Post:Tyura circle meditation demonstration today! - 03/20/2014 - 03:27
Tyura circle meditation demonstration today! · on 03/20/2014 03:27 | 2113 |
Here is a record of the demonstration. Niloa now resides at the at the Podium of the Temple of Serenity, offering small lectures, answering select inquiries, and passing out tyura salts in appreciation of donations. (5000 Dokora, but only once per 24hrs)
She is holding a glass vial with softly colored chambers in her right hand.
You see Temple Inquisitor Sinstra, Chosen of Aldauth, an Elothean Cleric. She is wearing a thin silver circlet etched with flying red vultures, a silver kyanite gwethdesuan, a faceted ruby scorpion suspended from a black cord necklace, an ornate platinum brooch set with an orichalcum icosahedron, a black nightsilk backpack, a nightmare-black Elothean silk robe cinched with a dark red sash, a dark steel armband engraved with the image of a red spiral, a dark steel bracelet carved with stylized flying vultures, an albredine crystal ring and some fitted shadowy black sandals with detailed straps. Niloa says, "Well, let us begin formally. Welcome, travelers, to the Temple of Serenity. For those of you I have not met before, I am Niloa. I'm the Emissary from the temple to the tower, and from the tower to the temple. I am pleased to see your interest in our practices, and hope to see all of you more in the future." Niloa smiles serenely. Miskton smiles. Niloa says, "As you may have noticed looking around the temple, various elements of nature have a special significance in our practices." Niloa says, "The natural world is a reflection of ourselves, as we are of it. Like the water, the sun, air, earth -- we are temporary creatures." You notice as a curious silvery-blue baby bear shakes furiously for a moment. Niloa says, "Even the very curious bear, though him less than most of us." You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again. Niloa grins. Liurilias chuckles. You try hard not to grin. Schvartzgonif chuckles. Niloa says, "Salt then, is a distillation of these elements, mingling through all things. It is in the air, in the minerals left behind in a fire, in waters, in the very ground. Even within ourselves." Niloa says, "It is a commonality that is a good representative of the connections we seek to emphasize in our teachings. Because of this, we use special salt drawings to aid us in this emphasis." Niloa smiles. Niloa says, "We color the salts with various plants, and then each color is chosen to reflect an aspect of ourselves. With the colors, we create the circle drawing, a physical representation of the concept on which we are focusing." Niloa says, "Once the drawing is complete, it is then destroyed. This destruction is symbolic of the fleeting perfection, the ephemeral understanding of existence." Niloa nods her head as if in understanding of some unarticulated comment. Niloa says, "We are all, and we are nothing. We are born, and we die. We are, within ourselves, both potential and negation. Same with the circles." You gaze thoughtfully at Niloa. Niloa smiles. Niloa says, "Today I am going to show you how we of the temple use tyura circles, our name for this type of salt drawing, to focus ourselves upon ourselves, recognizing and fulfilling various aspects of our natures." Niloa taps a glass vial with softly colored chambers that she is holding. Niloa says, "Though we of the temple value the curious mind, I do ask that you hold all questions until my demonstration is complete, as maintaining focus is very important to the completion of the circles." Niloa smiles. Dreamheart nods. Niloa says, "The first of the four basic tyura circles is the strength of life, the urge towards being. It is reflected by the gasp of new breath, the growing meadow, and the rushing waters." The air shimmers for a moment as Traim's spell ends and he becomes visible once more. While murmuring a soft tonal chant, Niloa pours out a small amount of glittering pure white salt from her vial, creating the beginnings of a white tyura circle. With deft and practiced hands, Niloa pours out a small amount of brilliant green salt from her vial, expertly tracing a second pattern over the first, giving the tyura circle a distinctly verdant quality. Dreamheart appears to be listening intently for something. Niloa carefully pours out a small amount of cerulean blue salt from her vial, expertly tracing a third pattern over the second, filling in the empty spaces within the tyura circle with a wave-like texture. Niloa bows as she pours the remaining salt from her glass vial in a spiraling pattern around the perimeter of the tyura circle, then discards the empty container. With deliberate motions, Niloa traces the lines of the tyura circle backwards, carefully erasing the patterns in a specific order. A subtle tranquil look settles over her, as if she feels that everything is right with the world. Niloa bows. Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation. Liurilias applauds. You smile at Niloa. Schvartzgonif applauds. Etherian smiles. You gaze at Niloa in admiration. Schvartzgonif appears to be listening intently for something. Niloa says, "It is important to remember that as each circle is a reflection of its creator, so too is the creator a reflection of the circle." Niloa says, "Wholeness is truth." Niloa smiles. Niloa pulls out another vial and closes her eyes for just a moment before beginning again. Niloa says, "Next is the exploration of energy, the invigoration of being. It is reflected in the colors of the slow flame, the eternal beacon, that which burns and yet does not exhaust." Swaying as if in unconscious dance, Niloa pours out a small amount of vibrant red salt from her vial, creating the beginnings of a red tyura circle. Niloa raises her vial skyward before carefully pouring out a small amount of orange salt from it, expertly tracing a second pattern over the first, further enhancing the fiery circle. With ritualized movements, Niloa carefully pours out a small amount of pale yellow salt from her vial, boldly detailing a third pattern over the second, filling in the empty spaces within the tyura circle until it resembles the essence of frenetic motion itself. Temple Inquisitor Sinstra just arrived. Niloa carefully pours the remaining salt from her