Moon Mage vision list 2022: Difference between revisions
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==2022== |
==2022== |
{{Visions|date=4/23/2022|vision= |
You find yourself in a dark forest standing before a campfire. A man kneels before the flames, gripping his left forearm and staring at his hand, straining in agony and effort, his muscles bulging and sweat pouring from his body. His left hand shakes, clenching, the knuckles cracking and tendons creaking. The man snarls and says through gritted teeth, "We will show them. We will show them all." |
He wrestles his struggling hand down slowly... slowly... into the flame, and as the flesh begins to blacken, several eyes open along the palm and look around frantically. Red pustules bubble and pop, and a sharp-toothed maw opens along his wrist and begins to scream. As the appendage burns, it seems to drink in the flames, changing and twisting, and soon the man begins to scream instead. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=3/19/2022|vision= |
{{Visions|date=3/19/2022|vision= |
Three men sit before a forge, trading turns pumping a bellows as they argue about nothing of consequence, conversations well tread and meaningless in their familiarity. When the time comes, they disagree that the metal is ready but masterfully cooperate in the transfer of the crucible as they pour brilliant blue liquid into a complex mold. Bickering about the quality of the pour as they wait for the material to cool, they each gather their tools -- mallet and tongs, chisels and files, lens and crystal -- and watch as the form settles. After some time, the mallet is swung and the mold shatters, revealing a complicated looking component cast in a silvery-blue metal. They continue to argue as they set to work shifting the piece slightly, bending and twisting, removing material and channeling energy, and the coals slowly cool as their craft continues. The vision fades. |
Three men sit before a forge, trading turns pumping a bellows as they argue about nothing of consequence, conversations well tread and meaningless in their familiarity. When the time comes, they disagree that the metal is ready but masterfully cooperate in the transfer of the crucible as they pour brilliant blue liquid into a complex mold. Bickering about the quality of the pour as they wait for the material to cool, they each gather their tools -- mallet and tongs, chisels and files, lens and crystal -- and watch as the form settles. After some time, the mallet is swung and the mold shatters, revealing a complicated looking component cast in a silvery-blue metal. They continue to argue as they set to work shifting the piece slightly, bending and twisting, removing material and channeling energy, and the coals slowly cool as their craft continues. The vision fades. |
Revision as of 04:41, 23 April 2022
2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024 • 2025 |
This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2022.
Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.
Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.
Date and Time: 4/23/2022 | |
You find yourself in a dark forest standing before a campfire. A man kneels before the flames, gripping his left forearm and staring at his hand, straining in agony and effort, his muscles bulging and sweat pouring from his body. His left hand shakes, clenching, the knuckles cracking and tendons creaking. The man snarls and says through gritted teeth, "We will show them. We will show them all."
He wrestles his struggling hand down slowly... slowly... into the flame, and as the flesh begins to blacken, several eyes open along the palm and look around frantically. Red pustules bubble and pop, and a sharp-toothed maw opens along his wrist and begins to scream. As the appendage burns, it seems to drink in the flames, changing and twisting, and soon the man begins to scream instead. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/19/2022 | |
Three men sit before a forge, trading turns pumping a bellows as they argue about nothing of consequence, conversations well tread and meaningless in their familiarity. When the time comes, they disagree that the metal is ready but masterfully cooperate in the transfer of the crucible as they pour brilliant blue liquid into a complex mold. Bickering about the quality of the pour as they wait for the material to cool, they each gather their tools -- mallet and tongs, chisels and files, lens and crystal -- and watch as the form settles. After some time, the mallet is swung and the mold shatters, revealing a complicated looking component cast in a silvery-blue metal. They continue to argue as they set to work shifting the piece slightly, bending and twisting, removing material and channeling energy, and the coals slowly cool as their craft continues. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/19/2022 | |
A naked boy kneels in the mud before a regal figure and speaks in a guttural tongue. Though you are unfamiliar with the language, you understand every word.
"My esteemed lord", the boy says. "I seek your tutelage, that I may master the blade. I have nothing to offer but my life." The figure looks at the skinny child and nods his approval. Removing his cloak, he casts it over the boy's shoulders and bids him to rise. He takes the boy's hand and, in a smooth motion, draws a short blade and drags a spiraling cut encircling the child's forearm. The boy does not flinch, and the figure nods his approval. "You will learn of the edge and the point, of the steel that rends the air. You will learn of pain, both swift and long. But first, you will soak in death." The figure raises a hand and chops the air before him, and the sky cleanly divides vertically into night and day. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/19/2022 | |
Everything flickers, the fabric of reality rent, and you find yourself observing a furious battle. A dozen figures in golden plate coordinate an assault against two monstrosities, abominations of twisted ice and bristling feather. Driving their quarry, the figures press the attack, forcing the beasts back. Quick as lightning, one of the creatures snaps a smoking tentacle forward and slices a figure in half, and the other gathers itself and begins screaming with such force that the figures drop to their knees in pain.
