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Post:Magic Skillset Changes - 12/11/2009 - 13:56:44

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Magic Skillset Changes · on 12/11/2009 1:56:44 PM 11316
A few changes have been made in the composition of the Magic skillset.

The Magical Devices skill has been rechristened Arcana.

Arcana represents the character's academic knowledge of the concepts of magic. While some applications of this knowledge still requires Attunement (for example, memorizing a spell scroll), the skill itself is purely knowledge based and does not presume any magical talent on the character's part. As such, most NMUs can freely learn and teach it. While the NMU uses of Arcana will be slowly opened to Barbarians in the coming months, please note that as an expression of your guild disadvantage, you may face penalties for being versed in Arcana.

Everything that was encompassed in the Magical Devices skill is still covered by Arcana. The intention of this change is to provide a foundation for increasing the scope and usefulness of the skill over the coming months.


Primary Magic has been subdivided and renamed into a skill relevant to the character's guild (Lunar Magic, Holy Magic, etc.). As it currently stands, this is purely an aesthetic change. While I know we all love speculation, please keep that in mind.

MUs may still teach and learn the primary magical skills as normal. A Moon Mage can listen to a Life Magic class and get something out of it for his Lunar Magic. There is a penalty for "conversion" across guilds, but there always has been, so nothing new there. NMUs still may not teach their flawed understanding of spellcasting, but can cultivate a new, crackpot theory of their own.

Arcana can be taught and learned by everyone, with the guild-specific caveat already mentioned.

This is live in all versions of the game.


This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic (4) \ Magic - Suggestions, Discussions and Thoughts (16), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.