glass vial in a simple spiraling pattern around the perimeter of the tyura circle, then discards the empty container. After a series of throaty hums, Niloa traces the lines of the tyura circle backwards, carefully erasing the patterns in a specific order. A subtle tranquil look settles over her, as if she feels that everything is right with the world. Sinstra says, "Interesting." Niloa smiles. Niloa says to Sinstra, "Thank you." You flash a wide grin at Niloa. Sinstra says to Niloa, "I am from the High Temple in Crossing. And had to come see this place for myself. Very interesting stories I hear about it." Sinstra says to Niloa, "Please. Continue." Niloa says, "Welcome to the Temple of Serenity. I've two more of the basic circles left to show." Niloa smiles serenely at Sinstra. Niloa bows. Sinstra asks Niloa, "You have favor, at least. Who do you follow?" Niloa pulls out another vial and closes her eyes for just a moment before beginning again. Sinstra says, "Ah, I am interrupting. Continue." Niloa says, "The second to the last of the basic tyura circles is that of the inner spark, the connection of all being. It is reflected by the savant eye, the ruddy moon, and the wisp of smoke that twists ever upward." Niloa kneels, pressing her cheek to the floor before rising once again to pour out a small amount of gold-flecked yellow salt from her vial, creating the beginnings of a yellow tyura circle. With graceful motions, Niloa pours out a small amount of yavash-red salt from her vial, expertly tracing a second pattern over the first, lending the circle a wavering quality that seems to embrace every section of the design. Sinstra watches with interest, and not a small amount of suspicion. Niloa taps the vial to her forehead then carefully pours out a small amount of matte white salt from her vial, flawlessly tracing a third, whorling pattern over the second, filling in the empty spaces within the tyura circle. Niloa deftly pours the remaining salt from her glass vial in a wide spiraling pattern around the perimeter of the tyura circle, then discards the empty container. After slowing walking around it three times, Niloa traces the lines of the tyura circle backwards, carefully erasing the patterns in a specific order. A subtle tranquil look settles over her, as if she feels that everything is right with the world. Niloa smiles softly. Miskton smiles. Liurilias smiles. Sinstra frowns. Sinstra asks, "Interesting. What is the reason for pouring out all the salt?" Niloa says, "Wholeness." Sinstra says, "Hm." Schvartzgonif says, "She asked questions be after the complete demonstration." Schvartzgonif smiles. Sinstra gazes at Schvartzgonif. Sinstra says, "I came in late. Please, continue." Sinstra gives Niloa a slight nod. Niloa says to Schvartzgonif, "It is alright, traveler. I am between the circles, and that is all that matters." Niloa says to Sinstra, "Alamhif." Niloa nods. Niloa pulls out another vial and closes her eyes for just a moment before beginning again. Niloa says, "Our final circle is that of the one stillness, the recognition of being. It is reflected by the blanketing snow upon the mountain as it captures a single, perfect sunrise." With closed eyes, Niloa pours out a small amount of glittering frost white salt from her vial, creating the beginnings of a white tyura circle. Sinstra gives a slight nod. Niloa's motions betray the extent of her familiarity with the process as she pours out a small amount of soft coral pink salt from her vial with her eyes still closed, delicately tracing a second pattern over the first. Subtle movements breaking her otherwise complete stillness, Niloa pours out a small amount of violet salt from her vial, reverently tracing a third pattern over the second, filling in the design's empty spaces with wispy streaks. Niloa carefully pours the remaining salt from her glass vial in a tightly spiraling pattern around the perimeter of the tyura circle, then discards the empty container. Niloa traces the lines of the tyura circle backwards, carefully erasing the patterns in a specific order before finally opening her eyes once more. A subtle tranquil look settles over her, as if she feels that everything is right with the world. Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation. You beam at Niloa! Niloa says, "And there you have them, the most basic of the tyura circles. There are, of course, many further reflections one may create, limitless as existence itself." Niloa smiles. Schvartzgonif raises her hand. Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. Liurilias cocks his head at Sinstra. Niloa says, "Thank you all for your stillness, even you, curious bear, for whom it is most challenging." You notice as a curious silvery-blue baby bear looks around absentmindedly. Miskton grins. Traim smirks. Niloa smiles serenely. Schvartzgonif asks, "I have a question if you please?" Niloa says to Schvartzgonif, "Of course." Liurilias gives a slight nod. Schvartzgonif asks, "Can those of all races learn to make these circles? and is there a specific type of salt required? For instance, west of my city, Muspari, there is much salt in the lake, can it be made from that?" Niloa says, "Oh, that is more than one question." Niloa smiles. Schvartzgonif grins. Niloa says, "But yes, anyone could create a tyura circle." Liurilias angles his ears forward in curiosity. Niloa says, "It would not matter where the salt was from, only that it was prepared correctly." Niloa asks Schvartzgonif, "Does this suffice as answer?" Niloa smiles at Schvartzgonif. Liurilias raises his hand. Schvartzgonif asks, "Prepared correctly, will this be purchasable from your temple here? or will you be teaching how to prepare it?" Niloa smiles. Niloa says, "We prepare much of the salts here." Niloa nods. Schvartzgonif nods. Niloa says, "It is not a process that is quickly learned, even I do not create them." Sinstra raises an eyebrow. Sinstra asks, "Who does, in that case?" Niloa says to Sinstra, "The older practitioners." Dreamheart fidgets nervously. Sinstra says, "Fair enough." Sinstra gives Niloa a slight nod. Niloa says to Schvartzgonif, "And as to the rest of your question, the temple will provide salts for small donation." Niloa smiles. Niloa nods. Schvartzgonif smiles. Niloa asks Liurilias, "You has a question?" Liurilias says, "Oh, I did, but it's been answered now with that last bit." Niloa smiles. Miskton ponders. Miskton raises his hand. Niloa nods to Miskton. Niloa asks, "Yes?" Niloa smiles at Miskton. Miskton asks, "You mentioned that number of potential circles is limitless. Are there any particular rules for things like color combinations for one to be considered properly done? Or is it more a matter of personal expression?" Niloa says, "Truth knows truth." Niloa says, "When one has recognized the shape of themselves, one may reflect that shape outwardly." Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation. Miskton nods. Dreamheart raises her hand. Niloa says, "It is more a matter of understanding that the self and the circle are the same." Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. Sinstra appears to only be listening now. Niloa asks Dreamheart, "Yes?" Niloa smiles softly. Dreamheart says, "I may be lax in my studies of Elothean traditions, so I have two questions." Niloa says, "Of course." Dreamheart smiles. You notice a curious silvery-blue baby bear sniff at Sinstra for a moment. Sinstra glances at a curious silvery-blue baby bear. Dreamheart asks, "Which books might you refer me to for more information about the Temple and the circles?" Niloa says, "We do not have books, as it has been mostly an oral tradition to keep the oldest ways alive once the Houses split traditions further as culture evolved with time." Niloa smiles. Niloa says, "There are, however, a few scrolls that we keep as artifacts." Dreamheart says, "That is singularly unfortunate." Dreamheart sighs. Dreamheart beams at Niloa! Niloa says, "You can see them in the niches of the sanctuary here." Schvartzgonif raises her hand. You nod to Niloa. Dreamheart asks, "Oh, And to what end do you make these lovely colored circles? Is that explained in the scrolls?" Niloa asks, "Oh. Was I not clear originally?" Dreamheart says, "Perhaps I have failed to connect the dots." Dreamheart gazes at Niloa. Sinstra says, "It appears to be in pursuit of spiritual betterness, although I cannot be certain." Niloa looks slightly embarrassed. She says, “I am afraid that I am usually discussing the matters amongst those who already study our ways. Sometimes I can be obtuse and not realize.” Liurilias pats Niloa on the back. Niloa says to Sinstra, "You are correct." Niloa says, "The circles are simply a tool." Schvartzgonif asks, "You mentioned donations? do you have a tithe box or something similar? I didn't seem to see one? and are particular colors easier for a beginner?" Dreamheart asks, "So what would Damaris' circle look like?" Niloa slowly empties her lungs. Niloa says, "Please, only one at a time. I do not wish to overlook someone." Niloa smiles softly. (Dreamheart steps backwards.) Dreamheart blushes a bright red color. Niloa says to Dreamheart, "I'm afraid I do not quite understand what you are asking." (Schvartzgonif winces... please not step on my tail.) Schvartzgonif grins at Dreamheart. Niloa says, "I have not had the pleasure of meeting with an avatar of Damaris, nor to see that one would deign to create one of our circles." Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. Dreamheart asks, "So must I pray for you, or for me, to meet the Panther to learn His circle and colors?" Niloa says, "The circles are a reflection of the self, and the self of the circle, and both of the world." Niloa smiles. You say to Dreamheart, "I think perhaps, to offer it in context, you could create one while reflecting on your devotion to him? I think the colors would be what comes as truth to you." Sinstra says, "It sounds as if the circles are not associated with any particular god or goddess." Traim raises his hand. You nibble your lip thoughtfully. Niloa nods to Sinstra. Sinstra says, "Interesting." Dreamheart furrows her brow. Niloa says, "That is not to say that one could not express devotion with them." Niloa asks, "As devotion is also part of the self, is it not?" Niloa smiles. Liurilias nods in agreement. You nod in agreement. Liurilias says, "It should be." Liurilias casually observes the area. Schvartzgonif asks, "Are certain colors easier for beginners in the arts?" Niloa asks Schvartzgonif, "I think you were the next?" You flash a quick grin at Liurilias. Niloa says, "The colors are what they are. It is the self that you may wish to question the difficulty of accepting." Niloa smiles at Schvartzgonif. Schvartzgonif asks, "And as for donations?" Schvartzgonif asks, "I didn't see a tithe box for procuring, err.. donating?" Niloa says, "I collect them for the temple, but not during a discussion such as this, as it would be disruptive." Schvartzgonif nods. Niloa ponders. Schvartzgonif says, "So you will reside in the premises here." Schvartzgonif nods. Niloa says to Schvartzgonif, "Mainly, yes." Niloa asks Traim, "You've a question?" Traim gives a slight nod. Traim asks Niloa, "You suggest the circles reflect self-awareness, the self. Your circles are serene. What happens if the circle is drawn by someone not so serene? Are the circles then chaos?" Niloa smiles at Traim. Niloa says, "I should say that all has stillness within, though many do not choose to embrace this truth." Traim ponders. Niloa says, "It is an interesting thing, watching those who seem to not reside within themselves attempting to reflect only one thing and not another." Niloa says, "But the circle is as it is." Traim gives a slight nod. Niloa says to Traim, "We do not see things as they are, we seem them as we are." Niloa smiles. Traim quietly says, "This makes sense to me. Thank you." Niloa says, "You are welcome." Sinstra says, "I have many questions, but I will let the others go first." Niloa asks, "Are there other questions, then?" Niloa smiles softly. Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. Schvartzgonif ponders. Niloa says to Sinstra, "As the reed does bend." Traim asks, "One more, if you don't mind, lady. You said the salt was for "wholeness." Could you explain that more? How is salt "wholeness"?" Niloa smiles at Sinstra. Sinstra gives Niloa a slight nod. Niloa says to Traim, "I'd said that the dispensing of the remaining salts from the vial at the end of the circle's completion was for wholeness." Niloa smiles. Traim says, "Ah." Niloa asks, "Did you perhaps come in a bit late?" Niloa peers quizzically at Traim. Traim gives a slight nod. Traim says, "My apologies. I will catch up from someone that was present." Sinstra says, "You were here earlier than I was, at least." Sinstra gives Traim a slight nod. Niloa says, "I ask only because at the start, I spoke of why salt is used. It is no trouble to explain again." Niloa smiles. Traim smiles. Schvartzgonif raises her hand. Niloa says, "Salt is a thing that is found as a commonality amongst many aspects of nature." Niloa says, "It is chosen specifically because of this." Niloa nods to Traim. Niloa asks Schvartzgonif, "Yes?" Traim nods. Schvartzgonif says, "Are there particular motions which need to be done both to draw and erase the circles? for instance, I observed at one point you circled thrice around the circle while erasing it.." Niloa says, "The movements come as one comes to know the movements. When there is right mindfulness, the circle and its creation are just... well, just there." Schvartzgonif nods. Niloa says, "There is no thought, no knowledge, no practice beyond practice. There is simply being." Niloa smiles. Niloa asks, "Was there anyone else?" Dreamheart smiles at Sinstra. Sinstra says, "When they are finished." Liurilias asks, "Was I correct in hearing that you said there would salt available for those who wish to practice the circles?" Niloa nods to Liurilias. You raise your hand. Liurilias gives a slight nod. Niloa says, "We prepare them here, and I can give some out to those who wish it. We ask only for a small donation in return, so that we can continue our practices." Liurilias gives Niloa a courteous nod. Niloa asks you, "Yes?" Niloa smiles. You ask, "Pardon if this is a bit more... secular, than previous topics, but I'd wondered if any of the Houses, yours perhaps?... Played a major role in the development and construction of the Temple?" Niloa exclaims, "The supply is not exhaustive, as the creation does take a bit of time -- oh!" Niloa smiles at you. Niloa says to you, "That is quite a good question, if they can be grouped by value." Niloa smiles. Dreamheart shifts her weight. Niloa says, "Perhaps it is more true to say that I enjoy that question." Niloa grins. You flash a quick grin at Niloa. Niloa says, "The answer is yes, of a sort." Niloa smiles. Niloa says, "The history of the temple predates this building by quite some time, so it is most true to say that all of the Houses had a hand in it, if simply by moving themselves away from expressing the fullness of the oldest ways." Niloa says, "This is not a bad thing, but simply a natural one." You nod to Niloa. Niloa says, "As with any effect, there is a cause, and any cause creates its own effect." Niloa says, "But, more directly and less abstract, the Floating Reed was in its earliest forms a great influence, as it was also greatly influenced." Sinstra says, "Hmmm." You notice a curious silvery-blue baby bear sniff at Sinstra for a moment. Niloa says, "Most recently, we can credit the Ferdahl and her House for allowing us to build." Sinstra glances at a curious silvery-blue baby bear. Niloa smiles. Niloa asks, "I'd say that is most absolutely having a hand, yes?" You nod at Niloa, in complete agreement with her views. Miskton smiles. Schvartzgonif nods. You notice a curious silvery-blue baby bear sniff at Sinstra for a moment. Niloa asks Dreamheart, "Are you well, traveler?" Sinstra says, "That bear is becoming a nuisance." Dreamheart nods to Niloa. Dreamheart says, "Yes, ma'am." You notice as a curious silvery-blue baby bear looks around absentmindedly. Niloa says to Sinstra, "Ahh, but the bear is but an aspect of all things, as are you. As am I." Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. Sinstra says to Niloa, "If you say so." Niloa says, "There is peace within chaos if one knows how to look." Niloa smiles at Sinstra. Sinstra says to Niloa, "I must ask. Why is the temple not devoted to any one god? It would suit Alamhif, or perhaps Kertigen." Niloa says, "Ahh, well, this is more so as to not put a view upon the student." Sinstra asks Niloa, "What do you mean by that?" Niloa says, "It is not our wish to replace the belief, nor to enforce it, but simply to allow the student to reflect upon what they already knows is true, should they accept the search. The Immortals are Truth, they find their ways to speak." Sinstra says, "So, in short, you wish to be unbiased, if I understand what you are saying correctly." Niloa says, "All truth is felt more deeply when found by the seeker themself." Niloa nods to Sinstra. Niloa says, "Precisely this." Sinstra says, "Why so far up in the mountains, in the middle of creatures that are incredibly dangerous? It is quite a challenge for most to get here alive, let alone unscathed." Niloa smiles broadly. Niloa asks, "It does run counter to expectation, doesn't it?" Niloa says, "But there are manifold reasons." Sinstra says, "Let us hear them, then." Sinstra nods to Niloa. Niloa says, "First, and most deeply, it is representative of the wholeness of which I have spoken. There is truth in even thw wyverns, even the horrors that infest this mountain. While the corrupted creatures are not that which should be embraced, they are a lesson to observe nonetheless." Niloa asks, "Perhaps even moreso because of their foulness, their destruction of truth. They are object lessons, are they not?" Sinstra says, "Hm. I am not sure I really understand. You cannot learn while dead, after all." Niloa says, "The wyverns, however, may well be terrifying and very deadly, but they are nature none the less. They are truth." Niloa asks, "But don't we?" Niloa peers quizzically at Sinstra. Sinstra says, "Not in the way that you seem to be wanting to teach, I do not think." Liurilias quietly says, "If I may be so bold..." Niloa says, "We learn of death, we learn of unbeing, we learn of the Immortals and of ourselves." Schvartzgonif ponders I usually learn i should have more favors when i die. Sinstra gives Liurilias a slight nod. Liurilias says, "From one perspective, you could say that this place inherently represents the peace or order within chaos that one can find if one should choose to seek it." Niloa asks Liurilias, "Yes?" Niloa nods. Niloa says to Liurilias, "That is precisely correct." Sinstra says, "Hmmm." Liurilias says, "So while