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{{Store At A Glance |
{{Store At A Glance
Store Name = Krrikt'k's Forge |
|Store Name = Krrikt'k's Forge
Province = Qi'Reshalia |
|Province = Qi'Reshalia
Town = Ratha |
|Town = Ratha
MapNumber = 90 |
|MapNumber = 90
Owner = Ssthin'lao |
|Owner = Krrikt'k
NumRooms = 2 |
|NumRooms = 2
Store Type = Weapon}}
|Store Type = Armor,Weapon,Repair

'''''[Krrikt'k's Forge, Salesroom]'''''<br/>
|roomname=Krrikt'k's Forge, Salesroom
Deep red silk hangings fall in graceful folds along the walls, softening the stark lines of the tiny shop. Mounted along the walls are samples of Mastersmith Krrikt'k's work, the polished steel reflecting the deep red glow of the fabric. A dark oak counter stands at the center of the lamp-lit display room, bearing a brass-trimmed leather catalog with a list of the items available for sale.<br/><br/>
|desc=Deep red silk hangings fall in graceful folds along the walls, softening the stark lines of the tiny shop. Mounted along the walls are samples of Mastersmith Krrikt'k's work, the polished steel reflecting the deep red glow of the fabric. A dark oak counter stands at the center of the lamp-lit display room, bearing a brass-trimmed leather catalog with a list of the items available for sale.}}

{{ShopHeader|title= Page 1 - Body Armor}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|mesh robe|note=chain: torso/arms|10,500}}
|- valign="top"
{{ShopItem|t=a|chainmail robe|note=chain: torso/arms|14,000}}
|{{Shop Page List | Page Title = Page 1 - Body Armor | Contents =
{{ShopItem|t=a|mail hauberk|note=chain: torso/arms/legs|28,000}}
* Mesh Robe - LC - '''10500 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|plate cuirass|name=steel cuirass|note=brigandine: torso|26,000}}
* Chainmail Robe - LC - '''14000 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|half plate|note=plate: torso/arms|30,000}}
* Mail Hauberk - HC - '''28999 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|plate armor|note=plate: torso/arms/legs|50,000}}
* Steel Cuirass - LP - '''26000 Lirums'''
{{ShopFootnote|available in custom finishes (page 6)}}
* Half Plate - HP - '''30000 Lirums'''
* Plate Armor - HP - '''50000 Lirums'''}}

{{Shop Page List | Page Title = Page 2 - Armor Accessories | Contents =
{{ShopHeader|title= Page 2 - Armor Accessories}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|visored chain coif|name=visored coif|note=chain: head/eyes/neck|1,500}}
* Visored Coif - Chain Protects the eyes - '''1500 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|sugarloaf helm|note=plate: head/eyes/neck|5,000}}
* Sugarloaf Helm - HP - '''5000 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|chain shin-guards|note=chain: legs|600}}
* Chain Shin-guards - '''600 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|plate greaves|note=brigandine: legs|1,800}}
* Plate Greaves - '''1800 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|chain armguards|note=chain: arms|600}}
* Chain Armguards - '''600 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|plate vambraces (1)|name=plate vambraces|note=plate: arms|1,800}}
* Plate Vambraces - '''1800 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|mail mitts|note=chain: hands|600}}
* Mail Mitts - '''600Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=a|articulated gauntlets|note=brigandine: hands|1,500}}
* Articulated Gauntlets - Plate - '''1500 Lirums'''}}
{{ShopFootnote|available in custom finishes (page 6)}}