Moving faster than you thought possible, a figure sprints for the horrors and leaps, shield braced, spear forward. Impaling one of the creatures, he twists the weapon and mercilessly stomps on its head. The other creature moves to attack, you catch a glimpse of the figure's narrowed eyes and sardonic smirk moments before he is torn limb from limb, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: The Bulwark | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/19/2022 | |
A king sits atop a crystal throne and gazes across his court. A dozen generals discuss plans of conquest and defense, border disputes and uprisings, monsters clamoring for their destruction and catastrophe encroaching on their lands. Robed academics complain as they sketch complicated diagrams and point to indecipherable charts, warning of unforeseen concerns and consequences. A wren chirrups at the window, and the king stares at the bird a moment before it flutters away. The king holds a burnt hand for silence, and the assembled advisors bow their heads respectfully, the throne room falling quiet.
A fool dressed in stylized phases of the moon dances forward whistling a merry tune and conjures a dozen orbs of starlight, which he begins to juggle. "You could always ask permission." The fool says, and begins to laugh uproariously. The king sighs, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/19/2022 | |
A woman climbs a twisted oak, confidently pulling herself higher and higher into its branches. Gently parting curtains of bearded moss, she smoothly walks out onto a broad horizontal branch and takes a seat. As your field of view narrows, you see that the tree clings to the edge of a tall cliff, the branch she perches upon stretching over a stunningly high drop. Smoothly lighting a cigarillo and taking a long drag, the woman smiles softly and scans the horizon.
The woman slowly exhales a cloud of smoke. A breathtaking vista of churning storm clouds crackle with lightning, and a raging forest fire spreads across the land, ash and ember rising to the sky. The woman takes another drag of her cigarillo as she watches the land burn, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/18/2022 | |
Everything flickers, the fabric of reality rent, and you find yourself standing on a black sand beach, crashing waves buffeting rocky shoals. The ocean churns, countless crystalline and steel wire tentacles writhing in the surf, and a number of long appendages menacingly reach for you. Suddenly, a figure clad in gold plate rushes forward, slashing at the grasping tentacles and shoving you back. The figure continues battling, pushing several tentacles away with a massive tower shield, but one wraps around the figure's ankle, pulling them off balance. Glancing back at you, the figure grins briefly before being flung into the ocean, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: The Bulwark | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/18/2022 | |
A battered man limps along a dusty road, his left hand clasped over his right bicep, blood dripping between his fingers. One eye is swollen shut, and a thick cut crosses the bridge of his nose. Further ahead, an ephemeral tree grows, wavering slightly in the breeze. The man touches the tree, and takes a deep breath in relief, some of his bruises fading and his wounds knitting. He sits down, leaning against the trunk, closes his eyes, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Empath, Circle of Sympathy | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/18/2022 | |
You find yourself in an enormous cathedral with brilliant, multi-hued light streaming through stained glass windows as spears of color spanning the expansive space. A golden altar sparkles under a shaft of crimson, resplendent and regal, and crystalline chandeliers hang from the ceiling, lit from above by tridecagon cut prisms.
A billowing shadow begins to coalesce along the floor, writhing to avoid the inescapable light. With a dull rumble, the chandeliers begin to sway, and the darkness skitters evasively. The rumble continues, and cracks spider along the masonry. One of the stained glass windows shatters, shards of colored glass raining to the ground, revealing inky darkness outside. The chandeliers explode, trailing shards of crystal which remain suspended in the air, forming a haze of illuminated, reflective dust. The shadows begin to expand, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/18/2022 | |
Images flicker before you, snippets behind broken reflections, whispered in echoing chambers. A smooth dome, a spinning geared wheel, cambrinth cores coiled with alternating copper and oravir wiring. You see yourself hunched over a workbench, twisting a thin metal rod and scribing cold runes in bright starlight. A shadowy figure emerges from a darkened doorway, and in one smooth motion slams the door shut. A square-cut crystal pane slots smoothly over complex gearwork, *click*, *click*, *click*, wound tight, the spring uncoils. The structures vanish, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/18/2022 | |
You find yourself in a smoky room, standing before a seated woman wrapped in a broad cloak and wearing a wide brimmed hat. A cigarillo flares cherry red, softly illuminating the lower half of her scarred face, and she grins widely. Tilting her head up, her cataract eyes stare directly at you beneath the brim of her hat, and she exhales twin plumes of acrid smoke from her nostrils. You are telling a story, one you are intimately familiar with, though you pause, unsure of what happens next.
