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A tall potted plant sits in the middle of a wide field, a thick mat of vines spilling over its ceramic edge. The vines writhe and stretch, expanding across the field, and after a while have created a thick blanket of choking foliage. A field mouse squeaks in agony and is cut short with a faint squelch. A bird swoops low and is snatched from the sky by a quick as lightning whipping tendril, leaving behind nothing more than a tail feather drifting in the wind. The sun continues along a cloudless sky, and the vision fades.

Everything wavers, and you feel wildly disoriented. You find yourself looking down an endless hallway filled with featureless doors. One of the doors opens, and an old woman emerges, closing the door behind her. She turns to you, and waves a hand in irritation, and calls out in a firm but reasoned tone, "Alright, enough, you've pushed your luck enough! Go, before they take note!" She opens the door to step through, and you catch a glimpse of kaleidoscopic lights, swirling galaxies, and find your mind pulled forward. The door shuts, and locks, and the vision fades.
Everything wavers, and you feel wildly disoriented. You find yourself looking down an endless hallway filled with featureless doors. One of the doors opens, and an old woman emerges, closing the door behind her. She turns to you, and waves a hand in irritation, and calls out in a firm but reasoned tone, "Alright, enough, you've pushed your luck enough! Go, before they take note!" She opens the door to step through, and you catch a glimpse of kaleidoscopic lights, swirling galaxies, and find your mind pulled forward. The door shuts, and locks, and the vision fades.

Revision as of 19:56, 7 September 2024


This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2024.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 9/7/2024
A tall potted plant sits in the middle of a wide field, a thick mat of vines spilling over its ceramic edge. The vines writhe and stretch, expanding across the field, and after a while have created a thick blanket of choking foliage. A field mouse squeaks in agony and is cut short with a faint squelch. A bird swoops low and is snatched from the sky by a quick as lightning whipping tendril, leaving behind nothing more than a tail feather drifting in the wind. The sun continues along a cloudless sky, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
Everything wavers, and you feel wildly disoriented. You find yourself looking down an endless hallway filled with featureless doors. One of the doors opens, and an old woman emerges, closing the door behind her. She turns to you, and waves a hand in irritation, and calls out in a firm but reasoned tone, "Alright, enough, you've pushed your luck enough! Go, before they take note!" She opens the door to step through, and you catch a glimpse of kaleidoscopic lights, swirling galaxies, and find your mind pulled forward. The door shuts, and locks, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
PAIN! Talons and barbs twist along your insides and you gasp in sudden, almost absurd agony! Your whole body tenses, and you turn slightly, finding yourself face to face with a hooded figure. A blinding rainbowed light tears from the figure's hood, and you make out a massive maw screaming "LIRAXES ASSERTS ITSELF!" before everything goes white. You blink, and your vision returns to normal, the pain receding.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
You stand before a cliff, looking down into a swirling maelstrom crackling with purple lightning. Echoes violently tear at the air around you, and you step back in fear. Far above, a slug-like creature drifts down, extending several tentacles and reaching for you. Suddenly, a lance of blinding light skewers the horizon, piercing the floating slug, which erupts into black slime as it falls into the storm below. A deafening explosion forces you to cover your ears, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
You find yourself surrounded by calm waters, a gentle sea breeze barely stirring the air. A trio of fish, one black as night, another blood red, the third a light blue, swirl circles around your feet. You look down and find yourself smiling at the three, seemingly unafraid. A fourth fish, pure white, swims in the distance, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
The ground heaves, and a chunk of stone thrusts upward, grinding loudly. Several strange symbols burn into the sheer face of rock, and reassemble themselves into the letters "L", "I", and "R". The stone suddenly collapses into a pile of rubble, the pieces vibrating slightly. You blink, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
A rumble passes underfoot, and you cock your head straining to hear. A sound not unlike... sizzling oil? Rushes by again. You kneel, touching the ground gingerly, and feel it through your fingertips, the churn of hundreds of feet churning along. The ground erupts, and you fall, fall into a mass of appendages and digging claws, hearing the whispered word "Liraxes" echoing all around. Suddenly the feeling fades, and you look around in confusion.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
Acrid smoke wafts past you, and you turn around finding yourself face to face with the woman in the wide-brimmed hat, her cataract eyes staring at you as she grins a cruel half grin around a lit cigarillo. "This isn't my doing," She says, "Though I'm almost jealous at the scale. But it's calling itself Liraxes, eh? Curious choice. Well, we'll see where this lands." The smoke stings your eyes, and as you cough, she vanishes without a trace.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
Your hands itch, and you clap them together in irritation. The feeling persists, and you cannot shake the sense of something left unfinished -- an orlog assembled but missing a final component. For some reason you are confident that while something is missing, the whole is operational. And you ponder this certainty, the stars begin to howl, and the sensation passes.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
A bell is struck in the distance, an odd tone with several harmonics. You feel yourself yanked forward, falling to your knees, and when you look up, a large hexagonal bell etched in strange symbols hovers in the air before you. The bell is struck, and you are buffeted backward by the deafening sound. The vision fades, and you wobble uncertainty."
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
After a moment, burning pitch stings your eyes and the sky shatters, dripping reflective shards of rainbowed light. You watch this strange skyfall, mesmerized by the tumbling images of the sky and land spinning in every direction. As you watch, the pieces pick up speed and begin to slam into the ground, exploding into crystalline fire and evaporating. Gaps in the sky writhe with bulges of nothingness, and suddenly, one of the shards slices your cheek! You gasp in surprise as crystal erupts along your face, covering your eyes, your vision skewing wildly. The vision fades, and everything returns to normal.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/26/2024
After a moment, you smell pine and feel the need to wipe sawdust from your hands. A wooden box rests in your hands, as yet unpolished, but expertly assembled with precise dovetails. Opposing pine and oak make for a striking contrast, and the lid appears as a fractional gap interrupting the grain. Before your eyes, the box appears to shift, and is now a smoothly interlocked orb. As you blink, the vision fades, and the box disappears.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 6/13/2024
Diffuse gas floats in sinuous loops, twisting and billowing against the gentle but persistent force of a string of stars. Softly illuminated, the whorls ebb and flow along curious field lines, splitting along vertices. As the gas winds and spirals, it reveals the dimensions of an otherwise unseen geometric array, slightly undulating and buckling outward. A large bulge squirms within the structure, recoiling as it approaches the perimeter, and the stars sing and flicker. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 6/13/2024
You sense a headache forming and watch as a team of lumberjacks fell a large tree. After hours of work, several large sections of trunk have been bound and lashed together and attached to heavy carts pulled by a team of oxen. Braying and snorting, they struggle against the soft ground and pull the heavy load onto a gravel road and begin the slow trek out of the forest. After some time, the oxen approach a fork in the road and begin to veer left. A robed figure waits by the side of the road and asks the driver for directions. The driver stops and squints into the distance, swatting a large fly from his neck. Shaking his head, he instead steers right. The robed figure continues down the road.

The team makes an early camp in a nearby clearing, fishing in a small stream. As the sun sets, a distant glow flickers, and the team peers into the distance, watching their destination burn. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 6/13/2024
You find yourself wandering the streets of Throne City, a cold mist settling over the cobblestones. You see torchlight flickering through a nearby sewer grate. A series of loud explosions rocks several buildings, heavy stones grinding and raining downward. You cover your face in terror, and several large boulders twist and crumble as they fall, contorted and cast aside as they plummet through savagely twisted lines of magical energy. A warning bell begins to clang, and a net of crisscrossed magical barbs writhes through the city. You run and trip over a mangled corpse, with shattered bones protruding through the flesh, subluxated joints bent oddly, and widespread bruising blossoming over spongy skin. A scream pieces the air, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Throne City Repeat: True

