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|name=Kssarh T'kinnirii
|guild=Moon Mage
|guild=Moon Mage
|location=Crossing Observatory
|location=The Crossing Observatory of the Southern Crossbow
|type=guild leader
|type=guild leader
Kssarh was once an apprentice to [[Tiv]] and is considered by his old master to be one of his brightest pupils. He is strict, intolerant of incompetence, and has a reputation for defenestrating (or worse) students that fail to meet his high expectations. He holds the guild in the highest esteem and largely considers most students a waste of his and the guild's valuable time and resources, but is regardless considered by his peers to be the perfect man for his job.
Kssarh was once an apprentice to [[Tiv]] and is considered by his old master to be one of his brightest pupils. He is strict, intolerant of incompetence, and has a reputation for defenestrating (or worse) students that fail to meet his high expectations. He holds the guild in the highest esteem and largely considers most students a waste of his and the guild's valuable time and resources, but is regardless considered by his peers to be the perfect man for his job.

He is the author of [[Book:HkkHGMM|A Brief History of the Guild of Moon Magic]], a copy of which is available in the [[Moon Mage Guild Library - Crossing|Moon Mage Guild library]] in The Crossing. A volume of identical content but titled slightly different as ''A Brief History of the Moon Mage Guild'' is available in the [[Moon_Mage_Library_-_Sicle_Grove|library]] in the Lesser Fist Fortress near Sicle Grove.

Kssarh is a tall, dark-skinned human with short black hair that seems to be in a perpetual state of disarray. His eyes are a deep, flashing green, and always seem to be staring far into the distance, as if he were observing a world visible to him alone. A square jaw and high, chiseled cheekbones would almost mark him as handsome were it not for a deep scar running diagonally across his right eyebrow. His features are constantly set in a slight frown, as if he were always angry over some perceived slight.
Kssarh is a tall, dark-skinned human with short black hair that seems to be in a perpetual state of disarray. His eyes are a deep, flashing green, and always seem to be staring far into the distance, as if he were observing a world visible to him alone. A square jaw and high, chiseled cheekbones would almost mark him as handsome were it not for a deep scar running diagonally across his right eyebrow. His features are constantly set in a slight frown, as if he were always angry over some perceived slight.

His tunic and pants are both a soft, pliable leather a deep crimson in color, and are offset by his midnight black cloak which drapes from his broad shoulders nearly to his knees. Embroidered upon the cloak are many shiny, silver stars, lines connecting the constellations in such a way that they almost seem to represent the webs of a spider.
His tunic and pants are both a soft, pliable leather a deep crimson in color, and are offset by his midnight black cloak which drapes from his broad shoulders nearly to his knees. Embroidered upon the cloak are many shiny, silver stars, lines connecting the constellations in such a way that they almost seem to represent the webs of a spider.

Guildleaders can be {{tt|STUDY}}ed for information on how to learn certain guild abilities.
You see Guildleader Kssarh T'kinnirii, a Human Moon Mage. <br>

Kssarh has green eyes. His black hair is short and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has dark skin. <br>
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT GUILD to learn more about the Moon Mage Guild.]<br>
He is aged for a Human. <br>
[You can JOIN, if you are a commoner and want to become a member of the Moon Mage Guild.]<br>
He is in good shape. <br>
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT CIRCLE to see if you are eligible for another rank in the Guild.]<br>
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT MAGIC to be told which spells you are eligible to learn.]<br>
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT <spellbook name> BOOK to be told which spells within that book you are eligible to learn.<br>
[You can CHOOSE <spell> SPELL to learn that spell, if you are eligible.]<br>
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT [[Magical feats|FEATS]] to learn more about magical feats, and where to learn them.]<br>

You see Guildleader Kssarh T'kinnirii, a Human Moon Mage. <br />
Kssarh has green eyes. His black hair is short and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has dark skin. <br />
He is aged for a Human. <br />
He is in good shape. <br />

He is holding a well-crafted brass and walnut telescope in his right hand and a supple leather telescope case in his left. <br>
He is holding a well-crafted brass and walnut telescope in his right hand and a supple leather telescope case in his left. <br>
He is wearing a moonstone gwethdesuan, a midnight black cloak of rich velvet embroidered with the constellations of the night sky, a black tome satchel, a deep crimson tunic fashioned from leather, a pair of deep crimson pants fashioned from soft leather and some soft leather boots.
He is wearing a moonstone gwethdesuan, a midnight black cloak of rich velvet embroidered with the constellations of the night sky, a black tome satchel, a deep crimson tunic fashioned from leather, a pair of deep crimson pants fashioned from soft leather and some soft leather boots.