"Is that all then?" she asks. She reaches forward, her tattooed arm displaying a vivid depiction of the exploits you just recounted to her, and you watch as the images begin to move and shift. She laughs, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2022 | |
You find yourself standing on the deck of a ship, gently rocking on easy waters and light winds under a clear night sky, constellations twinkling above. A hatch opens with a loud *clang* and a man with pale skin and a broad figure stomps onto the deck, wearing multiple belts strung with blocks of lead and thick metal boots. With slow, laborious steps, the man walks to the edge of the boat, and cupping his hands skyward, basks in a cascade of starlight, which coalesces into a shell around him. After briefly checking the integrity of his armored suit, he sits on the railing and looks directly at you.
"They would ask forgiveness. We seek what is ours," he says as he rolls backwards, falling into the waters and sinking like a stone. You watch the faint glow of his crystal-encased form vanish into the depths, blinking in confusion as the reflection of the stars above blossom with novas, and the constellations skew madly. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Traders | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2022 | |
Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and you find yourself clinging awkwardly to a writhing web of electricity. To your surprise, the lightning appears to be solid and holds your weight, though it moves chaotically, connections forming and separating before your eyes. As you climb along the strange landscape, you feel yourself pulled towards a collection of strands that seem to converge at a cocoon of densely wrapped electricity. As you pause to investigate the object, the web begins to vibrate, and a large multi-limbed being made of shivering arcs of electricity scurries towards you, effortlessly flowing along and through the lightning webbing. Pausing before you, the creature unfolds several extra crackling limbs, and seems to study you for a long moment. The nearby cocoon twitches suddenly, the creatures loses interest in you, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Zengmodaleth | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2022 | |
Panic! The claws slash at your back and you run. Faster and faster you flee, slavering maws snapping at your heels! You hear them yowling and chittering, scurrying along on too many limbs, calling to one another as they coordinate, herding, approaching on your left, and you duck, sliding under a narrow opening, your lungs burning for air as you run, run faster than you have ever run before. You round a bend and something rakes across your leg, and you feel your blood flowing freely. A doorway appears before you and you leap, covering your head and face, and as you smash through a wall of crystal you begin to fall.
Spinning around surrounding by reflective fragments, you watch as the door recedes and snarling forms peek through, howling. You fall, and the stars burn around you. You fall, and your reflections begin to smirk. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2022 | |
Everything flickers, the fabric of reality rent, and blood-red snow streams around you, muting all sound with a gentle hiss. A brilliant line of blinding white sparks etch a complex diagram in the ground, a wide circle criss-crossed with harsh lines and intersected curves. As the diagram forms, waves of heat rise, and after a moment, the sparks cease, and the heat intensifies, melting the snow into a torrential rain. Suddenly a squad of figures in golden plate rush to the diagram's perimeter, forming an inward facing shield wall, shouting at you to run. The ground shakes.
One of the figures rushes forward, knocking you clean off your feet. The figure rolls over you, grabbing you like a doll, and throws you over his brethren's shield wall. As you sail through the air, you catch a glimpse of a spiraling column of fire, immolating the kneeling figure, his grin and wink visible as his flesh blackens and chars. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: The Bulwark | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2022 | |
You find yourself diving in shallow waters, swimming among corals and neon fish. The hot sun beats down, and an octopus flashes green and red before darting away. As you explore the waters, a large leafy seahorse with an array of bizarre colors and flowing stripes seems to take interest, squaring off towards you and extending rippled fins disguised as grasses. Its throat expands and contracts in a strange display. Suddenly it spits a tight jet of blue fluid at you, which strikes your chest and slowly dissipates.
Your heart begins to race, and your limbs feel heavy. The colors begin to laugh. The seahorse blurs as it conjoins into the spaces between the waves, and the sun is so loud because it calls across the distance, rudely interrupting the moons, so rude, so very rude. The seahorse shakes its head, a denial, refusing the unasked but always implied question. It swims off, and your heart slows a little. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |