Alchemy craft: Difference between revisions

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|No options for easy/challenging workorders at even 60 ranks, given the quality of tools, ingredients, and lack of techs make workorders unfinishable yet.|| ||
|No options for easy/challenging workorders at even 60 ranks, given the quality of tools, ingredients, and lack of techs make workorders unfinishable yet.|| ||
|While crushing, the messaging exists for use of a sieve and smelling, but there aren't corresponding actions that can be taken (nor tools available).|| ||
|While crushing, the messaging exists for use of a sieve and smelling, but there aren't corresponding actions that can be taken (nor tools available).|| ||Sieves Released
|There is a lack of consistency in noun usage between remedy and remedies||Book is remedy (sometimes!), but that doesn't work in other areas like asking about techs, etc...||
|There is a lack of consistency in noun usage between remedy and remedies||Book is remedy (sometimes!), but that doesn't work in other areas like asking about techs, etc...||

Revision as of 18:07, 7 July 2013

Currently being beta tested in Platinum. Visit here For information about the alchemy system currently live Prime.

The Alchemy craft is the overarching crafting system that covers the Remedies, Poisons, and Cooking disciplines.

All crafts within it utilize the Alchemy skill.


See Crafting Tools for more details.

Bugs Chart

Bug Details Result
Alchemy Society Master's responses lack quotation marks and random letters when asked about crafts in other societies "X sighs and says, lease, ask one of the other Society Masters about that."
Alchemy Society Master's responses lack quotation marks and random letters when asked about techniques "X sighs and asks, lease don't waste my time. Tell me the name of the [cuts off here]" Fixed.
Typo in clearing mortar [Do you really want to destroy the mortar's contents? Tilt it one more time to empty out them out.] - Extra 'out'
Need 'very easy' difficulty items Fixed.
Collected herbs all have the same quality May be a feature, not bug
POURing water does not work. You need to PUT it in the mortar
PUTting water in the mortar uses all doses instead of one Fixed.
No work orders available for very low levels of alchemy (due to lack of very easy crafts?).
When you first ask Lanshado for work and he has none for you, he says "I am sorry, but we have no work for you today. Please try again later.", when you ask him a second time he says "I am sorry, but you just received a work order. Try again a little later perhaps.". Fixed
Extra space before water when trying to use water when you shouldn't "You realize the[space][space]water is not required to continue crafting the X, so you stop"
When you FILL your mortar with water, it won't add to the salve, but you can take it out of the mortar and put it back in to have it work.
Can't seem to BREAK apart ingredients. Using more than the required amount also doesn't make 'additional' remedy. You always make the amount you should make with the formula. You can currently MARK materials and then CUT them with scissors.
Instructions say remedies can be prepared using a cooking pot and stirring rod to mix. Stirring rods from the forging shop message that they can only be used to mix a crucible, and no other types of stirring rods are available from the alchemists society. Mixing sticks sold as part of "alchemist kits or from the general alchemy shops do not work and cooking pots are not sold by the crafting society. Crucible rods and alchemy rods may not be the same tool. Mixing sticks and cooking pots don't work yet because that portion of alchemy isn't rolled out yet.
Instructions on how to dry materials don't give instructions under STUDY and instead attempt to have you memorize the design as if it was a regular item being created. Should work more like how study works for making ingots, refining metal, etc. Fixed.
Salt sold in alchemist society cannot clean pyramids. Wire brushes repair pyramids, not salt. Not a bug.
Terribly made remedies don't have any adjectives like terribly made forged goods (aka: no shattered, etc).
No options for easy/challenging workorders at even 60 ranks, given the quality of tools, ingredients, and lack of techs make workorders unfinishable yet.
While crushing, the messaging exists for use of a sieve and smelling, but there aren't corresponding actions that can be taken (nor tools available). Sieves Released
There is a lack of consistency in noun usage between remedy and remedies Book is remedy (sometimes!), but that doesn't work in other areas like asking about techs, etc...
Analyze doesn't yield reliable information for quality of output (may be due to low alchemy ranks) or what steps to do next when messaging occurs. Kodius said this was typical for all crafting at lower skill ranges.
Trainer doesn't respond to technique questions well due to lack of techs, weird wording there. Has proper responses
Trainer doesn't respond about specific techs. Now gives tech details
Remedy book typos Foreword - paragraph 1(P1) sentence 6(S6) word 18(W18) "beggins" should be "begging". P4 S1 W9 "waeryd" should be "wayerd". P5 S1 W1 "soluabiliity" should be "solubility". P6 S7 W1 "you" should be "You".

Chapter 1, page 1 - P2 S2 W11 "seive" should be "sieve"

"sieve" appears to be spelled "seive" throughout the book
Deeded materials could be more specific. Blocil pulp becomes a "pulp deed" instead of a "blocil deed", for example. The tap shows it as "a deed for some blocil pulp" but still harder to grab out of a container than necessary.
Deeded materials only show quality and nothing else (no quantity or workability).
Herbs (before and after crushing/drying) aren't recognized as materials when rummaging for materials.
Water obtained by filling a container stopped working Fixed
Adding second ingredient seems to not properly register in creation process. Now registers and you can continue creation process.
Amount of second ingredient added is not proportional to amount needed compared to first ingredient. You'll always add all of your second ingredient no matter how much is actually needed.
Final products named after primary ingredient used, not product made Might not be a bug
When you combine two salves together they literally disappear Fixed
Can't apply itch salve Says to drink. When you try to drink, says to apply. etc.
Can't use maker's marks on remedies
Can't combine water
Camb Pyramids, used indoors, will function, but not award alchemy xp. May not be an indoor/outdoor issue but rather a material to be dried issue. The item used that was not awarding alchemy exp was blue flowers. Have not been able to test Camb Pyramids, indoors, with an herb that is confirmed to award xp outdoors.
Items don't seem to always indicate they're dried Red flowers (and possibly other herbs?) drying in a pyramid didn't show they were dried until they were removed, combined, and cut into new portions

Item Conversions Needed

Please place any items that you believe (1) should have been converted to a different quality (NOTE: Most older alchemy tools from festivals, regular stores, and events should become store quality, but cambrinth pyramids (for example) should all be masterful auction quality. If you have an item that is not a cambrith pyramid but you believe is still meant to be rare/special/auction/etc, list it below.) or (2) are related to herbs/alchemy that need to be converted to properly work within the system.
NOTE: Items are sometimes not converted until they are used - you might not initially see crafting tool stats on a previously vaulted item. Once it is used, it should convert.