiate casting a spell.


  • PREPARE <spell name> <amount>
  • PREPARE /LIST - Lists out all available messaging you can use. You can have up to three special preps, not counting your default.
  • PREPARE /SHIFT - Toggles through your available messaging.
  • PREPARE /DEFAULT - Toggles 'off' or 'on' your default prep messaging.
  • PREPARE /CLEAR - Clears your currently set messaging. Note that you can not erase your default settings. Using this will ERASE your chosen special prep message.
  • PREPARE /HIDE - Allows you to try and hide your preparing messaging from others.
  • PREPARE /HELP - Displays the syntax and usage of the PREPARE command.

Note: The forward slash(/) is required where used above.

Amount represents the number of mana streams you will devote to the spell when you CAST it. This number is augmented by any mana you have harnessed, or stored in cambrinth items that are focused prior to casting.

Usage and Examples

  • PREPARE <spell name> <mana number>
>prep hb 16
You close your eyes and breathe deeply, gathering energy for the Harawep's Bonds spell.

When your current mana attunement does not allow for preparing a spell at the specified mana level, you'll receive messaging indicating so.

>prep hb 355
You have to strain to harness the energy for this spell, and you aren't sure you can get enough to cast it.
You close your eyes and breathe deeply, gathering energy for the Harawep's Bonds spell.
  • PREPARE <spell name>

When used without choosing a mana amount, you automatically default to the minimum prep for that spell, and see a message stating as much. There is no message for prepping above the spell cap.

>prep hb
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
You close your eyes and breathe deeply, gathering energy for the Harawep's Bonds spell.

See Also

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