==Appearance at Hallow Eve Festival 406==
==[[Moon Mage]] Introduction Speech==
You see Guildleader Kssarh T'kinnirii, a Human Moon Mage.<br>
Kssarh has green eyes. His black hair is short and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has dark skin.<br>
He appears to be mature.<br>
He is in good shape.<br>

Tendrils of absolute darkness surround Kssarh, moving as if alive.<br>

He is wearing a moonstone gwethdesuan, a midnight black cloak of rich velvet embroidered with the constellations of the night sky, a black tome satchel, a deep crimson tunic fashioned from leather, a supple leather telescope case, a pair of deep crimson pants fashioned from soft leather and some soft leather boots.

He is the author of [[Book:HkkHGMM|A Brief History of the Guild of Moon Magic]], a copy of which is available in the [[Moon Mage Guild Library - Crossing|Moon Mage Guild library]] in The Crossing. A volume of identical content but titled slightly different as ''A Brief History of the Moon Mage Guild'' is available in the [[Moon_Mage_Library_-_Sicle_Grove|library]] in the Lesser Fist Fortress near Sicle Grove.

==Conversation Topics==

Kssarh stares at you as if you were wearing a tunic made of fish heads. "&lt;Person&gt;," he says, "If you don't quit wasting my time, your next lesson will be one in flying." He points out the observatory window. "Now, *which* spellbook did you wish to know about?" he growls.

===[[Moon Mage|Guild]]===
Kssarh's constant frown softens a bit, and he almost seems to smile as he says "Ah, yes, our guild... The finest in all the lands!" He lets out a gleeful cackle and then regains his composure once again.

:"Well, &lt;Person&gt;," he continues, "Suffice to say that we Moon Mages are without a doubt the most important people who walk the lands today!" He grins at you. "It is we who may read the stars and planets above, who may feel the magical caress of the moonlight as it streams upon our upturned faces, and who may hear in the whispering of the winds the changes in the weather to come."

:Kssarh says, "He's smarter than most Barbarians, but that doesn't mean very much. Never trust anyone who doesn't trust magic."

:Kssarh says, "What a waste of time. Healing morons like you so they can go out and get themselves hurt again. Foolishness. If you want to bleed to death, I'm not going to stop you, as long you're not messing up my floor."


:Kssarh says, "Darius is so impressed by his own self-righteousness, he's blind to what really goes on in the world. In other words, he's a Paladin."

:"All that praying," Kssarh snorts. "Let me tell you something. The gods, dark or light, have better things to do than worry about what goes on around here. Study hard and depend on your own brain, not some Immortal who couldn't care less about you."

:Kssarh begrudgingly replies, "The closest thing to a real mage this city has outside of this tower. He might even be one if he'd put his sword down long enough."

:Kssarh glares at you and mutters, "Apparently, a pretty face and a nice smile can get you your own guild, but I'd resign before I let the Council stick me in a tent, and in Riverhaven, no less! A filthy city, that is. Of course, she would have to know something is an insult before she took offense to it."

:Kssarh responds, "There is a fine line between money and power, and he has both."

'''[[Kalag The Black]]'''
:Kssarh grunts, "Never heard of him."

:Kssarh says, "What a waste. No doubt she could have made it as a mage, but she decided to spend her days digging for herbs and trying to talk to animals."

:Kssarh glances at you in annoyance, then goes back to his studies.