Date and Time: 6/13/2024
Everything goes black, a vast emptiness swallowing all sound. In the distance, two blue eyes blink in confusion and look around, sliding over you. Illuminating the creature's clawed but gentle hands, specks of blue light drift upward, lodging themselves in the sky and shining in place. Their light reveals the creature, who, wrapped in billowing shadow and with wings folded against its back, walks slowly, spreading more soft blue light above. You watch for some time, and the creature smiles softly. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 6/13/2024
You wander through a bustling stable filled with sound and labors. Several youths run to and fro, hauling bales of hay or running curry brushes over strong and healthy-looking horses. A kindly stablehand tries to soothe a skittish horse, but the forest rustles and the birds go quiet. With a glance of concern, the stablehand scans the tree line. The horse's eyes go wide, whites glaring as they flare their nostrils and pin back their ears. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 5/10/2024
Everything flickers, the fabric of reality rent, and you see a wrecked armada locked in frigid waters, frozen in place as smoke-winged creatures tear the sky with crystal fire. A massive figure clad in golden plate stands next to the helm of a galleon and hefts a spear. The spear flares with blinding light, and the figure roars, heaving the spear into the sky. It streaks into the dark clouds, disappearing, and all is quiet.

The sky explodes, a blanket of rippling, sundering light cascading in all directions downward to the horizon. The smoke-winged creatures ignite as a swarm, burning, scattered into fine ash, and the armada is buffeted by sharp winds, the sails tearing, masts snapping, decks burning. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 5/10/2024
You sense a headache forming, and watch the heavy traffic of a busy market. A robed figure calmly walks over to a woman haggling with a vendor over a sack of turmeric and interrupts to inquire about the price of cinnamon. The vendor quickly cites a price, and the robed figure nods and continues walking. The vendor shrugs and returns to the exchange with the woman, but she appears lost in thought. Replacing the sack of turmeric, she selects a bundle of cinnamon sticks and pays the vendor. The robed figure vanishes into the crowd, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 5/10/2024
You find yourself wading through stagnant, murky water, the muddy bottom sucking at your feet with every step as you feel mud and sedge grass roots squelch between your toes. Persistent calls of frogs and crickets fill your ears as you struggle to move forward. As you pass a bank of trees, you hear a soft weeping. Following the noise, you come upon a twisted willow tree. A man is embedded in the trunk, roots winding around and through his torso, and he reaches for you. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 5/10/2024
A horn bellows a long warning in the distance, and you watch a line of nearby trees rustle and die. Crumbling to rot and brittle splinters, a path of decay marks the approach of a large slug-like creature with mottled flesh walking on six fat stumpy legs. Ambling from the forest, the vile creature waddles into a nearby clearing and turns a proboscis towards you, sniffing the air. The proboscis quivers and splits lengthwise, peeling back along five-fold symmetry, and unfurls around a black orb. The orb ripples and sheds swirling ash, and you flee as the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 5/10/2024
You watch as a jeweler carefully expands a gold ring around a mandrel with gentle hammer taps. The jeweler then places a gem setting atop the band and carefully nudges a tiny bead of solder into place. Under a serene flame, you watch as the metal shimmers and drips between the joinery, bonding the ring and the setting. The jeweler carefully polishes the work, leaving a seamless sheen.

Fireflies dance above, and reaching upward, the jeweler plucks one from the air and sets the gently pulsing yellow-green light into the gem setting, bending the prongs over the firefly and locking it in place. The jeweler inspects the glowing ring, nods in approval, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/12/2024
The scent of cut pine pervades a tidy but well-used workshop. A carpenter stands at a workbench and takes several precise measurements, sketching a complex interlay of marks along several planed boards. After carefully carving and scraping, sawing and sanding, filing and inspecting, an odd pile of notched and shaped wood is neatly stacked. Satisfied with his work, the carpenter begins to meticulously slot each piece together. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/12/2024
A quiet beachfront stretches before you, the waves gently hissing as they stir loose stones and seaweed. A child sits on the stand, staring impassively at the horizon. A flock of gulls rest nearby, their feathers fluffed against the chill air. The sun begins to set, sinking towards the water, the sky darkening and the shadows lengthening. The child squints, and as the sun touches the horizons line, the child stands, dusts the sand from his legs, and calmly walks towards the sun. The waters splash against his legs, then stomach, and still the child walks towards the sinking sun.

