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Post:Policy Note - 09/10/2013 - 01:20

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Re: Policy Note · on 09/10/2013 01:20 AM CDT 1161
>>There could be running pirate campaigns, goblin campaigns, trolls vs giants, adan'f vs Shard, the possibilities are endless, but the problem is that when we have good event GMs they are tied up trying to do their X amount of hours a week of monitoring the world, and then you have the other GMs that are so neck deep in code that they wouldn't know what year it is in DR.

While this is extremely off topic, I feel obliged to at least mention that we clocked 90 hours of events in the month of August alone.

Right now there are numerous plots happening. Elpalzi guerrilla attacks in Zoluren. Adan'f attacks in Ilithi. Some natural disasters. As well as your general politicking and intrigue, balls, court meetings, rumors and so on.

And that's just August. I haven't started tallying up September yet.

The idea of being an event GM who does nothing but event is really awesome, but speaking as a human being, a lot of the situations CE GMs deal with are not the kind of thing you'd be willing to ignore, even if empowered to do so. For every, 'Mooooom, he won't stop touching meeee!' assist, there is a more serious one where timely GMly intervention can mean the difference between the player being happy and skipping into the night and the player waiting two weeks for onsite to restore them from tape backup. :X

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy Discussions \ Scripting policy, by DR-MELETE on the forums.