{{Shop Page List | Page Title = Page 3 - Edge Weapons | Contents =
{{ShopHeader|title= Page 3 - Edge Weapons}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|dagger (1)|name=dagger|note=light edged (10 stones)|650}}
* Dagger - LE - '''650 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|poignard|note=light edged (8 stones)|800}}
* Poignard - LE - '''800 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|pugio|note=light edged (20 stones)|3,350}}
* Pugio - LE - '''3350 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|kindjal|note=light edged (18 stones)|1,500}}
* Kindjal - LE - '''1500 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|jambaya|note=light edged (18 stones)|8,600}}
* Jambaya - LE - '''8600 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|rapier (3)|name=rapier|note=medium edged (18 stones)|4,000}}
* Rapier - ME - '''4000 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|shashqa|note=medium edged (29 stones)|5,200}}
* Shashqa - ME - '''5200 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|handaxe|note=medium edged (41 stones)|3,000}}
* Handaxe - ME - '''3000 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|small sword|note=medium edged (31 stones); hilts only|4,200}}
* Small Sword - ME - '''4200 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|dagesse|note=heavy edged (40 stones)|9,300}}
* Dagasse - HE - '''9300 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|spatha|note=heavy edged (35 stones)|5,000}}
* Spatha - HE - '''5000 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|condottiere|note=heavy edged (33 stones)|4,400}}
* Condottiere - HE - '''4400 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|schiavona|note=heavy edged (56 stones)|120,000}}
* Schiavona - HE - '''120000 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|lochaber axe|note=halberd (62 stones); no customization|165,000}}
* Lochaber Axe - Halberd - '''165000 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|spike-tipped steel guisarme|name=guisarme|note=halberd (62 stones); no customization|4,500}}
* Guisarme - Halberd - '''4500 Lirums'''}}
{{ShopFootnote|available in custom hilts (page 5) and finishes (page 6) except as noted}}

{{Shop Page List | Page Title = Page 4 - Blunt and Staff Weapons | Contents =
{{ShopHeader|title= Page 4 - Blunt and Staff Weapons}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|sand-filled leather sap|name=sap|note=light blunt (20 stones)|500}}
* Sap - LB - '''500 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|spike-tipped heavy oak club|name=club|note=medium blunt (75 stones)|1,000}}
* Club - MB - '''1000 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|heavy iron chain|note=heavy blunt (44 stones)|2,400}}
* Heavy Iron Chain - HB - '''2400 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|lead-filled wooden truncheon|name=truncheon|note=short staff (35 stones)|1,200}}
* Truncheon - SS - '''1200 Lirums'''
{{ShopItem|t=w|deobar parry stick|name=parry stick|note=quarter staff (40 stones)|700}}
* Parry Stick - QS - '''700 Lirums'''}}

{{Shop Page Two Columns
|{{Shop Page List | Page Title = Page 5 - Hilts and Guards | Contents =
|title=Page 5 - Custom Hilts and Guards
* Fullered - '''600 Lirums'''
* Double-fuller - '''750 Lirums'''
* Flame-edged - '''600 Lirums'''
*fullered (+600 Lirums)
* Swept-hilt - '''550 Lirums'''
*flame-edged (+600 Lirums)
* Basket-hilt - '''650 Lirums'''
*basket-hilt (+650 Lirums)
* Spiral-hilt - '''800 Lirums'''
*ring-guard (+800 Lirums)
* Ring-guard - '''800 Lirums'''
*shell-guard (+1,000 Lirums)
* Cup-guard - '''750 Lirums'''
*claw-pommel (+200 Lirums)
* Shell-guard - '''1000 Lirums'''
*cobra-pommel (+300 Lirums)
* Ribbon-guard - '''850 Lirums'''
*jaguar-pommel (+350 Lirums)
* Claw-pommel - '''200 Lirums'''
*dragon-pommel (+400 Lirums)
* Snake-pommel - '''250 Lirums'''
*rose-pommel (+250 Lirums)
* Cobra-pommel - '''300 Lirums'''
*star-etched (+200 Lirums)
* Lion-pommel - '''350 Lirums'''
* Jaguar-pommel - '''350 Lirums'''
*double-fuller (+750 Lirums)
* Raven-pommel - '''350 Lirums'''
*swept-hilt (+550 Lirums)
* Dragon-pommel - '''400 Lirums'''
*spiral-hilt (+800 Lirums)
* Skull-pommel - '''250 Lirums'''
*cup-guard (+750 Lirums)
* Rose-pommel - '''250 Lirums'''
*ribbon-guard (+850 Lirums)
* Acorn-pommel - '''200 Lirums'''
*snake-pommel (+250 Lirums)
* Star-etched - '''200 Lirums'''
*lion-pommel (+350 Lirums)
* Rose-etched - '''150 Lirums'''}}
*raven-pommel (+350 Lirums)
*skull-pommel (+250 Lirums)
*acorn-pommel (+200 Lirums)
*rose-etched (+150 Lirums)