Little more than a sliver, a deepening red glow pours over the oceans surface, the child's head all that remains visible as he continues out to sea. As the sun slips beneath the horizon, the child vanishes beneath the waves. The gulls take flight, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/12/2024
"Oh yes, this one was always my favorite!" says a bent old man as he studies a hexagonal bell covered in elaborate script. "Rung on the equinox, such a delight to hear."

The man continues on through the exhibit, smiling and nodding at each piece, wistfully nodding at paintings, barely able to keep his hands off the artifacts. Every object has a story, and each seems intimately familiar to the man. Completing a circuit around the room, the man returns to the hexagonal bell, and once again remarks "Ah the equinox bell! How I loved hearing it!" You watch the man repeat the circuit, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/12/2024
The sky explodes with light, crackling radiance falling in all directions to the horizon. Crisscrossing lines of light fade into being, creating a large, crisscrossed circle in the sky, inlaid with geometric forms. The bizarre structure wavers and begins to shift, rotating as a whole and within, forms turning one way as internal elements rotate the opposite direction, falling into and out of alignment. Shapes flare with light as they occlude one another, shower radiant blue-white sparks as they fall into and out of conjunction, and everything feels ... off.

The sun begins to rise in the west, and the structure in the sky shudders, shattering in the light of day, falling apart, and dissipating. The sun pauses, begins to set, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/12/2024
Cold water laps around your ankles, and you find yourself standing in the wreckage of a large structure, collapsed wooden beams and stone columns littering the area, the sun streaming through the abandoned space. You stand in shallow, stagnant water, and looking around, you notice a door in the exact center of the pool. Stained to bring out the grain of the wood and bearing a simple brass knob, the door is otherwise fairly plain in appearance. You walk forward, stepping gingerly around rotting wood and chipped stone, and gently grasp the doorknob. Pausing a moment, you brace yourself, and open the door.

You gasp at the view of a softly purple sky exploding with swirling galaxies and falling stars. Behind the door stretches a field of bent trees and dancing fireflies, a foreign sky glowing in alien colors. You step through the door, and find yourself in the light of day, standing in ankle deep stagnant water, a closed door behind you. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 3/8/2024
You find yourself standing before an easel, evaluating a half-painted landscape showcasing a dramatic waterfall and leaning willow tree. It really is quite decently executed. You nod in modest approval, and suddenly notice a dark blue smudge in the otherwise empty sky. The smudge appears to be shrinking, as if the paint is being absorbed into the canvas. You lean in for a closer look when you hear a sound behind you, and turning quickly, see the woman in a wide brimmed hat clicking her lighter off and taking a deep drag from a cigarello. Exhaling twin plumes of smoke from her nose, she looks directly at you and begins to laugh.

"Oh, no no, don't mind me. It's a fine rendition, really."

She continues laughing, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 3/8/2024
Loud conversation and a flurry of scents wash over you as you navigate a busy market. Vendors sell exotic fabrics and gems from far away lands, haggling over piles of spices and aromatic oils. You turn a corner into a quieter region of the bazaar, and the sounds and smells instantly become distant, muffled by the rough stone walls of a long alley. With some curiosity, you walk into the shade, studying the sides of buildings and drainage, enjoying a few moments of quiet in the liminal space.

A very large dog emerges from a collection of discarded debris. Missing a small chunk of its right ear, and its fur matted and dirty, the dog studies you for a moment, its eyes narrowed as it slinks cautiously forward. Its lip curls, and a low growl echoes. The dog approaches, and suddenly, its tail begins to wag and it drops into a play bow, and it barks at you happily. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 3/8/2024
A man kneels in a dark room and sketches a series of symbols into an unsettling ritual circle. Once complete, the man begins to chant, and the circle sizzles and writhes to the cadence of his intonation. After some time, the man chokes, retching and coughing, and his back ripples grotesquely, the skin splitting and tearing as boney plates and ribs extend from his spine. The horrifying change goes on for some time, the man writhing in agony in a growing pool of blood and gore, and finally, the ritual concludes.