it may be a challenge to arrive here, no journey of self-discovery comes without effort and trials." Niloa nods to Liurilias. You nod at Liurilias, in complete agreement with his views. Sinstra says, "I suppose that is true." Liurilias shifts uncomfortably for a moment. Miskton nods. Schvartzgonif nods to Liurilias. Niloa says, "And one must accept that even the things we wish were not in ourselves must be faced." Liurilias leans back. Sinstra asks Niloa, "Would you be willing to give me a tour of this place?" Niloa says, "Just as the creatures on this mountain must." Niloa says to Sinstra, "Of course." Liurilias softly says to Niloa, "Ah, a point I hadn't quite ascertained." Sinstra says, "I would also be quite interested in meeting some of your elders." Niloa says to Sinstra, "Most do not reside here, but when they stop in from their travels, I can make an arrangement if you would like." Niloa smiles at Sinstra. Sinstra nods to Niloa. Sinstra asks, "I would like that, yes. When are they expected in?" Niloa says, "We were a wandering order for so very long, and much of the practice encourages it. To experience, to travel, to learn as all." Niloa says, "I do not know precisely. They come as they come." Niloa says, "I can send word, though." Sinstra says, "A rough idea would be good, at least." Niloa smiles softly. Niloa says, "I should expect that one will come within the year to bring more of the salts." Sinstra raises an eyebrow. Sinstra says, "A year? That is quite a long time." Niloa says, "I would be remiss to tell you a shorter time, as I can not be certain." Sinstra says, "I suppose I can arrange a meeting with them at a later time. I cannot spend an entire year away from the temple." Sinstra frowns. Niloa says to Sinstra, "I can send word when one of them arrive, if you would like." Liurilias says, "Recently I've been in the area if you would like me to bring word to you at the Temple should one arrive." Liurilias nods to Sinstra. Niloa smiles. Sinstra nods to Liurilias. Niloa asks, "Did the rest of you wish a tour as well?" Schvartzgonif says, "That would be most enlightening." Schvartzgonif nods. Sinstra says, "In the meantime, I would like that tour." Niloa asks Sinstra, "Or did you wish a private one?" Traim says, "I'd like to see it with your guidance, again." Traim says, "If...of course.." You gaze hopefully at Niloa. You nod in agreement. Sinstra says, "What is the name of the person in over-arching charge of the temple? I know you seem to favor balance here, but there must be someone who is in charge." Dreamheart nods to Niloa. Miskton says, "I've taken a walk around on my own, but a tour would be appreciated." Niloa says, "The Luminary Kaluto is the eldest of us." Sinstra asks Niloa, "Hmm. I have not heard that name before. Can I arrange a meeting, if possible?" Niloa says, "When she returns, of course." Niloa smiles at Sinstra. Sinstra asks, "Is she the one who makes the salts, then?" Niloa says, "She is one of them, yes." Niloa smiles. Sinstra nods to Niloa. Sinstra says, "All right, let's have that tour." Sinstra joins Niloa's group. Niloa smiles. Everyone joins Niloa's group. You smile. Niloa asks Sinstra, "Do you mind if the others -- join?" Niloa smiles. You try hard not to grin. Liurilias scratches one ear, looking bemused. Dreamheart says, "No pressure or anything there." Schvartzgonif chortles softly at some secret joke. Sinstra says, "Of course not, the more the... merrier." You notice a curious silvery-blue baby bear suddenly acquires a look of mission. Dreamheart casually observes the area. Dreamheart nods to Sinstra. Niloa smiles serenely. Liurilias covers his mouth with his hand. Niloa bows. Niloa says, "This is of course where I teach, mainly." Sinstra takes a deep breath and looks dizzy for just a moment. Sinstra says, "It smells.... strong." Dreamheart takes a deep breath and looks dizzy for just a moment. Schvartzgonif takes a deep breath and looks dizzy for just a moment. Niloa says, "Ahh, yes. You get used to it." Niloa nods. Dreamheart inhales a great swallow of air. You follow Niloa south. [Temple of Serenity, Sanctuary] Niloa says, "Of course, you all have seen this area upon entering, but I like to encourage everyone to take close attention of the eye." look eye Sinstra asks, "The vertical-slitted eye. Can you explain that, please?" Liurilias says, "The Savant's Eye, I think." Schvartzgonif asks, "Thought and will?" Niloa says, "It is the savant eye." Schvartzgonif ponders. Niloa nods to Liurilias. Sinstra says, "Ah." Sinstra frowns. Niloa says, "As a symbol, it is an aspirational image." Schvartzgonif nods. Sinstra asks, "Why an orange iris?" Niloa says, "A small portion of Elotheans are born with eyes like this." Sinstra asks, "Orange, and savant?" Dreamheart says, "Amber eyes, I thought." Niloa nods to Dreamheart. Dreamheart furrows her brow. Dreamheart says, "I swear that was what the Ambassador had." Niloa says, "Amber and slit as so. That is the savant eye." Sinstra says, "Hm." Sinstra says, "Well. Continue." Niloa says, "It is considered to be the sign of a very adept mind, a person with innate insight." Niloa smiles. Sinstra nods to Niloa. Niloa says, "This is why it is for us an aspirational thing. While physically we are not as so, we can yet strive towards the ideal of self, to really understand." Niloa smiles. You follow Niloa west. [Temple of Serenity, Sanctuary] Niloa says, "Here is where we keep the scrolls I mentioned." read first scroll read second scroll read third scroll read fourth scroll Schvartzgonif reaches toward a scroll, but stops before she touches it. Schvartzgonif ponders. Schvartzgonif sniffs the air around her. Sinstra says, "They appear fragile." Niloa says, "They are quite old." Niloa smiles. Sinstra says, "How old? They also seem rather simple, although perhaps they do not show all the writing." Dreamheart says, "But curiously without an important imprint of history." Niloa says to Dreamheart, "For a very long time, they were not important to many at all." Niloa says, "Hopefully that will change now, as we can reach more travelers with the physical temple." Niloa says to Sinstra, "Simplicity is superficial in the writings here." Sinstra frowns. Sinstra says, "I see." Niloa says, "We encourage reflection, but many find difficulty in reflecting