{{Shop Page List | Page Title = Page 6 - Finishes | Contents =
{{Shop Page Two Columns
|title=Page 6 - Styles/Finishes/States of Repair
* Brushed - '''800 Lirums'''
* Burnished - '''1400 Lirums'''
* Embossed - '''2000 Lirums'''\
*brushed (+800 Lirums)
* Engraved - '''1500 Lirums'''
*embossed (+2,000 Lirums)
* Etched - '''1200 Lirums'''
*etched (+1,200 Lirums)
* Filigreed - '''2500 Lirums'''
*fluted (+1,500 Lirums)
* Fluted - '''1500 Lirums'''
*laminated (+750 Lirums)
* Hammered - '''500 Lirums'''
*stained (+200 Lirums)
* Laminated - '''750 Lirums'''
*scorched (+200 Lirums)
* Rusty - '''100 Lirums'''
*mismatched (+5 Lirums)
* Stained - '''200 Lirums'''
*corroded (+300 Lirums)
* Tarnished - '''250 Lirums'''
*blackened (+100 Lirums)
* Scorched - '''200 Lirums'''
* Worn - '''100 Lirums'''
*burnished (+1,400 Lirums)
* Mismatched - '''5 Lirums'''
*engraved (+1,500 Lirums)
* Dented - '''100 Lirums'''
*filigreed (+2,500 Lirums)
* Corroded - '''300 Lirums'''
*hammered (+500 Lirums)
* Pitted - '''300 Lirums'''
*rusty (+100 Lirums)
* Blackened - '''100 Lirums'''}}
*tarnished (+250 Lirums)
*worn (+100 Lirums)
*dented (+100 Lirums)
*pitted (+300 Lirums)

|roomname=Krrikt'k's Forge
|desc=No wood lines the walls of the forge, just massive stone blocks to reduce the risk of fire. In the center, coals glow within a beehive-shaped furnace, the flames fanned by a leather bellows. Apprentices work at their craft -- a tall dark-scaled youth hammers out a dent in greaves, a younger lass works on steel rings for chainmail, yet another smoothes nicks in the edge of a broadsword. Overseeing them all, the Mastersmith works at his own anvil. You also see a large sign, an arch leading to the salesroom and Mastersmith Krrikt'k.<br />Obvious exits: none.}}

<pre>The sign reads:
[[Category:Armor Shops]]

--==*** Welcome to Krrikt'k's Forge ***==--

To check on the status of a repair look at your ticket.


Give an item to Krrikt'k or ASK KRRIKT'K ABOUT REPAIRING ALL your items.

To retrieve your item just give the ticket back to Krrikt'k.

You MUST keep your ticket or we will keep your items.</pre>

(this shop repairs metal, leather & tools)

Latest revision as of 05:10, 31 January 2018

Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Infobox entry on justice
Krrikt'k's Forge
Province Qi'Reshalia
Justice Unknown
Town Ratha
Map Ranik's Map 90
Owner Krrikt'k
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Armor shops, Weapon shops, Repair shops
This store only accepts Lirums

[Krrikt'k's Forge, Salesroom]
Deep red silk hangings fall in graceful folds along the walls, softening the stark lines of the tiny shop. Mounted along the walls are samples of Mastersmith Krrikt'k's work, the polished steel reflecting the deep red glow of the fabric. A dark oak counter stands at the center of the lamp-lit display room, bearing a brass-trimmed leather catalog with a list of the items available for sale.

Note: You may be able to haggle for lower prices depending on your Charisma.