The ritual circle evaporates, and the man rises, steaming beneath a vile suit of bone armor. With an air of newly acknowledging your presence, he looks at you and grins, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 3/8/2024
A young man sits on a short stool, wrapping his fists in thick canvas. Tying the covering tight, he pounds his padded knuckles together and takes several sharp breaths, grunting loudly and stretching his arms. The man leaves the room, and a crowd roars in welcome. You watch the exit doorway for sometime, listening for the sounds of battle, but all you can hear is the howl of the crowd. After a moment the roar quiets, and a dual *thump thump* comes from behind you, and turning, you are surprised to see the young man sitting on the stool, exactly as before. Taking several sharp breaths and grunting loudly, he once again stretches and leaves the room. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 3/8/2024
Drifting along the ocean floor, a curious dolphin nudges you, urging you to follow. You push along the current along the edge of a deep ravine, and you do your best to ignore the vast open darkness below. The dolphin leads you to a freshly gouged track in the rocky floor, and resting part way over the lip of the ravine is a large chunk of slightly vibrating fractured crystal. The dolphin keeps its distance, and seems agitated at the crystal's presence, but you move closer. Certain you have seen this before, you reach out to touch the foreign object, when it suddenly contracts to nearly a quarter its former size, drawing you closer, and then violently expands along several faces, shoving you backward. The dolphin emits a series of angry squeals and clicks as it flees, and the crystal rocks precariously over the edge of the ravine, tottering for a moment before tumbling down into the inky depths. You watch the crystal disappear, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Involuted Passage Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/6/2024
Waves splash gently against the hull of a small, single-masted boat, and a man checks a compass briefly before making a minor course adjustment. Pulling several lines, he trims the sails, though it seems more out of habit than any need to do so. The boat steadily though slowly cuts through the gentle seas, heeling slightly in the weak beam wind. Scanning the cloudless skies, the man heads below deck to prepare a quick meal of jerky and water.

Returning to the helm, the man sighs in boredom. He checks his compass once again, though the boat remains on course. He leans back and closes his eyes, basking in the warm midday sun.

The winds slow and cease entirely, and without opening his eyes the man merely swears as only sailors can, and rubs his forehead in frustration. The sea is still, the sky is empty, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/6/2024
In endless, starry darkness, you soar, winding between constellation and swirls of diffuse dust. A lighthouse rapidly spins, casting twin beams of light that pierce the void, illuminating nothing, and you drift past the ancient object. You bump into a slowly moving disturbance, gently pushed aside as the distortion tunnels in a winding motion. In the distance, you make out a point of dark blue light, and will yourself towards it. The point recedes, and you pursue. After some time, the light vanishes, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/6/2024
A winter field stretches before you, and with a squeal of laughter, a child skips through the fluffy snow. Kneeling down, the child scoops a generous sweep of snow into her mittened hands and begins to form a compact snowball. After a bit of work, she holds up a lumpy mass and grins happily. Suddenly, the snowball vibrates angrily, and several large spikes of slushy ice expand outward.

The child frowns and scoops up a bit more snow and compacts the snowball, restoring it to a lumpy sphere, but after a moment, the snowball once again vibrates angrily and expands erratically.

Undeterred, the child once again scoops up some more snow and compacts the mass, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/6/2024
With a hammering blow, you feel the air torn from your chest, and you find yourself cast high into the sky, the curve of Elanthia falling away as you flail madly to orient yourself. In the distance, you make out a perfect circle of featureless dark blue light, which begins to grow, though you are unable to ascertain whether the object is approaching or expanding. The edges of the circle begin to blot out the stars and moons, covering the curve of the planet, and still it grows. You feel yourself tugged forward, falling into the circle as its edges expand ever outward and it seems to wrap around you, a shrinking circle of visible space behind you, getting smaller and smaller. Finally, there is nothing but dark blue light, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/6/2024
You find yourself in a featureless clean room. The lighting casts no shadows, and the walls are bare, though a single doorway graces the far wall. The door suddenly opens, and the woman in the wide-brimmed hat quickly steps into the room, closing an the door behind her. Her cataract-clouded eyes look you over head to toe, and she says, "Didn't mean to be late. Turn around."