upon all at once." Liurilias nods to a scroll. Niloa says, "There is much to be found within these scrolls, but it takes time to come." Niloa smiles. Liurilias says, "I especially like the third and fourth." Niloa smiles. Sinstra asks, "The still waters?" Liurilias nods to Sinstra. Sinstra says, "A bit ironic as well, considering you are right next to a roaring waterfall." Niloa taps her forehead. Niloa grins at Sinstra. Liurilias chuckles. You follow Niloa north. [Temple of Serenity, Sanctuary] Schvartzgonif takes a deep breath and looks dizzy for just a moment. look lant Sinstra takes a deep breath and looks dizzy for just a moment. Niloa says, "To the east is the podium again, this area is a rather simple square design, though the rice paper warms it some." You breathe in slightly. Sinstra says, "Hmm." Niloa says, "This next room is my favorite." Niloa smiles. Temple Emissary Niloa's group went through a narrow golden door flanked by softly glowing lanterns. [Temple of Serenity, Meditation Chamber] Sinstra says, "Ah, interesting." Niloa smiles softly. Sinstra says, "I see you have waters here." Niloa says, "We have many, yes." look pool Schvartzgonif taps a crystalline bell, it rings with a gentle, pleasing note. Schvartzgonif says, "Very pretty." look bell A slightly rosy hue infuses the crystal. Schvartzgonif smiles. Sinstra just touched a silver-lined pool. tap bell You beam! Dreamheart taps a crystalline bell, it rings with a gentle, pleasing note. Niloa says, "The motifs repeat and reflect themselves throughout." Dreamheart appears to be listening intently for something. Sinstra gives a slight nod. You follow Niloa east. [Temple of Serenity, Narrow Hallway] Niloa says, "This area leads into the spring." Niloa smiles. Schvartzgonif reaches up toward one of the lanterns. look lant Tiny sunbursts detailed in golden ink pattern the rice paper lantern. You follow Niloa east. [Temple of Serenity, Narrow Hallway] look blossom Nearly luminescent in its pallor, the blossom has incredibly thin, delicate petals. touch blossom You reach out and touch a pallid lotus blossom. Sinstra asks, "Into the spring?" Niloa nods to Sinstra. Temple Emissary Niloa's group went into a narrow passageway. [Temple of Serenity, Side Room] Sinstra asks, "Do you let people swim in it?" Niloa taps a golden ladder leading down into the spring. Sinstra says, "Ah." Niloa says, "We encourage it." Niloa smiles. Schvartzgonif says, "Among my people, water is a very precious resource. very nice." look attendant bow attendant Schvartzgonif nods to Niloa. Niloa says, "Thank you." Chieftain Schvartzgonif climbed down a golden ladder leading down into the spring. Chieftain Schvartzgonif climbed up a golden ladder leading down into the spring. Schvartzgonif joins Niloa's group. Niloa says, "The spring itself is the last portion of the temple." Sinstra says, "Fairly small." Niloa says, "But I'll not presume that everyone wishes a swim." Niloa nods to Sinstra. You nibble your lip thoughtfully. Niloa says, "We have all that we need." Schvartzgonif's body is dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around her. Traim climbed down a golden ladder leading down into the spring. Traim climbed up a golden ladder leading down into the spring. Niloa says, "Those of you who do visit the spring will note that the savant eye is present there as well." Traim hands the sales clerk some coins. Traim gives a slight nod. You nod in agreement. Traim vigorously rubs his body with a fluffy white towel, drying himself off as much as possible. The white towel is still too wet for Traim to use! Schvartzgonif stretches languidly, tilting her head back and basking under an imaginary blazing summer sun. Maybe she should get out more. Traim joins Niloa's group. Niloa says to Sinstra, "We are a simple order, really." Sinstra nods to Niloa. Sinstra says, "I see that, yes." Sinstra asks, "Is the outside protected against the wyverns?" Niloa says, "The area within our gates, yes." Sinstra says, "Let's see that area as well." Niloa says, "It took some time, but they no longer trouble us." Niloa nods to Sinstra. Niloa says, "As you wish." Traim says, "Formidable guards. To keep the bone wyverns out." Temple Emissary Niloa's group went into a narrow passageway. Schvartzgonif says, "A big fence probably." Schvartzgonif slowly empties her lungs. Temple Emissary Niloa's group went through a set of wide double doors. [Temple of Serenity, Garden Entrance] Liurilias chuckles. Niloa smiles. Traim asks, "Against flying wyverns?" Traim peers quizzically at Schvartzgonif. Schvartzgonif asks, "They fly?" Schvartzgonif gulps. Sinstra asks, "How do you keep the wyverns out?" Liurilias says, "The adults definitely can." Sinstra gazes up at the sky. Niloa says, "They no longer wish to inhabit this area." Schvartzgonif asks, "I suppose there are a steady supply of vict... hunters... for the wyverns to eat elsewhere?" Niloa says, "The building itself is created to bother their ability to see." Schvartzgonif grins. Sinstra says, "Ah." Niloa says, "We watched them for a very long time, trying to note why the choose the areas they do." Niloa says, "When we felt we understood what they preferred, we created as much of the opposite as we could." Niloa smiles. Sinstra gives a slight nod. Traim casually observes the area. Schvartzgonif exclaims, "Now i wish I knew how to do that!" Schvartzgonif nods to Niloa. Niloa says, "In your own stillness, you may see the truths of others." Niloa says, "Especially when the other is one who is very clear in action." Niloa grins. Sinstra says, "Well. I hope you do not mind if I come explore this place again another time." Sinstra nods to Niloa. Niloa says, "I hope you become a regular visitor." Niloa smiles at Sinstra. Sinstra says to Niloa, "We will see." You follow Niloa south. [Wyvern Mountain, Temple of Serenity] Sinstra says, "I think I will head back to the Temple for now, however." Niloa smiles at Sinstra. Niloa says, "Thank you for making the trip." Sinstra gives a slight nod. Liurilias gazes off into the distance. Niloa says, "I always enjoy the curious mind." Schvartzgonif says, "I hope to bring my spouse. I'm sure it would be fascinating. but I don't think it would be possible yet." Schvartzgonif nods. Liurilias nods at Sinstra, obviously agreeing with her views. Niloa says, "When the time is right, people find themselves where they need to be." Niloa smiles. Schvartzgonif exclaims, "Nice you keep the place clean, too!" Schvartzgonif nods. Niloa says, "No reason to not." Niloa says, "Plenty of clutter in the rest of the world for one to experience." Dreamheart says to Schvartzgonif, "Litter does not add to tranquility." Schvartzgonif says, "True that." Schvartzgonif nods to Dreamheart. Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. Niloa asks, "Does anyone else have any questions?" Niloa smiles serenely. Miskton ponders. Traim scans the sky from horizon to horizon. A low fog rolls in, then just as quickly rolls out. Liurilias asks, "Where are the salts available and is there a particular place that is expected for their usage?" Liurilias cocks his head at Niloa. Niloa says, "I'll be passing them out." Niloa says, "But no, one may practice them more or less anywhere. I don't suggest in the water though." Niloa grins. Traim chuckles. Schvartzgonif asks, "Are members of your order then mostly Elothean?" Niloa says, "Not really, though many are." Miskton chuckles. Liurilias chortles softly at some secret joke. Traim asks, "Is your order pacifist, lady?" Niloa says, "Before settling here, I suppose we were largely Elothean and Human, but in our travels we met many others." Schvartzgonif nods. Liurilias points at himself. Niloa says to Traim, "Not really, no." Liurilias asks, "Including Pr'ydaen?" Liurilias angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Niloa. Niloa nods to Liurilias. Niloa says, "Of course." Niloa says, "Any who wish to learn, we shall show the way." Liurilias shifts uncomfortably for a moment. Niloa smiles. Liurilias asks, "Are there many of the Kin who have studied with you?" Liurilias angles his ears forward in curiosity. Niloa says to Traim, "To return to your question, it is more that we do not find value in exclusion. The reed must bend as the wind does blow and the waters do shift." You say, "I'll be right back, a safer journey by moongate to the city will be available for any who would like." Traim nods. Niloa says to Liurilias, "I can not say, exactly. Often, we traveled alone or in small groups for long periods of time." You wander east. Liurilias's ears perk up happily. Schvartzgonif blinks. Liurilias says to Niloa, "I would like to hear more about that some time." Niloa says, "Those are always so very eye catching." Niloa smiles at Liurilias. Sinstra nods to Liurilias. Liurilias bows to Sinstra. You nod to Dreamheart. Sinstra gives Liurilias a slight nod. Schvartzgonif asks, "Have many s'kra from muspar'i made the journey here?" Schvartzgonif peers quizzically at Niloa. Sinstra says, "I need to return to the Crossing. I do not suppose any of you have a Moongate there." Niloa says, "Since we opened the temple itself? I do not believe so. Not many have made the trip at all, but I do not make practice to inquire." Schvartzgonif nods. Sinstra says to Niloa, "Before I go, I would like to get a sample of that salt." Traim says to Sinstra, "I can open a gate there." Niloa smiles. Traim nods. Sinstra says, "That would be most welcome." Sinstra nods to Traim. Traim says, "Give me a moment to survive the Ways. Hopefully." Niloa says to Sinstra, "Of course." Traim gestures. Traim gestures. Schvartzgonif says, "Wish i could do that, too." Niloa says, "Just a moment, then." Schvartzgonif grins. Temple Emissary Niloa goes north. Schvartzgonif gazes at a pool of black shadows. Schvartzgonif sniffs at a curious silvery-blue baby bear. You notice a curious silvery-blue baby bear sniff at you for a moment. You chortle softly at some secret joke. Schvartzgonif hums to herself. Sinstra ponders. Liurilias passes his hand through the shadows. Schvartzgonif says, "Seems like a very nice place to relax. although again, i wish the neighbors were a bit less hostile." Schvartzgonif nods. A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw. Traim came through a black Moongate. Liurilias says, "There's something amusing and eerie about doing that." Schvartzgonif peers through the Moongate. Miskton grins at Liurilias. Liurilias peers through the Moongate. Schvartzgonif passes her hand through the shadows. Liurilias bows to Sinstra. Schvartzgonif says, "Woah,." Schvartzgonif grins. Sinstra peers through the Moongate. Liurilias says to Sinstra, "May the Immortals shelter you til we meet again." A black Moongate collapses in on itself. Traim says, "I left a beam there." Sinstra says to Traim, "Give me a moment, if you will. I am waiting to get a sample of the salt." Traim nods. Temple Emissary Niloa just arrived. Niloa smiles. Sinstra says, "Ah, there she is." Sinstra nods to Niloa. Niloa says, "I had to fill a vial for you." Niloa offers Sinstra a glass vial with softly colored chambers. Sinstra accepts Niloa's glass vial. Sinstra says, "Thank you." Niloa smiles. Sinstra begins to carefully examine a glass vial with softly colored chambers. Niloa says, "Of course." Sinstra says to Traim, "I would appreciate the gate again now, please." Traim says, "The gate is ready whenever needed." Sinstra says, "And thank you." Sinstra gives a slight nod. Traim gestures. Schvartzgonif peers through the Moongate. Sinstra says to Liurilias, "We will speak again." Traim bows. Niloa smiles. Sinstra nods. Liurilias nods to Sinstra. Sinstra peers through the Moongate. Temple Inquisitor Sinstra went through a blue Moongate. You say to Niloa, "Thank you for sharing the circles with us. I look forwards to the practice." You smile at Niloa. Liurilias nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views. Miskton nods in agreement. Dreamheart says, "So thoughtful of you to make it to the temple for her, Traim." You say, "...and for showing us around again." Niloa says, "Would the rest of you like some salts? I could fill you some as well." Niloa smiles softly. Miskton says, "Yes, thank you for the demonstration." Schvartzgonif says, "Yes please." Schvartzgonif nods to Niloa. Dreamheart nods to Niloa. Miskton says, "That would be wonderful, thank you." You exclaim to Niloa, "Oh, yes please!" Niloa says, "If you all have just a moment to wait, then. I'll return shortly." Traim nods to Niloa. Traim smiles. Miskton nods. The baby bear growls, "Might I carry one?" Schvartzgonif nods.
