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Status: Dead
Race: Elothean
Gender: Male
Type: ferdahl

Ferdahl Queri the Lorethew

Second Ferdahl and a scholar, Queri set up the council and created the positions of the Three.

Timeline (one version)

-1970 Death of Silvrathrew the Elder
-1970 Reign of Queri the Lorethew begins
-1970 Ferdahl Queri establishes the council and the Three
-1834 Death of Ferdahl Queri the Lorethew
-1834 Reigns of Ferdahls Astrar and Emiil begins

Timeline (another version)

2113 BL --Ferdahl Silvrathrew dies
--Reign of Ferdahl Queri begins
2040 BL The Fangs of Ushnish fleet is established
2029 BL Ferdahl Queri establishes the Three
1990 BL --Ferdahl Queri dies
--Reign of Ferdahls Astrar and Emiil begin

Artwork & Items

The medallion depicts the second Ferdahl as a supremely wise-looking man in the classical Elothean style.