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Post:How I Celebrated The End of HE - 11/18/2013 - 14:16

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Re: How I Celebrated The End of HE · on 11/18/2013 02:16 PM CST 1306
>>Even now, reconsidering RS myself and its potential uses against GMPCs and whatnot,

It's still voluntary, they have to step through the rift. You can just use a seer's sense link OR a recent locate to establish your target (And using a Seer's link is MUCH easier). The spell did move up quite a lot in difficulty however (It's now in roughly the same tier "Eclipse" is, which is what I've been calling "Epic" level - it's past esoteric and not something we've really defined but a place we still have a lot of room to grow into with future spells).

As for Unleash it's much the same as before, the main differences are that you can now control how much mana the spell is prepped at (By varying the Unleash prep), the follow up spell will (usually) prep faster than if it was straight prepped without being unleashed, the chance to destroy the scroll has been reduced (It use to be a fairly weird formula that would have been quite punishing under the new system, now it's a flat chance) and the Heritage House bonus is no longer to casting the spell itself but a further reduction of the chance to destroy scrolls (Look for the other sect bonuses to move away from $CASTMODs and into slightly varying the spells themselves. It's not something I've implemented in 3.1 yet, but it's an approved project and fairly simple to do shouldn't be very time consuming.)

There's a few other spell improvements I want to sneak into 3.1, but I don't know if they'll make it or not. DG, MS, Moonblade, Moongate, SLS and SHM still need varying degrees of work to be where I want them for 3.1 as far as fixing long standing bugs.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ The Lunar Magic Spell Books, by DR-RAESH on the forums.