Skeptically, you turn to see a silver rod extending from the floor, forking until it is approximately eye level. With a flourish, she lights a cigarillo and steps past you. Inhaling deeply and blowing a series of smoke rings that dance and dissipate around the forks, she nods in approval.

"I admit this one took me by surprise," she says with a chuckle, and raps her knuckle against one of the tines. The object rings, the tone building, echoing louder and louder. The sound continues to build, the tines begin to visibly vibrate, the woman grins bigger, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/4/2024
You are falling, the cold air tearing across your face as a distant Elanthia looms. You can make out several distant landmarks, the Segoltha Bay, distant islands, the forests of Leth Deriel. As you orient yourself, you realize you are falling directly above the eastern span of the Dragonspine Mountain range. Several lances of blue light flash past you, hurtling downward. Exploding with violent light and fire moments after they flicker across the landscape, the staccato impacts reach you several seconds later. Several more lances of light flicker around you, focusing into a large spike of blue crystal, crackling at it hardens and lengthens into a jagged point.

Carefully, you telekinetically nudge your body closer to the otherworldly object, and bracing yourself, you strike it with a sharp blow. The crystal chips but quickly heals and reforms. The ground races towards you, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown, Dragon Spine Mountains Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/4/2024
A calm forest brook flows around stones and fallen logs, the air filling with the sound of birds and crickets chirping. Fireflies lazily drift along the waters and brush, gathering en masse as they flicker in sequence creating beautiful surges of yellow-green luminescence. Gradually, the fireflies drift closer and closer together, forming a cluster of light that grows brighter and brighter, holding its shape before you as the insects struggle to fly in such a tight formation. The orb of flying fireflies grows brighter and brighter, and suddenly, goes dark. As your eyes adjust once again to the darkness of the forest brook, you see a large clump of dead fireflies drifting downstream, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/4/2024
A pair of scuttlers appear before you, scrutinizing you momentarily. They turn, and begin carving the ground into an intricate series of curves and swirls, filling the pattern with glowing crystal. A pulsating dark blue light explodes across the sky, and the scuttlers begin working faster. As they continue to carve the ground, a dark blue rippling gate is revealed beneath them, which they step atop its rippling surface as if it is solid. Peaking over the edge of the gate, you see a view of a sweeping field of stars, slowly rotating, and recognize Merewalda and Morleena before the view begins to fill with the curve of Elanthia. As the view continues to rotate, the scuttlers appear to look directly overhead. Suddenly, the view within the gate snaps to perfect stillness, and you watch for several long moments as clouds slowly drift across the planet and overhead. The view begins to blur with pulsating dark blue light, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown, Crauyarin scuttler Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/4/2024
Water splashes over your face, and you struggle to stay afloat in stormy seas. Waves crash overhead, and the wind howls, tearing at the water in a furious gale. Sliding along swells and surges, you lose all sense of direction and become submerged for longer and longer periods of time, unable to reach the surface, unable to breathe. Everything is silent beneath the waves, the inky blackness of the depths wavering under spears of light that does nothing to illuminate beyond the storm-torn surface.

A coil of steelsilk snags your upthrust arm, looping around your wrist and tightening almost painfully, yanking you upward. You clear the surface, coughing, and are pulled higher, dangling above the ocean surface, swinging madly in the storm. You look around to find nothing but endless sea and storm. Following the line of the rope, you see that it extends far into the clouds, disappearing into a swirl of pulsating dark blue light. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/4/2024
Exhaustion bludgeons you suddenly, and you stagger, but do not fall. The shroud-wrapped corpse of your dead friend presses down across your shoulders. You walk, one foot in front of the other, sinking into the mud, and the landscape slowly changes. Trees give way to scrub, grass gives way to desert. You walk, one foot in front of the other, back aching and shoulders tiring. The sun touches the horizon and stains the land orange as the stars emerge.

"Could be worse, you know," the voice of your friend says. "Could be you that died. Not sure I'd be able to carry you all this way."

"Shut up. You're dead," you reply. "The dead don't speak."

"Let it end with us," the voice pleads. "There's nothing left."

"I... I can't. I won't."

You continue walking, the dust swirling around your feet, and the night deepens, the stars burning above. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True