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Sanowret crystal

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Sanowret crystals are magical crystals imbued with knowledge, based on the workings of an achaedi crystal. Sanowret crystals both teach the Arcana skill (regardless of guild and skill) and come with extensive notes about one of nine topics of magic theory.

To use it, one merely gazes upon the crystal while fully concentrated and absorbs the knowledge therein. Arcana is learned as the notes on magic theory progress, over the course of approximately half a minute. The amount of Arcana experience granted scales upward with your skill.

This is a permanent item, without needing to be recharged. Non-magic users can use them. It consumes concentration to use. The initial lecture the crystal is prepared with is random, although more may be unlocked with potency crystals. Unlocking additional lectures does not increase the experience granted, and they are primarily for role-play purposes or "fluff".

They were available as consolation prizes from the Bacon Man's Birthday Bash's token auction as a special sneak-preview. They were scheduled for general release some time after Hollow Eve 2016, and arrived for sale at Web of Fate (3) at Guildfest 423. Chris' Mass Festival 425 (2017) saw special frost-colored sanowret crystals that held new wintry stories.



  • GAZE seems to take roughly 30 seconds to discharge the lecture. Each pulse of lecture information gives a pulse of exp. It seems to consume 51% of concentration regardless. Learning is dependent upon current arcana ranks.
  • EXHALE appears to teach roughly half as well, but it's instant and does not have a wall of text. Concentration hit seems to be the same.
  • Both commands have no noticeable cool down and can be used as soon as concentration hits 100% again.
  • No other skills gain exp regardless of the subject of the lecture.
  • Initially, sanowret crystals randomly generated a permanent wrist or neck worn position, though various worn locations, including generally worn, are now available.

Care and handling

  • Crystals should not be DROPped or they will be damaged.
  • They can be LOWERed to the ground instead to avoid damage.
  • Damaged crystals can be repaired by using an infuser stone on them.
  • They do not require any other special handling and are weather-proof.


See sanowret crystal to learn more.

Verb Actions
STUDY First Person: Looking at the sanowret crystal, you believe it to contain some hidden knowledge that you can access if you GAZE into the crystal, or EXHALE on it to gain rudimentary knowledge of arcana.

You also think that you can turn, raise, rub, and clean the crystal.
The crystal looks fragile. You think you could LOWER it to put it on the ground instead of dropping it, which might damage it.

No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
GAZE First Person: You gaze intently into your sanowret crystal, seeking the promise of hidden knowledge as light dances across its surface.

Note: Starts a lecture on a magical subject. Arcana experience is earned with each new pulse of information.

No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
EXHALE First Person: You exhale softly on your sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

You hear in your mind a quiet recollection of wisdom. Though you think that you could get more knowledge if you were to GAZE into the crystal, you come away from the experience with a further understanding of Arcana as the scintillating lights fade again.

Note: Grants a single pulse of Arcana experience.

No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
LOWER First Person: Used to put the crystal on the ground without damaging it.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PUSH First Person: Changes which lecture is viewed when GAZEing at the crystal. Only available for crystals that have been upgraded with a potency crystal.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
TURN First Person: You turn your sanowret crystal, throwing scintillating sparks that dance vibrant motes of light across the ground.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
RAISE First Person: You raise sanowret crystal over your head. Soft beams of light shine from it, playing gently over your surroundings before silently fading again.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
RUB First Person: You lightly run your fingers over your sanowret crystal, and it makes a soft chiming noise that gradually crescendos before gently fading away again.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
CLEAN First Person: You gently clean your sanowret crystal, buffing it to a crystal clear shine.

You also notice a hidden chain attached to your crystal and pull it free, allowing it to be worn around your wrist.

Note: Not on all crystals have a hidden chain; some have worn locations pre-set or can't be worn.

No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.


