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Post:New Skinning - 3/26/2009 - 11:43:43

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Re: New Skinning · on 3/26/2009 11:43:43 AM 63701
1) Each arrange teaches, and makes the subsequent attempts more difficult. This is the only way to increase difficulty in a way that increases exp. I.E. if you arrange 3 times and skin, not only are you getting (increasing) exp per arrange, you are getting better exp on that skin than if you just typed 'arrange'.

2) If your skinning is not ready for a hunting area, you are not going to learn. Don't expect to learn in a 500 combats creature with 200 skinning or whatever. Flip side. Do not expect a creature with 150 in combat to each you at 325 in skinning.

3) Don't use large weapons to skin. If you're a Ranger you have a perk of taking no penalty regardless of what you use, but if you're not you're going to suffer and it's not going to help your exp or your chances. All light edges are good, skinning knife is best.


This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ General Discussions, by DR-ZEYURN on the forums.