:Kssarh says, "He's a good enough mage, I suppose, though anyone who is that happy all the time can't be all right in the head. He must be thrilled to get visitors out there in the middle of nowhere." He glares at you a moment, then continues, "Then again, there is something to be said for not being pestered with questions all day long."

:Kssarh mutters, "Mortom's not too bad. I don't know what he needs all those mirrors for, but if you want some artifact or device looked at, there's none better. Perhaps someday you will know half as much as he does, but that's very unlikely."

:Kssarh grunts, "A pretty face and voice, but it takes more than that to call yourself a warrior or a mage."

:Kssarh shrugs and says, "Tiv was my teacher once, and a damn good one, at that, even if he is too quiet. Of course, it is easier to be quiet when you're not being constantly bothered by questions!"

Kssarh glares at you and mutters. "Look, runt. With the resolution of the Mirror Wraith Prophecy, all the Moon Mage subguilds have set up shop in various areas around Elanthia. The Celestial Compact is here in this guildhall, but if you can't find the entrance then we don't very well want you as a member. Now get out of my face."

===[[Moon Mage#Spell_Tree|Spell]]===
Kssarh glowers at you. "That's not one of our bloody spells!" he exclaims, flailing his arms. "Now cultivate some sense before we send you to the Empath guild in a wooden crate!"


===[[Moon Mage]] Introduction Speech===
Kssarh mumbles to himself as he glares at you in obvious annoyance. He looks none too happy at your presence in his office, and paces about in barely-controlled anger.
Kssarh mumbles to himself as he glares at you in obvious annoyance. He looks none too happy at your presence in his office, and paces about in barely-controlled anger.

Kssarh's constant frown softens a bit, and he almost seems to smile as he says "Ah, yes, our guild... The finest in all the lands!" He lets out a gleeful cackle and then regains his composure once again.
Kssarh's constant frown softens a bit, and he almost seems to smile as he says "Ah, yes, our guild... The finest in all the lands!" He lets out a gleeful cackle and then regains his composure once again.

"Well, Moon Mage," he continues, "Suffice to say that we Moon Mages are without a doubt the most important people who walk the lands today!" He grins at you. "It is we who may read the stars and planets above, who may feel the magical caress of the moonlight as it streams upon our upturned faces, and who may hear in the whispering of the winds the changes in the weather to come."
"Well, Moon Mage," he continues, "Suffice to say that we Moon Mages are without a doubt the most important people who walk the lands today!" He grins at you. "It is we who may read the stars and planets above, who may feel the magical caress of the moonlight as it streams upon our upturned faces, and who may hear in the whispering of the winds the changes in the weather to come."

Kssarh glowers at you. "Well?" he asks. "If you think you want to become a Moon Mage, then JOIN. If you do not, then get out of my blasted observatory!"
Kssarh glowers at you. "Well?" he asks. "If you think you want to become a Moon Mage, then JOIN. If you do not, then get out of my blasted observatory!"

Kssarh chortles with glee! "Now you belong to me!" he cackles as he dances about the room.
Kssarh chortles with glee! "Now you belong to me!" he cackles as he dances about the room.

Kssarh yanks you by your ear over to a large stack of tomes and shoves you down into a chair. "Now listen up!" he barks, and then begins to teach you in the ways of the Moon Mage. For several weeks from dawn to dusk he fills your head with so much knowledge you are sure for a time it is going to explode, but you somehow manage to survive.
Kssarh yanks you by your ear over to a large stack of tomes and shoves you down into a chair. "Now listen up!" he barks, and then begins to teach you in the ways of the Moon Mage. For several weeks from dawn to dusk he fills your head with so much knowledge you are sure for a time it is going to explode, but you somehow manage to survive.

Kssarh glares at you and says, "Now pay attention, young man, because if you miss anything it's the Barbarian Guild for you!" He pauses for a moment, and then says "Moon Mage, eh? What happened? Were all the good names already taken in your village?"
Kssarh glares at you and says, "Now pay attention, young man, because if you miss anything it's the Barbarian Guild for you!" He pauses for a moment, and then says "Moon Mage, eh? What happened? Were all the good names already taken in your village?"

