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Post:Thief Confidence - 07/07/2013 - 13:09

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Re: Thief Confidence · on 07/07/2013 01:09 PM CDT 2174
Hiya folks,

Here's my take on the matter. Confidence acts as a bonus or penalty to a bonus, so it has to be talked about in relation to urban bonus. If you have no urban bonus and bad confidence you are working with a minor penalty. If you have some urban bonus and good confidence you are working with a major bonus. Even with the worst possible confidence you can end up with a bonus to skills in urban areas. This is a bonus that costs nothing to use, is on all the time, affects a ton of skills, and stacks with just about anything else, though is varied by location.

For the ease and potency of this there are few drawbacks. Mechanically, yes, the ways to gain confidence aren't as flushed out as it deserves to be, but the passive gain works just fine, and it applies itself to the urban bonus directly, so saying it isn't fully implemented only speaks to a part of the system. The only major drawback I've seen, for all the positives it has, is the confidence tanking on death. This basically means, you probably don't want me looking at it too much, since my impression right now is that it is currently better than good.

Even so, I added a perk to reduce that one major drawback if the player is being raised, specifically due to requests from people in tournament settings. For people who already consider raise a viable option after death, there has been good reviews. Some folks don't think being raised is at all worth the time versus departing. Maybe they'll give it a shot to see how much confidence they save, maybe not. Either way, the argument that dealing with the down side of being raised is worse than dealing with the down side of departing does not make me inclined to make departing easier.

Now, I am currently working through some Thief stuff, though confidence isn't really on my plate for this go round. I think it's likely I can tie in some new confidence gain/loss stuff into the new debilitation abilities, but aside from that I don't plan on much change to the system.

AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate

This message was originally posted in The Thieves \ General Discussions - Thieves, by DR-RIC on the forums.