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GameMaster Zeyurn
Rank SGM
Type DEV
Tenure Past

Positions & Contributions


You notice an odd, almost godly aura about Zeyurn.

You see GameMaster Zeyurn, a winged S'Kra Mur.
Golden scales ripple across his lean, muscular frame while fierce, red eyes gaze out from a long, tapered snout. Two leathery wings are folded up against his back to create the look of an unusual cape. Beneath them, his long tail sways slowly back and forth in deadly anticipation. Noticing you looking, Zeyurn smiles enough to bare rows of razor-sharp fangs.
His age is completely indeterminant except for the gleam of timeless wisdom in his eyes.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a dirt bag, a button that reads, "Daylight Savings violates the Space-Time Continuum!", a dark black leather satchel edged with gold trim and the words 'For Official Use Only' on the side, a sleek backpack of golden leather clasped with an ebony buckle, an exquisite golden shirt of loose silk with elegant black-embroidered sleeves, an omni-shield ring, a golden tailband crafted to spiral down the entire length of the wearer's tail and some loose golden silk pants with black serpents crawling up the legs.

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You notice an odd, almost godly aura about Zeyurn.

You see GameMaster Zeyurn, a S'Kra Mur Cleric.
He has slitted silver eyes, black scales and a slender tail.
Zeyurn has transcended time.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a loose coat of flowing black silk left open across the chest, some loose golden silk pants with black serpents crawling up the legs, an exquisite golden shirt of loose silk with elegant black-embroidered sleeves, a sleek backpack of golden leather clasped with an ebony buckle, a golden tailband crafted to spiral down the entire length of the wearer's tail, a dark black leather satchel edged with gold trim and the words 'For Official Use Only' on the side and a button that reads, "Daylight Savings violates the Space-Time Continuum!".

Entrances and Exits

A luminous cloud descends from the sky, spreading a warm, golden glow over everything around you. As the cloud hovers just at arm's reach, the light from within it begins to pulsate, and you see a form taking shape in its midst. Soon the vaporous haze has dissipated, and Zeyurn is standing at your side.

Zeyurn is enrobed in a swirl of tiny floating jewel-like lights, which materialize from nowhere and dance around him like flickering bits of lightning. As they fade, so does Zeyurn, who quickly dissipates like a fragile summer storm.