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Vithwok II

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Vithwok II
Status: Historical Figure
Race: Gor'Tog
Gender: Unknown
Type: emperor

Vithwok II was the Gor'Tog emperor of the Seven Star Empire from 465 BL to 458 BL.


479 BL --Reign of Colvastus, an Elothean, begins
--The immediate return of Throne City as capital is ordered
478 BL Trade sanctions are placed on Morganae, as she is ordered to cease her political meddling
472 BL Reign of Liicca, a Halfling, begins
465 BL Reign of Vithwok II, a Gor'Tog, begins
459 BL Lord Ellington and the merchant Verik have several skirmishes
458 BL Reign of Zayoshsa, a S'Kra Mur, begins


There have been several other Emperors named Vithwok