Page 1 - Body Armor
Item Price Done
mesh robe - chain: torso/arms 10,500   !!
chainmail robe - chain: torso/arms 14,000   !!
mail hauberk - chain: torso/arms/legs 28,000   !!
steel cuirass - brigandine: torso 26,000   !!
half plate - plate: torso/arms 30,000   !!
plate armor - plate: torso/arms/legs 50,000   !!
available in custom finishes (page 6)
Page 2 - Armor Accessories
Item Price Done
visored coif - chain: head/eyes/neck 1,500   !!
sugarloaf helm - plate: head/eyes/neck 5,000   !!
chain shin-guards - chain: legs 600   !!
plate greaves - brigandine: legs 1,800   !!
chain armguards - chain: arms 600   !!
plate vambraces - plate: arms 1,800   !!
mail mitts - chain: hands 600   !!
articulated gauntlets - brigandine: hands 1,500   !!
available in custom finishes (page 6)
Page 3 - Edge Weapons
Item Price Done
dagger - light edged (10 stones) 650   
poignard - light edged (8 stones) 800   
pugio - light edged (20 stones) 3,350   
kindjal - light edged (18 stones) 1,500   
jambaya - light edged (18 stones) 8,600   
rapier - medium edged (18 stones) 4,000   
shashqa - medium edged (29 stones) 5,200   
handaxe - medium edged (41 stones) 3,000   
small sword - medium edged (31 stones); hilts only 4,200   
dagesse - heavy edged (40 stones) 9,300   
spatha - heavy edged (35 stones) 5,000   
condottiere - heavy edged (33 stones) 4,400   
schiavona - heavy edged (56 stones) 120,000   
lochaber axe - halberd (62 stones); no customization 165,000   
guisarme - halberd (62 stones); no customization 4,500   
available in custom hilts (page 5) and finishes (page 6) except as noted
Page 4 - Blunt and Staff Weapons
Item Price Done
sap - light blunt (20 stones) 500   
club - medium blunt (75 stones) 1,000   
heavy iron chain - heavy blunt (44 stones) 2,400   
truncheon - short staff (35 stones) 1,200   
parry stick - quarter staff (40 stones) 700   
Page 5 - Custom Hilts and Guards
  • fullered (+600 Lirums)
  • flame-edged (+600 Lirums)
  • basket-hilt (+650 Lirums)
  • ring-guard (+800 Lirums)
  • shell-guard (+1,000 Lirums)
  • claw-pommel (+200 Lirums)
  • cobra-pommel (+300 Lirums)
  • jaguar-pommel (+350 Lirums)
  • dragon-pommel (+400 Lirums)
  • rose-pommel (+250 Lirums)
  • star-etched (+200 Lirums)
  • double-fuller (+750 Lirums)
  • swept-hilt (+550 Lirums)
  • spiral-hilt (+800 Lirums)
  • cup-guard (+750 Lirums)
  • ribbon-guard (+850 Lirums)
  • snake-pommel (+250 Lirums)
  • lion-pommel (+350 Lirums)
  • raven-pommel (+350 Lirums)
  • skull-pommel (+250 Lirums)
  • acorn-pommel (+200 Lirums)
  • rose-etched (+150 Lirums)
Page 6 - Styles/Finishes/States of Repair
  • brushed (+800 Lirums)
  • embossed (+2,000 Lirums)
  • etched (+1,200 Lirums)
  • fluted (+1,500 Lirums)
  • laminated (+750 Lirums)
  • stained (+200 Lirums)
  • scorched (+200 Lirums)
  • mismatched (+5 Lirums)
  • corroded (+300 Lirums)
  • blackened (+100 Lirums)
  • burnished (+1,400 Lirums)
  • engraved (+1,500 Lirums)
  • filigreed (+2,500 Lirums)
  • hammered (+500 Lirums)
  • rusty (+100 Lirums)
  • tarnished (+250 Lirums)
  • worn (+100 Lirums)
  • dented (+100 Lirums)
  • pitted (+300 Lirums)

[Krrikt'k's Forge]
No wood lines the walls of the forge, just massive stone blocks to reduce the risk of fire. In the center, coals glow within a beehive-shaped furnace, the flames fanned by a leather bellows. Apprentices work at their craft -- a tall dark-scaled youth hammers out a dent in greaves, a younger lass works on steel rings for chainmail, yet another smoothes nicks in the edge of a broadsword. Overseeing them all, the Mastersmith works at his own anvil. You also see a large sign, an arch leading to the salesroom and Mastersmith Krrikt'k.
Obvious exits: none.

The sign reads:

        --==*** Welcome to Krrikt'k's Forge ***==--

    To check on the status of a repair look at your ticket.

       ASK KRRIKT'K ABOUT REPAIR or MATERIALS for instructions.

 Give an item to Krrikt'k or ASK KRRIKT'K ABOUT REPAIRING ALL your items.

   To retrieve your item just give the ticket back to Krrikt'k.

     You MUST keep your ticket or we will keep your items.

(this shop repairs metal, leather & tools)