A blue Moongate collapses in on itself. Niloa says, "I don't see why not." Niloa smiles. Liurilias nods to Niloa. You grin at a curious silvery-blue baby bear. Liurilias says to Niloa, "Yes please." Niloa smiles. Niloa says, "I will be just a moment, then." Temple Emissary Niloa goes north. You hum happily to yourself. Liurilias leans on Traim. Liurilias lets out a long, contemplative breath. Traim nods to Liurilias. Liurilias says to Traim, "That went well." Traim asks Liurilias, "An interesting place, yes?" Liurilias nods in agreement. Traim says to Liurilias, "Agreed." You nod in agreement. Schvartzgonif nods. Traim says, "A lot of what they teach here is reminiscent in my mind to philosophies I've read in the empaths' histories." Temple Emissary Niloa just arrived. Traim says, "I wonder about the roots of the traditions." Niloa smiles. Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. Traim smiles. You say, "The smile of Enelne spreads across this place. Tis so alive, and beautiful." You grin sheepishly. Miskton smiles at Niloa. Liurilias gazes thoughtfully at you. Liurilias says to you, "I was not aware you were a believer in the Pack." Niloa offers Traim a glass vial with softly colored chambers. Traim accepts Niloa's glass vial. Traim bows to Niloa. Niloa gets a glass vial with softly colored chambers from inside her opalescent pack. You adjust your varna armband into place. Traim says to Niloa, "Thank you." You nod at Liurilias, in complete agreement with his views. Niloa offers you a glass vial with softly colored chambers. You accept Niloa's offer and are now holding a glass vial with softly colored chambers. You beam at Niloa!
turn vial study vial app vial
Schvartzgonif smiles at Niloa. Niloa smiles. Traim asks, "Are these..for now..available only through you, lady?" Niloa nods. You say to Niloa, "Even just the vial that holds them is lovely. Thank you very much." Niloa says, "Yes." Traim nods to Niloa. Niloa smiles at you. Dreamheart says to Niloa, "Thank you very much, my Lady." The baby bear growls, "It won't break if you drop it, will it?" Miskton smiles at Niloa. Miskton says to Niloa, "Thank you." Niloa smiles. Traim says, "I am inclined to try it..but I don't want to waste it. And I know, if it reflects myself at the moment, it will not go well." Traim says to himself, "Patience, alas." Liurilias chuckles at Traim. Traim chuckles. Liurilias pats Traim on the back. Traim puts his vial in his bright golden pouch. You ask, "Bear, do you need a bag or can you pick up the vial?" The baby bear growls, "I think I can pick it up" Niloa says, "We shall see." Niloa smiles. Traim says to Niloa, "Ever had an elemental draw a circle? Might be enlightening." Traim gazes at a curious silvery-blue baby bear. Schvartzgonif grins. Traim chuckles. You notice as a curious silvery-blue baby bear yawns loudly showing a large row of teeth. Niloa sets the vial on the ground near the bear. Schvartzgonif says, "Get a shadow servant to do it." You notice a curious silvery-blue baby bear carefully pick up a glass vial with softly colored chambers. Dreamheart says, "Thank you for your time, and for answering all of our questions tonight." Dreamheart curtsies gracefully to Niloa. Schvartzgonif grins at Traim. Niloa asks, "Can you take it, bear?" Traim says, "That would be interesting too." Niloa smiles. Niloa peers quizzically at a curious silvery-blue baby bear. Niloa asks, "Or can you not talk when it is in your mouth?" You say, "He's got it. I'm not sure if he can... yes." You try hard not to grin. Traim chuckles. Dreamheart nods to you. Dreamheart praises a curious silvery-blue baby bear. Dreamheart says, "Great job, little bear." Liurilias bows to Niloa. Niloa asks, "I think that is everyone, yes?" Niloa smiles. Liurilias asks Niloa, "How much is the donation?" Traim nods in agreement. Niloa says, "Oh no, none for this time." Niloa smiles. Dreamheart beams at Niloa! Liurilias frowns slightly. Dreamheart says, "Oh, thank you very much." Schvartzgonif asks, "How much in the future?" Liurilias gives Niloa some coins. Liurilias folds his arms across his chest. Traim smirks at Liurilias. Traim says to Niloa, "Thank you, lady." Niloa gives Liurilias some coins. Niloa says, "Next time." Dreamheart says to you, "If your moongate is ready, so am I." Niloa nods to Liurilias. Liurilias flicks his ears restlessly. You nod to Dreamheart. Schvartzgonif nods to you. Dreamheart says, "Thank you again, Lady Niloa." You exclaim, "Of course. Always a pleasure to see you!" Niloa says, "It is a gift for your own presence." You wrap an arm around Dreamheart's shoulder in a friendly hug. Dreamheart curtsies gracefully to Niloa. You raise an arm skyward, chanting the equation of the Moongate spell. Liurilias asks Niloa, "Are you sure?" Dreamheart hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile. Schvartzgonif says, "I'd like to take that moongate too if you don't mind." Niloa says, "To thank you all for coming and listening." Niloa nods to Liurilias. Schvartzgonif nods to Niloa. You say to Schvartzgonif, "Nope." Traim says to Niloa, "I expect the offer is unnecessary, but should you ever need assistance for anything here, please let me know." Niloa smiles. Schvartzgonif says, "Thank you for the demonstration." You grin impishly. You gesture. A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly. Dreamheart chuckles. Niloa says to Traim, "Thank you." Inspiration Dreamheart went through a blue Moongate. Niloa says, "And you are all welcome." Chieftain Schvartzgonif went through a blue Moongate. Niloa says, "If you wish more, I am generally at the podium." Traim nods to Niloa. Niloa says, "Unless my duties require me elsewhere." Niloa smiles. You nod to Niloa. Miskton says to Niloa, "Thank you again. I expect I will find my way here again before long." Miskton smiles. Niloa smiles. Niloa says, "I look forward to it." Liurilias smiles. Niloa bows. You exclaim to Niloa, "Thank you kindly once again. Fortune favor!" Miskton nods politely to Niloa. You flash a wide grin. Court Mage Miskton went through a blue Moongate. Traim asks, "Anyone want that gate to Crossing before I travel myself?" You blink. Niloa says, "I should go clean up the rest of the salt." You nod to Traim. Niloa grins. You say, "Aye, please." Traim nods to you. Liurilias says to Niloa, "Thank you for your time and patience." Traim gestures. A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly. Traim peers through the Moongate. Niloa says, "Thank you." Niloa smiles. Niloa bows. Traim bows. You bob a quick curtsy. | |
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia/Ilithi Events, by BLADEDBUTTERFLY on the forums. |