Kssarh continues, "Well, Master Moon Mage, if you're wondering who's in charge around here, it's me." He jabs a finger in your chest, glowers at you, and then says, "So when you want something, such as spells or training in the ways of the guild, just drag your sorry carcass in here, and if you're lucky we may actually help you -- but don't count on it!"
Kssarh continues, "Well, Master Moon Mage, if you're wondering who's in charge around here, it's me." He jabs a finger in your chest, glowers at you, and then says, "So when you want something, such as spells or training in the ways of the guild, just drag your sorry carcass in here, and if you're lucky we may actually help you -- but don't count on it!"

Kssarh sighs and says, "You'll probably fail, like most of the spineless beggars who wander through this place, but if it does come to be that you have a bit of potential" -- he snickers momentarily -- "we'll teach you a bit about the mysteries of the heavens above."
Kssarh sighs and says, "You'll probably fail, like most of the spineless beggars who wander through this place, but if it does come to be that you have a bit of potential" -- he snickers momentarily -- "we'll teach you a bit about the mysteries of the heavens above."

Kssarh says, "We shall teach you a bit of magic -- spells and words of wondrous power." He extends one cupped hand toward you, and for a moment you see it filled with a pool of blackness. Within the pool, you see the dancing vision of a starry, cloudless sky. Kssarh then snaps his fingers, and the vision vanishes.
Kssarh says, "We shall teach you a bit of magic -- spells and words of wondrous power." He extends one cupped hand toward you, and for a moment you see it filled with a pool of blackness. Within the pool, you see the dancing vision of a starry, cloudless sky. Kssarh then snaps his fingers, and the vision vanishes.

Kssarh adds, "At some point in your career, it would be wise for you to head to Throne City and learn more about this guild's heritage -- assuming your little head can handle it. You may even want to join a Sect sooner or later, but I don't recommend it until you learn more about what they are."
Kssarh adds, "At some point in your career, it would be wise for you to head to Throne City and learn more about this guild's heritage -- assuming your little head can handle it. You may even want to join a Sect sooner or later, but I don't recommend it until you learn more about what they are."

"Now listen here, Moon Mage," growls the Guild Leader Kssarh. "You will learn two things: The rudiments of magic," he says, suddenly turning to lock his eyes with yours, "and the ways of observing the heavens to make those prognostications for which we Moon Mages are so famous." He chuckles a moment, and then whispers a few simple words of magic in your ears.
"Now listen here, Moon Mage," growls the Guild Leader Kssarh. "You will learn two things: The rudiments of magic," he says, suddenly turning to lock his eyes with yours, "and the ways of observing the heavens to make those prognostications for which we Moon Mages are so famous." He chuckles a moment, and then whispers a few simple words of magic in your ears.

The joy Kssarh feels for his craft shines in his voice as he continues. "To predict the future, young Rienhart, you must first OBSERVE the various heavenly bodies. Since you are but an initiate of the guild at this time, it would be best that you restrict your observations to the moons and the sun." He smiles slightly. "Then, once you have observed their aspects sufficiently, all you must do is listen to your inner voice and PREDICT the future!"
The joy Kssarh feels for his craft shines in his voice as he continues. "To predict the future, young Moon Mage, you must first OBSERVE the various heavenly bodies. Since you are but an initiate of the guild at this time, it would be best that you restrict your observations to the moons and the sun." He smiles slightly. "Then, once you have observed their aspects sufficiently, all you must do is listen to your inner voice and PREDICT the future!"

Kssarh's face darkens again. "A word of warning to you, Moon Mage. Use your powers as you will, but bring shame upon this guild by acting foolishly, and you will find me quite the harsh taskmaster!" He locks eyes with yours and hisses, "Remember that you represent ALL Moon Mages when you speak your words of prophecy!"
Kssarh's face darkens again. "A word of warning to you, Moon Mage. Use your powers as you will, but bring shame upon this guild by acting foolishly, and you will find me quite the harsh taskmaster!" He locks eyes with yours and hisses, "Remember that you represent ALL Moon Mages when you speak your words of prophecy!"

