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{{ListItem|climbing|[[RanikMap63|Tree in Germish'din]]|Oshu'ehhrsk Manor Grounds||||}}
{{ListItem|climbing|[[RanikMap63|Tree in Germish'din]]|Oshu'ehhrsk Manor Grounds||||}}

{{ListHeader|swimming|Places to swim in Zoluren}}
{{ListHeader|swimming|Places to swim in Zoluren}}

Revision as of 22:23, 1 December 2013

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Athletics skill is a new skill under DR 3.0 that combines Climbing and Swimming, as well as some aspects of Escaping.


Stuff to climb in Zoluren
Climbable Object Location Bottom Cap Weapon Top Cap Notes
felled tree on way to Knife Clan 0 unknown >19
vreeland pear tree Crossing, Grassland Road, Meadow (20) 0 unknown 80 between west gate and eels
Rockslide NTR near Dirge (canyon where you get knocked down) 0? >77 unknown can just GO TRAIL if you can't CLIMB ROCKSLIDE
Ancient Tower stairs/steps Zoluren, Ancient Tower, Stairwell 0 N/A unknown incidental feature
trellis Jadewater Mansion, East Lawn (295) 0 unknown unknown
Temple stairs and ladders Crossing Temple 0 unknown unknown incidental feature
oak tree Arthe Dale, Greensward (537), Swimming Hole 5 30 140
Apple tree Midton Circle 10 unknown unknown Housing area near TGNE
Willow Tree Northwall Trail, Birch Copse 15? unknown unknown It is a willow tree in a Birch Copse
rise Siergelde Cliffs, High Path (371, 372) 20? unknown unknown
Crossing Moon Mage Guild stairs Middens 20? unknown unknown
Ladder/Creeper/Rope to Beisswurms Abandoned Mine 30 unknown unknown high skill to drag bodies up
monolith Eik Wood, Granite Outcroppings (137, 182) 45 unknown unknown
stream bank in Moss Meys Leth Moss Mey area 45? unknown unknown
Mine shaft Silverwater Mines 50 unknown unknown UP and DOWN also teach
Cliff and Trail to Crossing Ogres Rocky OutCrop 65 unknown unknown
Crossing E gate embrasures Crossing, Northeast Gate Battlements (411) 85? 225? 350? 2 embrasures
Crossing NE gate embrasures Crossing 100 200? 350? 1 embrasure
Crossing NE gate crenellations Crossing 150? 200? 350? 1 crenellation
Crossing W gate crenellations Crossing 150? 200? 350? 1 crenellation
embrasures Crossing, Wall Battlements (265-267) 150? 200? 350? 3 embrasures
Crossing W gate walls Crossing 150? 200? 350? 3 walls
Crossing NE gate walls Crossing 150? 200? 350? 2 walls
Geni Oak Tree Geni Wilderness 180 unknown 400
Crossing E gate walls Crossing 200? 225? 350? 3 walls
Geni Branch Geni Wilderness 220 unknown 430
Fireplace in Germish'din Oshu'ehhrsk Manor Grounds, Catacombs 220 unknown unknown climb mound one way, climb hole other, 350? to climb out
Crossing E gate crenellations Crossing 225? 200? 350? 1 crenellation
Geni Bough Geni Wilderness 250 unknown 450
Geni Limb Geni Wilderness 250 unknown 450
Vine into Kartais Oshu'ehhrsk Manor >250 unknown unknown
Ladder on Ledge Silverwater Mine shaft 350 unknown 500+
Ice Cave in The Gash The Gash, in the cave past the crevice unknown unknown 285
Linden Tree Crossing, Willow Walk unknown unknown unknown 1 north from the center of the area
Empath Pole Crossing Empath Guild unknown unknown unknown
Manure Pit Wall Crossing Paladin Guild unknown unknown unknown you smell like manure, can't climb up the wall)
Quarry Chute and Cliff Crossing, Temple Hill unknown unknown unknown
Vineyards Terraced Hills Crossing, 3 climbs unknown unknown unknown
oak tree Arthe Dale, Berry Knolls unknown unknown unknown center of the housng area
Mason in Kartais Oshu'ehhrsk Manor unknown unknown unknown
Sinkhole to Germish'din Oshu'ehhrsk Manor Grounds unknown unknown unknown
Tree in Germish'din Oshu'ehhrsk Manor Grounds unknown unknown unknown





Places to swim in Zoluren
Body of Water Location Bottom Cap Top Cap Notes
Crossing Sewers Crossing 0 80 Don't wander into the thug area
Arthe Dale Pool Zoluren, Arthe Dale 0 80
Goblin Brook Zoluren, Woodland Path, Brook 0 110 Teaches well until 80, but slows down to a crawl past that.
Lost Crossing Sewers Crossing, Damp Passage, Dark Tunnel 0 50?
Moss Mey Stream Leth Deriel, Brynn Rill, Stream Bed 15 50
Drainage Ditch Baerolt's Farmhold 50 150 Open to Premium Subscribers Only. Swimming WITH the current can teach from 0 - 80 ranks
Harbor Ilaya Taipa 75 400+ Still locking at 210 ranks.
Segoltha Crossing 350 500+
Underground River Wicked Burrow Mine outside Dirge 350 500+
Object bottom cap top cap location notes
Corik's Wall >600 > 1100 Can climb ~8 walls. Teaching well past 1100.

Fang Cove


Object bottom cap top cap location notes
narrow stairs in the shanty
hatch-covered ladder in the bank
steps crudely crafted from gathered stones
palm tree/trunk enclave
seaweed-covered ladder to under the dock
steep embankment to get out of the pool
winding trail
stone steps 25-30 outside gate/to shore
jutting rocks going up to Fang Peak
rough stairway 35-45 beach to Talas Shagamat can climb prac at 30
leafy tangle <75
low-hanging branch 80 >125 goes to secluded island
pale tree trunk 100 >125
small vine-twined tree >180 top of Fang's Peak can climb prac at 180
low-hanging tree >180 secluded island can climb prac at 180


Object bottom cap top cap location notes
pool around the secluded island
Under the dock 50? 100?
shoreline Suw Bizar area knee deep
coral reef Suw Bizar area waist deep
seaward 80 Suw Bizar area neck deep
deep water 180 underwater with sharks



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