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Post:Consent policy and predictions · on 7/7/2003 - 22:37:24

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consent policy and predictions · on 7/7/2003 10:37:24 PM 18
Some folks have expressed concern about consent policy and predictions. The official policy is that predictions ARE consent for PvP. Because predictions have the potential to endanger another character as well as drastically affect their ability to do, well, just about anything, you have to expect folks to get upset if you're tossing off predictions at them when they don't want them. Intent is a non-issue. Whether or not you're trying to curse them or just trying to be helpful, the target has no way to know that. Just as someone being AIMed, ADVANCEed or TARGETed has no way to know your intent. Simply put, consent is an in character consideration. If your character goes around predicting on people without their okay, it's entirely reasonable that the target would get mad. As such, you're basically saying, "I understand you may get mad, and my character will accept the consequences of how I choose to play."

GM Westryl, Moon Mage Liaison

This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages, Game Master and Official Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Reposted by:
Eyrick Emal
DR Board Monitor

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy Discussions \ Policy Announcements (Staff only), by MOD-EYRICK on the forums.