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Post:New SLIPs released! - 10/3/2008 - 14:12:48

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New SLIPs released! · on 10/3/2008 2:12:48 PM 18195
Well, okay, so it was last night, but the posting is now.

As many of you may already know, the spread of SLIP is intended to be viral. The abilities were introduced via GMPC to several players in Platinum and Prime, and can be taught outwards from there. They will not be learnable via NPC and you must find a fellow player to learn it.

Bards, Thieves, Rangers, and Necromancers are capable of learning SLIP maneuvers to some degree, and any of the four guilds can teach any member of the four guilds who is eligible.

To teach another person, you will need some skill in teaching, and SLIP TEACH (person). You do not need any scholarship to be able to receive teaching, however.

Once the ability to SLIP is transferred, the abilities will accumulate naturally as you circle without the need to return to a guildleader.

SLIP abilities use a combination of Stealing and Stalking skill, while accumulation of abilities is circle based.

Without further ado, here are the abilities and when they are learned.


Level 10 - Sleight of Hand with coins.
Level 15 - Ability to Slip coins to people.
Level 20 - Ability to Slip personal objects to/from personal containers.
Level 30 - Ability to Slip personal objects to another person's containers/hands.
Level 40 - Ability to Slip worn items on and off.
Level 50 - Ability to Slip into hiding and stalk a target at same time.
Level 60 - Ability to Slip into hiding and sneak a direction at same time.
Level 70 - Ability to Slip items from the ground to one's possession.


Level 30 - Ability to Slip personal objects to/from personal containers.
Level 40 - Ability to Slip worn items on and off.
Level 50 - Ability to Slip into hiding and stalk a target at same time.
Level 60 - Ability to Slip into hiding and sneak a direction at same time.
Level 90 - Ability to Slip items from the ground to one's possession.


Level 30 - Ability to Slip personal objects to/from personal containers.
Level 40 - Ability to Slip worn items on and off.
Level 50 - Ability to Slip items from the ground to one's possession.
Level 60 - Ability to Slip into hiding and stalk a target at same time.
Level 70 - Ability to Slip into hiding and sneak a direction at same time.


Level 5 - Sleight of Hand with coins.

The ability will be distributed via GM to TF (without an accompanying event) to any interested parties at some point in the near future, with early warning so they can be ATK. After that point, it will be up to TF to distribute however it pleases.


This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic - Survival Skills - Stealth, by DR-ZEYURN on the forums.