Pausing only to glare at you, he says, "I also suggest you find the mahogany building just within the temple gates, so you can find out how to gain favor with the gods. The monks there will show you, but if you can't grasp those instructions, then your time predicting in the Moon Mage guild will be short indeed!"
Pausing only to glare at you, he says, "I also suggest you find the mahogany building just within the temple gates, so you can find out how to gain favor with the gods. The monks there will show you, but if you can't grasp those instructions, then your time predicting in the Moon Mage guild will be short indeed!"

"One final word!" glowers Kssarh. "Being that you haven't given me a reason to throw you in the sewers with the death spirits yet today, if you ask me about magic you just MIGHT get to learn a new spell. Now hurry up before your good fortune changes for the worse!" He then sits at his desk and stares at you from across the room.
"One final word!" glowers Kssarh. "Being that you haven't given me a reason to throw you in the sewers with the death spirits yet today, if you ask me about magic you just MIGHT get to learn a new spell. Now hurry up before your good fortune changes for the worse!" He then sits at his desk and stares at you from across the room.

==Related Forum Posts==
[[Category:Moon Mage]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Guild Leaders]][[Category:Alive]][[Category:NPCs]][[category:Author]]

[[Category:Moon Mage]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Guild Leaders]][[Category:Alive]][[Category:NPCs]][[category:Author]][[Category:Celestial Compact]]

Latest revision as of 20:15, 19 January 2024

Kssarh T'kinnirii
Status: Alive
Guild: Moon Mage
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Location: The Crossing Observatory of the Southern Crossbow (Ranik Map 8)
Type: guild leader, author
Associates: Tiv
Tasks: delivery

Kssarh was once an apprentice to Tiv and is considered by his old master to be one of his brightest pupils. He is strict, intolerant of incompetence, and has a reputation for defenestrating (or worse) students that fail to meet his high expectations. He holds the guild in the highest esteem and largely considers most students a waste of his and the guild's valuable time and resources, but is regardless considered by his peers to be the perfect man for his job.


Kssarh Wiki.jpg

Kssarh is a tall, dark-skinned human with short black hair that seems to be in a perpetual state of disarray. His eyes are a deep, flashing green, and always seem to be staring far into the distance, as if he were observing a world visible to him alone. A square jaw and high, chiseled cheekbones would almost mark him as handsome were it not for a deep scar running diagonally across his right eyebrow. His features are constantly set in a slight frown, as if he were always angry over some perceived slight.

His tunic and pants are both a soft, pliable leather a deep crimson in color, and are offset by his midnight black cloak which drapes from his broad shoulders nearly to his knees. Embroidered upon the cloak are many shiny, silver stars, lines connecting the constellations in such a way that they almost seem to represent the webs of a spider.


Guildleaders can be STUDYed for information on how to learn certain guild abilities.

[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT GUILD to learn more about the Moon Mage Guild.]
[You can JOIN, if you are a commoner and want to become a member of the Moon Mage Guild.]
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT CIRCLE to see if you are eligible for another rank in the Guild.]
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT MAGIC to be told which spells you are eligible to learn.]
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT <spellbook name> BOOK to be told which spells within that book you are eligible to learn.
[You can CHOOSE <spell> SPELL to learn that spell, if you are eligible.]
[You can ASK Kssarh ABOUT FEATS to learn more about magical feats, and where to learn them.]


You see Guildleader Kssarh T'kinnirii, a Human Moon Mage.
Kssarh has green eyes. His black hair is short and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has dark skin.
He is aged for a Human.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a well-crafted brass and walnut telescope in his right hand and a supple leather telescope case in his left.
He is wearing a moonstone gwethdesuan, a midnight black cloak of rich velvet embroidered with the constellations of the night sky, a black tome satchel, a deep crimson tunic fashioned from leather, a pair of deep crimson pants fashioned from soft leather and some soft leather boots.

Appearance at Hallow Eve Festival 406

You see Guildleader Kssarh T'kinnirii, a Human Moon Mage.
Kssarh has green eyes. His black hair is short and thick, and is worn unkempt. He has dark skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is in good shape.

