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Post:Take me to your master - 05/19/2015 - 21:35

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Re: Take me to your master · on 05/19/2015 09:35 PM CDT 856
Forms have no startup cost and a moderate pulsing cost. Forms also reduce your passive IF regen limit.

Berserks have a moderate startup cost and a small pulsing cost.

Meditations have a large startup cost and no pulsing cost.

Duelist increases your passive IF regen limit by a large amount when out of combat.

Tribalist reduces the IF pulsing cost of Forms.

Titan reduces the pulse cost of berserking. Upon reflection, this should probably reduce the statup cost a bit too.

Strategos increases the IF gained from killing enemies or hitting players in PvP.

Powermonger gives an IF bonus. This will reduce the cost of using abilities if you haven't capped them.

Yogi allows you to meditate while standing and reduces the startup cost of meditations.

This message was originally posted in The Barbarians \ The Inner Fire, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.