Arcane Magic

Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Arcane Magic rings clear in your mind:


Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Attunement rings clear in your mind:

Elemental Magic

Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Elemental Magic rings clear in your mind:

Holy Magic

Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Holy Magic rings clear in your mind:

Life Magic

Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Life Magic rings clear in your mind:

Lunar Magic

Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Lunar Magic rings clear in your mind:

Magical Devices

Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Magical Devices rings clear in your mind:


Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Mana rings clear in your mind:

Spell Patterns

Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about Spell Patterns rings clear in your mind:

Spidersworn and wildling spiders

Knowledge from your sanowret crystal about the Spidersworn and wildling spiders rings clear in your mind:


There are various types of sanowret crystals

 Worn LocationSource
Amber-colored sanowret crystal set in an enameled Xala'sharbeltCreature Story
Argent sanowret crystal set within a palladium blade spidergenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Argent sanowret crystal set within a silversteel blade spidergenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Accents for the Arachnophile (6)
Aurulent sanowret crystal set in a platinum wildling spidernoseAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Accents for the Arachnophile (6)
Accents for the Arachnophile (5)
Blood red sanowret crystal set in an enameled goblinbeltCreature Story
Blood-red sanowret crystalnoseFinest Box of Gems (4)
Finest Box of Gems (3)
Finest Box of Gems (2)
Finest Box of Gems (1)
Bone white sanowret crystal set in an enameled zombiebeltCreature Story
Burnt orange sanowret crystal set in an enameled vykathibeltCreature Story
Celadon sanowret crystal set within a black gold zynachi spidergenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Chartreuse sanowret crystal set in an enameled birdbeltCreature Story
Cobalt sanowret crystal set in an enameled orcbeltCreature Story
Colored sanowret crystal-Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes
Crimson sanowret crystal set in an enameled ogrebeltCreature Story
Dazzling-yellow sanowret crystal-
Ecru sanowret crystal set in an enameled catbeltCreature Story
Eldritch sanowret crystal set within a loimic tomiek-iguji broodlinggenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Eldritch sanowret crystal set within a tomiek-iguji broodlinggenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Accents for the Arachnophile (6)
Electric blue sanowret crystal set in a covellite wildling spiderbeltAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Accents for the Arachnophile (6)
Accents for the Arachnophile (5)
Flame-orange sanowret crystal set in an enameled firecatbeltCreature Story
Frost-blue sanowret crystal-
Frost-green sanowret crystalneck
Fuchsia sanowret crystal set in an enameled faebeltCreature Story
Icy blue sanowret crystal set in an enameled Adan'fbeltCreature Story
Indigo sanowret crystal set in an enameled gryphonbeltCreature Story
Jet black sanowret crystal set in an enameled wyvernbeltCreature Story
Kaleidoscopic sanowret crystal set in a tomiek wildling spidergenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Accents for the Arachnophile (6)
Accents for the Arachnophile (5)
Lime green sanowret crystal set in an enameled crabbeltCreature Story
Lime green sanowret crystal set in an enameled serpentbeltCreature Story
Lime-green sanowret crystal-Hollow Eve Festival 425/Raffles
Mist-grey sanowret crystal set in an enameled wolfbeltCreature Story
Moss green sanowret crystal set in an enameled badgerbeltCreature Story
Ochre sanowret crystal set within a kelpzyte reaper spidergenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Olive green sanowret crystal set in an enameled trollbeltCreature Story
Orange sanowret crystal set in an enameled frogbeltCreature Story
Pitch black sanowret crystal set in an enameled leucrobeltCreature Story
Prismatic sanowret crystal set within a rencate wildling spidergenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Russet sanowret crystal set in an enameled bearbeltCreature Story
Sanguine sanowret crystal set within a tomiek Harawep's SpidergenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Sanowret crystal dotted with blue suirite moonsgenericHollow Eve Festival 436/Raffles
Sanowret crystal etched with a clowder of tabby catsgeneric
Sanowret crystal etched with teardropsgeneric
Sepia sanowret crystal set in an enameled golembeltCreature Story
Shimmering sanowret crystal caught within a cage of golden archesgenericDroughtman's Challenge 437/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 433/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 430/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 450/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 441/Incidental loot
Slate-grey sanowret crystal set in an enameled gargoylebeltCreature Story
Smoke-grey sanowret crystal set in an enameled ghostbeltCreature Story
Smoky grey sanowret crystal set within a nielloed nightweaver unyngenericAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Starlight-hued sanowret crystal set in a mistglass wildling spiderankleAccents for the Arachnophile (7)
Accents for the Arachnophile (6)
Accents for the Arachnophile (5)
Thealstone-encircled sanowret crystal surmounting a silver crownheadDroughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental loot
Twilight-blue sanowret crystalwristFinest Box of Gems (4)
Finest Box of Gems (3)
Finest Box of Gems (2)
Finest Box of Gems (1)
Umber sanowret crystal set in an enameled boarbeltCreature Story
... further results

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