Tendrils of absolute darkness surround Kssarh, moving as if alive.

He is wearing a moonstone gwethdesuan, a midnight black cloak of rich velvet embroidered with the constellations of the night sky, a black tome satchel, a deep crimson tunic fashioned from leather, a supple leather telescope case, a pair of deep crimson pants fashioned from soft leather and some soft leather boots.



He is the author of A Brief History of the Guild of Moon Magic, a copy of which is available in the Moon Mage Guild library in The Crossing. A volume of identical content but titled slightly different as A Brief History of the Moon Mage Guild is available in the library in the Lesser Fist Fortress near Sicle Grove.

Conversation Topics


Kssarh stares at you as if you were wearing a tunic made of fish heads. "<Person>," he says, "If you don't quit wasting my time, your next lesson will be one in flying." He points out the observatory window. "Now, *which* spellbook did you wish to know about?" he growls.


Kssarh's constant frown softens a bit, and he almost seems to smile as he says "Ah, yes, our guild... The finest in all the lands!" He lets out a gleeful cackle and then regains his composure once again.

"Well, <Person>," he continues, "Suffice to say that we Moon Mages are without a doubt the most important people who walk the lands today!" He grins at you. "It is we who may read the stars and planets above, who may feel the magical caress of the moonlight as it streams upon our upturned faces, and who may hear in the whispering of the winds the changes in the weather to come."



Kssarh says, "He's smarter than most Barbarians, but that doesn't mean very much. Never trust anyone who doesn't trust magic."


Kssarh says, "What a waste of time. Healing morons like you so they can go out and get themselves hurt again. Foolishness. If you want to bleed to death, I'm not going to stop you, as long you're not messing up my floor."



Kssarh says, "Darius is so impressed by his own self-righteousness, he's blind to what really goes on in the world. In other words, he's a Paladin."


"All that praying," Kssarh snorts. "Let me tell you something. The gods, dark or light, have better things to do than worry about what goes on around here. Study hard and depend on your own brain, not some Immortal who couldn't care less about you."


Kssarh begrudgingly replies, "The closest thing to a real mage this city has outside of this tower. He might even be one if he'd put his sword down long enough."


Kssarh glares at you and mutters, "Apparently, a pretty face and a nice smile can get you your own guild, but I'd resign before I let the Council stick me in a tent, and in Riverhaven, no less! A filthy city, that is. Of course, she would have to know something is an insult before she took offense to it."


Kssarh responds, "There is a fine line between money and power, and he has both."

Kalag The Black

Kssarh grunts, "Never heard of him."


Kssarh says, "What a waste. No doubt she could have made it as a mage, but she decided to spend her days digging for herbs and trying to talk to animals."


Kssarh glances at you in annoyance, then goes back to his studies.


Kssarh says, "He's a good enough mage, I suppose, though anyone who is that happy all the time can't be all right in the head. He must be thrilled to get visitors out there in the middle of nowhere." He glares at you a moment, then continues, "Then again, there is something to be said for not being pestered with questions all day long."


Kssarh mutters, "Mortom's not too bad. I don't know what he needs all those mirrors for, but if you want some artifact or device looked at, there's none better. Perhaps someday you will know half as much as he does, but that's very unlikely."


Kssarh grunts, "A pretty face and voice, but it takes more than that to call yourself a warrior or a mage."


Kssarh shrugs and says, "Tiv was my teacher once, and a damn good one, at that, even if he is too quiet. Of course, it is easier to be quiet when you're not being constantly bothered by questions!"


Kssarh glares at you and mutters. "Look, runt. With the resolution of the Mirror Wraith Prophecy, all the Moon Mage subguilds have set up shop in various areas around Elanthia. The Celestial Compact is here in this guildhall, but if you can't find the entrance then we don't very well want you as a member. Now get out of my face."


Kssarh glowers at you. "That's not one of our bloody spells!" he exclaims, flailing his arms. "Now cultivate some sense before we send you to the Empath guild in a wooden crate!"

Moon Mage Introduction Speech

Kssarh mumbles to himself as he glares at you in obvious annoyance. He looks none too happy at your presence in his office, and paces about in barely-controlled anger.

Kssarh's constant frown softens a bit, and he almost seems to smile as he says "Ah, yes, our guild... The finest in all the lands!" He lets out a gleeful cackle and then regains his composure once again.

"Well, Moon Mage," he continues, "Suffice to say that we Moon Mages are without a doubt the most important people who walk the lands today!" He grins at you. "It is we who may read the stars and planets above, who may feel the magical caress of the moonlight as it streams upon our upturned faces, and who may hear in the whispering of the winds the changes in the weather to come."

Kssarh glowers at you. "Well?" he asks. "If you think you want to become a Moon Mage, then JOIN. If you do not, then get out of my blasted observatory!"

Kssarh chortles with glee! "Now you belong to me!" he cackles as he dances about the room.

Kssarh yanks you by your ear over to a large stack of tomes and shoves you down into a chair. "Now listen up!" he barks, and then begins to teach you in the ways of the Moon Mage. For several weeks from dawn to dusk he fills your head with so much knowledge you are sure for a time it is going to explode, but you somehow manage to survive.

Kssarh glares at you and says, "Now pay attention, young man, because if you miss anything it's the Barbarian Guild for you!" He pauses for a moment, and then says "Moon Mage, eh? What happened? Were all the good names already taken in your village?"

Kssarh continues, "Well, Master Moon Mage, if you're wondering who's in charge around here, it's me." He jabs a finger in your chest, glowers at you, and then says, "So when you want something, such as spells or training in the ways of the guild, just drag your sorry carcass in here, and if you're lucky we may actually help you -- but don't count on it!"

Kssarh sighs and says, "You'll probably fail, like most of the spineless beggars who wander through this place, but if it does come to be that you have a bit of potential" -- he snickers momentarily -- "we'll teach you a bit about the mysteries of the heavens above."

Kssarh says, "We shall teach you a bit of magic -- spells and words of wondrous power." He extends one cupped hand toward you, and for a moment you see it filled with a pool of blackness. Within the pool, you see the dancing vision of a starry, cloudless sky. Kssarh then snaps his fingers, and the vision vanishes.

Kssarh adds, "At some point in your career, it would be wise for you to head to Throne City and learn more about this guild's heritage -- assuming your little head can handle it. You may even want to join a Sect sooner or later, but I don't recommend it until you learn more about what they are."

"Now listen here, Moon Mage," growls the Guild Leader Kssarh. "You will learn two things: The rudiments of magic," he says, suddenly turning to lock his eyes with yours, "and the ways of observing the heavens to make those prognostications for which we Moon Mages are so famous." He chuckles a moment, and then whispers a few simple words of magic in your ears.

The joy Kssarh feels for his craft shines in his voice as he continues. "To predict the future, young Moon Mage, you must first OBSERVE the various heavenly bodies. Since you are but an initiate of the guild at this time, it would be best that you restrict your observations to the moons and the sun." He smiles slightly. "Then, once you have observed their aspects sufficiently, all you must do is listen to your inner voice and PREDICT the future!"

Kssarh's face darkens again. "A word of warning to you, Moon Mage. Use your powers as you will, but bring shame upon this guild by acting foolishly, and you will find me quite the harsh taskmaster!" He locks eyes with yours and hisses, "Remember that you represent ALL Moon Mages when you speak your words of prophecy!"

Pausing only to glare at you, he says, "I also suggest you find the mahogany building just within the temple gates, so you can find out how to gain favor with the gods. The monks there will show you, but if you can't grasp those instructions, then your time predicting in the Moon Mage guild will be short indeed!"

"One final word!" glowers Kssarh. "Being that you haven't given me a reason to throw you in the sewers with the death spirits yet today, if you ask me about magic you just MIGHT get to learn a new spell. Now hurry up before your good fortune changes for the worse!" He then sits at his desk and stares at you from across the room.

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